Oh no, not Another Fuel Thread


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    My suggestion does not add fuel, but as a result of this idea fuel could perhaps be included to be a tradeable/transportable/storable/perishable item like food maybe.

    I propose we intruduce a mixer machine of sorts. Or a sort of space carburetor, that can be configured to either output energy, thrust or both.

    This device/machine would be able to combine raw or refined resources like a factory to produce the desired output. As with a factory, this would require a recipe based system to acheive the desired output.

    The output would be what we then use as power or thrust.

    This ideas is not limited to a fuel/energy scenario.
    You could use it to produce rare items that require special kinds of refinement that then degrade like a decaying derelict station. Perhaps without a special kind of containment. Kind of like the difference between storing gasoline/petrol in a can as apposed to a bucket. In a can it lasts longer than in a bucket where it slowly evaporates.

    All these mechanics already exist in the game in different forms.
    I'm just suggesting using them in a different way.

    Naturally, I would want to have logic/storage connectivity and controls similar to the factories.

    If need be, why don't we just use the existing refinery and add fuel, power or thrust as an output.
    This would then expend the resource with no return apart from the energy derived.

    The mechanics in the game could be the output is determined by some sort of containment+reactor module slaved to the refinery. Or the refinery slaved to the modules. Maybe in this slaving example replace reactor with auxiliary reactor for the power on/off control and instability.

    How say you all? ;-)
    Aug 1, 2015
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    Is food/fuel a mechanic we want in game? It's a part of MC that becomes hohum quite quickly, and will consume lots of your gameplay of having to feed/refuel instead of flying your ships and exploring. just m2c


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    Is food/fuel a mechanic we want in game? It's a part of MC that becomes hohum quite quickly, and will consume lots of your gameplay of having to feed/refuel instead of flying your ships and exploring. just m2c
    I guess this is something for Schine to decide.
    I'm happy with not having them. I just thought I would throw my pennies onto the pile. :)
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    Reactions: Brokengauge
    Oct 12, 2015
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    If you think about it, things that drain resources like fuel, ammo etc. plus, like you mentioned, perishable goods for the purpose of trade is kind of the bedrock of an economy. You can't have demand without supply. At the moment, conflict with other players,pirates (if your on a server with strong ones) and the occasional stellar collision is the only thing that actually saps the supply of resources, but not nearly enough to create the kind of demand needed for a solid, engaging economy. As servers get older, people acquire such ridiculous stockpiles of resources that having them becomes meaningless. On servers that are more oriented toward peaceful or low conflict styles of play, this kind of basic, constant drain to drive activity becomes even more necessary.