FULL crafting tree image/images..

    Jun 26, 2014
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    I'd like to have a high resolution version of the crafting tree/grid thing on the news page..

    I've look at this thread http://starmadedock.net/threads/starmade-0-16-crafting-and-battlemode.2318/ And apparently if you press TAB + o then it would generate, but i just get this error: D:

    And it makes a whole bunch of broken images in the StarMade folder, and some recipes don't even generate at all :(

    I know it's likely a bug or something but i just want the grid so i can know what to craft until that bug is fixed..

    So can someone please link me to a full resolution image? Or maybe a copy of the grid that their StarMade version has generated? It'd really help a lot :)

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    Dec 30, 2013
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    This may or may not be slightly off-topic, but could someone explain to me what the purpose of refining rocks is?

    The way I understand it is:

    Ore -> Capsules -> Metal Mesh -> Metal Grill -> etc.
    Shards -> Capsules -> Circuits -> Charged Circuits -> etc.
    Rocks (Varis, Chabaz, etc.) -> Capsules -> Paint ???

    The only thing I see on the picture that OP is asking for is that Varis capsules and the like can be used to make paint. But what is paint good for?

    Would also like to receive the full image.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    Trust me, you don't. It is huge! The refinery just makes capsules, and the micro only makes two things. The macro is the most interesting. Select the block you want (search by just typing part of the blocks name while you have opened the part where you select the blocks from the list, it acts as a filter) and on the right is a button from which you can view the tree for that block.
    Mar 18, 2014
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    But what is paint good for?
    Changing the color of hull blocks. Get a painting recipe from a shop, e.g. "blue hardened hull", then put it plus hull blocks plus appropriate color paint in a factory.

    On-topic, I hope a full-resolution image isn't literally pasted into the news page but a link would be OK. A listing or database would seem to be a more practical way of accessing the information outside of the game though.
    Aug 30, 2013
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    Changing the color of hull blocks. Get a painting recipe from a shop, e.g. "blue hardened hull", then put it plus hull blocks plus appropriate color paint in a factory.
    A lot of people wanted that for a loooong time! Me included.

    To answer your question OP, look at the news posts. It's a BEAST though, loads like you were on dial-up. You might wanna get Irfanview to see it properly.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Regarding the "full crafting tree". Pressing Tab + O in game will export every single recipe into a folder called 'RecipeGraphs' in your installation directory. It won't merge them together to a big canvas, just export them one by one so you can look them up by title, a useful feature when you need a recipe and don't want to spend hours playing where's waldo on a 14,000+ pixel wide image.

    (I'm not sure why you're getting the gl_exception. Please could you write a bug report?)

    "Why can't we have a full image?!"


    I can see this being a perpetual thing... so here. つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/vqo010mibry54ub/crafting trees.png

    Look how use full it isn't.
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    Jun 7, 2014
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    Regarding the "full crafting tree". Pressing Tab + O in game will export every single recipe into a folder called 'RecipeGraphs' in your installation directory. It won't merge them together to a big canvas, just export them one by one so you can look them up by title, a useful feature when you need a recipe and don't want to spend hours playing where's waldo on a 14,000+ pixel wide image.

    (I'm not sure why you're getting the gl_exception. Please could you write a bug report?)

    "Why can't we have a full image?!"


    I can see this being a perpetual thing... so here. つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/vqo010mibry54ub/crafting trees.png

    However I do like the new textures and asteriods!
    Last edited:
    Jun 7, 2014
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    Oh and BTW thank you for posting the tree. Maybe some of us will be able to cut through largess and figure out what needs to be done so thanks again :)
    Jun 26, 2014
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    Thanks heaps Kupu :D This helps a lot, now i can finally see what things i need for what in full ;)

    Ps: the reason i may be getting the GL exception is probably because i use a kinda old graphics card :/
    I'll write a bug report later to give further details..
    Dec 23, 2013
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    Thanks heaps Kupu :D This helps a lot, now i can finally see what things i need for what in full ;)

    Ps: the reason i may be getting the GL exception is probably because i use a kinda old graphics card :/
    I'll write a bug report later to give further details..
    I get this error also. Using Radeon HD7950 with latest drivers. Are you running in 64-bit?


