Add autofill and angled blocks to build helper

    Jan 22, 2015
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    Let me begin by saying I lurve the advanced build mode. Lurve. Lurve. Lurve.

    The one thing that does get a tiresome, tho, is filling in all the blocks when I'm using the build helper. Then, after filling it in, having to go back and figure out all the angled blocks that need to go in to 'smooth' the shape. I suspect these are all things that could much better be handled by the build helper itself since figuring out which angles to use can just be build into the formulas.

    One concern would be partial objects. For example, I use the ellipsoid tool to build domes by only filling in half the ellipsoid. So perhaps also add in an option for how much of an object to build (in degrees) and give all objects orientation (also in degrees).
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    Aug 8, 2013
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    I personally would like to see Torus work more like the Epsiloid, where you choose the outer dimensions, height, width, and length, and then choose the inner tube radius. I love using it to make fancy pillars and that would make it much easier.
    Jan 22, 2015
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    I personally would like to see Torus work more like the Epsiloid, where you choose the outer dimensions, height, width, and length, and then choose the inner tube radius. I love using it to make fancy pillars and that would make it much easier.
    I'm all for as much control as we can get on the shape building. As I mentioned I'd like to be able to use half an ellipsoid for a dome or maybe a quarter of an ellipsoid for the corner of a building or turret, etc. And I can definitely see how being able to set all the dimensions of a torus would be useful in making old school sci-fi looking stuff.
    Feb 1, 2015
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    i agree with all of these, as well as adding other shapes and fills. like triangles, etc
    Jul 17, 2017
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    I also agree if there was a tool that we could use to fill a certain area that would be nice
    Jul 17, 2017
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    I also think there should be an auto fill I am working on my space station making a hanger for my ships and god is it taking a long time to fill up those walls. I tapped my mouse so much its become muscle memory lol :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    • Schine
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Thinking Positive
    Please try the pre-release build. It now has a fill tool.


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    • Schine
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Thinking Positive
    is that the same version on steam?
    No, it's a different version. Ahead with newest features that might not be complete. In steam you have the launcher, and there is a build type setting on it. Change it to pre-release and back up your content. Then hit update. That's will be the latest pre-release version.

    If you give it a few days it'll likely go to release (granted if we don't find any game breaking bugs).

    As a warning on Pre-release builds. They are generally more stable then dev builds but could not be release ready(crashes, data loss, etc)
    Jul 17, 2017
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    No, it's a different version. Ahead with newest features that might not be complete. In steam you have the launcher, and there is a build type setting on it. Change it to pre-release and back up your content. Then hit update. That's will be the latest pre-release version.

    If you give it a few days it'll likely go to release (granted if we don't find any game breaking bugs).

    As a warning on Pre-release builds. They are generally more stable then dev builds but could not be release ready(crashes, data loss, etc)
    Sweet thanks alot, you guys have turned me in to a fan for life. at least you guys respond to us I was playing stellar overload before this and while the game was good it was very lacking in some areas like I built a space station in space and reloaded the game and it just vanished. So I was like no problem I talk to them see what or what they are trying to do. not even a response very sad.
    No, it's a different version. Ahead with newest features that might not be complete. In steam you have the launcher, and there is a build type setting on it. Change it to pre-release and back up your content. Then hit update. That's will be the latest pre-release version.

    If you give it a few days it'll likely go to release (granted if we don't find any game breaking bugs).

    As a warning on Pre-release builds. They are generally more stable then dev builds but could not be release ready(crashes, data loss, etc)
    Thats so much better thanks I like the the brush option to!