    Dec 31, 2013
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    This stupid 3.2 MB image crashes my image viewer program!!! :( It is NOT useful :p Maybe I to spend more taxes to amd/ati hardware producents :(


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Well if it isn't use full and so insanely difficult to understand then why did you guy's come up with this? What the hell is the point? It almost seems like your trying to kill this game...
    Let me get this straight, as "trying to kill the game" sort of gets under my skin a little. You think the current system is 'insanely difficult to understand' and would like to read all the information of a single PNG file?

    You have every recipe labelled by block name and ID in the folder 'RecipeGraphs'. If you want to know how to craft a ship core, you can find that specific ship core crafting tree, instantly, in that folder.

    Having every recipe on 1 external image file is not useful for the following reasons.

    1. You will have to manually find that ship core recipe in a sea of 425 recipes on a image sized 8000 x 14000 pixels.
    2. There is no way to index that single image into categories or quickly find it based on labels.
    3. The information for crafting trees has been presented in small, concise trees with required factory labels. All the information to build a certain block is in that single tree. The rest is inconsequential at that point in time.

    Schema has provided the best solution at his disposal to give you all of the crafting tress in a easily read, easily searchable, easily indexable manner.

    I have provided your custom requests for a file that is less efficient at the expense of 4 hours of my free time.

    Killing the game is not on my agenda today.
    Mar 18, 2014
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    Well if it isn't use full and so insanely difficult to understand then why did you guy's come up with this? What the hell is the point? It almost seems like your trying to kill this game withall the crazy difficult things that keep getting added damn will it never end?
    The cubatom system was difficult IMO, because you had to cross-reference the requirements of the thing you want to make with the breakdown of any/all other blocks in the game. If not actually difficult, it was certainly complex.

    In the new system it appears that all you need to know is the nature of the item you want to make. From there the requirements form a clean tree; it's very clear exactly what is needed to make the item. Even if there are 1000 block types in the game, it doesn't make crafting a single block any more complex. It isn't necessary to know anything about the 99x other block types that are not in the target item's crafting tree. (This is also why a composite poster image of the entire crafting tree isn't necessary.)
    Aug 25, 2013
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    This stupid 3.2 MB image crashes my image viewer program!!! :( It is NOT useful :p Maybe I to spend more taxes to amd/ati hardware producents :(
    Most image viewers don't like to open 130 megapixel images, let alone zoom and scroll them smoothly. If you are using Linux, Eye of Mate or Eye of Gnome open it just fine.
    Jun 7, 2014
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    Let me get this straight, as "trying to kill the game" sort of gets under my skin a little. You think the current system is 'insanely difficult to understand' and would like to read all the information of a single PNG file?

    You have every recipe labelled by block name and ID in the folder 'RecipeGraphs'. If you want to know how to craft a ship core, you can find that specific ship core crafting tree, instantly, in that folder.

    Having every recipe on 1 external image file is not useful for the following reasons.

    1. You will have to manually find that ship core recipe in a sea of 425 recipes on a image sized 8000 x 14000 pixels.
    2. There is no way to index that single image into categories or quickly find it based on labels.
    3. The information for crafting trees has been presented in small, concise trees with required factory labels. All the information to build a certain block is in that single tree. The rest is inconsequential at that point in time.

    Schema has provided the best solution at his disposal to give you all of the crafting tress in a easily read, easily searchable, easily indexable manner.

    I have provided your custom requests for a file that is less efficient at the expense of 4 hours of my free time.

    Killing the game is not on my agenda today.
    First off i had no trouble reading the crafting tree. All info i wanted was there and had no difficulties following it.
    Last edited:
    Aug 30, 2013
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    ^ Uh oh.....it begins...

    In all seriousness, the crafting tree might need some work like the new weapon system needed work. Just a little polish. But still, nothing that would RUIN THE GAMEEEEEEE for me.
    Jun 7, 2014
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    Playing this game is supposed to be fun. Having fun isn't trying to get a chemical engineering degree to determine how to " craft " items. Come on! You could have just modified the existing recipe system to use the new capsules circuits and other items recently added to the game. This is supposed to be a marketable game when done, right?
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    Sep 15, 2013
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    I'm not sure why everyone is complaining

    This system is far far FAR superior to the recipe system, and is really not that complicated...