Diversification of Resources

    The Judge

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    The rail doors isn't a problem. If you think about it a bit more you will realize why.
    The solution to this type of issue has been posted to my tutorial site under the blog section.
    Calculate atmosphere between two entities.
    Dec 14, 2014
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    Calculate atmosphere between two entities.
    ROFL. You are way over complicating what needs to be done. Did you even visit my site? Guessing not.
    Easy enough to prove me wrong by posting a link to the blog covering this issue.
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    The Judge

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    Dec 14, 2014
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    Blog: How to determine if atmosphere is escaping from a voxel(block based) vessel 2017-04-14 21:53:43
    I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm saying it's a waste of time because of the probable complexity of the task and the unneeded load on the game, and copyrighting the idea guarantees nobody will use it.
    That said the load is incredibly small. It only runs when a certain instances happen.

    Secondly, it is based on the same system I used to generate a 40,000 room dungeon 2400x2400 blocks and connect all the rooms together.
    How many structures in star-made you seen with 40,000 rooms or for that matter several hundred? Then there is the added stuff that helps reduce trying to determine if a path connects with outside is essentially removed. Saving insane amounts of time. Honestly, I can even tell you how to improve it further beyond that such as how to reduce the path search down to a fraction of the block path length.
    In fact I just went back and added that onto the end.

    The copy right is one of the simplest around simply asking for credit of work. Anyone not willing to do that doesn't really deserve it.
    Ever heard of Zlib copyright used by SDL and Valve entertainment you know owners of steam.
    It asks basically the same thing and is more complex. GPL is far more restrictive and complicated and even more use it.
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    Jul 29, 2013
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    It's not a terrible idea Lecic you can make alloys with the resources as well. Not to mention the amount of resource names to choose from. We want to make the community bigger not limit it by putting stupid resource names.


    Alpha is not an excuse
    Jan 3, 2016
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    It's not a terrible idea Lecic you can make alloys with the resources as well. Not to mention the amount of resource names to choose from. We want to make the community bigger not limit it by putting stupid resource names.
    I wasn't aware having non-normal resource names was what was what was limiting this game's community.

    It's almost as if the majority of people don't actually care..


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Using "normal resource names" could be okay. I mean, Minecraft mods use real materials in combination with fictional ones to make yet more fictional ones. We could use a similar theme in Starmade. Possible examples:
    • Titanium, steel, tungsten, and ceramics to make "hyperduranium" for our advanced armor.
    • Tungsten wire, carbon fiber, and lizard crystals make a flexible armor underlay that absorbs energy.
    As long as the general uses of different materials are fairly consistent and vaguely resemble their real-life properties, it's satisfying for most players.

    Using entirely fictional materials was a conscious decision to make it clear that realism isn't a focus, and it's also an artistic decision about the game's style. That's all well and good. What we DO need is not realism, but logic and consistency. If we can get familiar with several fictional metals and get a general idea of their properties and uses, that'll be good enough. Examples:
    • The grey stuff is common but kind of brittle. Cheap for non-critical structures and decorations.
    • Green crystals make grey stuff stronger, but they're not as common.
    • Purple metal is great for conducting energy. Good for conduits, duh!
    • Red metal eats heat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Good for heat shields and reactors.
    • Blue metal is really tough but somewhat rare.
    Dec 14, 2014
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    Using "normal resource names" could be okay. I mean, Minecraft mods use real materials in combination with fictional ones to make yet more fictional ones. We could use a similar theme in Starmade. Possible examples:
    • Titanium, steel, tungsten, and ceramics to make "hyperduranium" for our advanced armor.
    • Tungsten wire, carbon fiber, and lizard crystals make a flexible armor underlay that absorbs energy.
    As long as the general uses of different materials are fairly consistent and vaguely resemble their real-life properties, it's satisfying for most players.

    Using entirely fictional materials was a conscious decision to make it clear that realism isn't a focus, and it's also an artistic decision about the game's style. That's all well and good. What we DO need is not realism, but logic and consistency. If we can get familiar with several fictional metals and get a general idea of their properties and uses, that'll be good enough. Examples:
    • The grey stuff is common but kind of brittle. Cheap for non-critical structures and decorations.
    • Green crystals make grey stuff stronger, but they're not as common.
    • Purple metal is great for conducting energy. Good for conduits, duh!
    • Red metal eats heat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Good for heat shields and reactors.
    • Blue metal is really tough but somewhat rare.
    Well I can't speak for everyone or any majority of people. I can tell you though I have a 15 year old son. Who plays games and runs a group of players. They play a lot of games but it started out in North and South a civil war re-enactment on Mount and blade war bands. There around 50 total in the group and as much as 40 playing any one time. Which causes a bit of issue because his current teamspeak server only allows 32.
    They play everything across the board including minecraft. The biggest reason it seems that he and they don't play starmade has to do with the obvious conflicts with reality this game has. While you could attribute my son to not playing saying his influence is me that doesn't explain the other 40+ kids. Using the excuse something is a game works to a point but going to far creates a level of detachment where people don't relate well to it. If you take sciences fiction in general most good authors don't try to contradict reality in to many ways they tend to add to it such as trying to explain stuff science currently hasn't or exaggerate the current capability to make it something larger or more powerful. You can simply look to the stack of failed writers in science fiction to see easily going against what people know isn't very well accepted.
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    Jul 29, 2013
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    The_Owl don't go flaming it now XD Also I find the names completely useless. Dolom (dolomite) and Larimar are actual resources but incredibly rare ones. You can make an large array of alloys. I have talked to MANY new players that disagree and say regular resources would make more sense. You want to talk about realism? Ok, let's talk about the proposed new power system and how ridiculous it was. So many people came to chime into the fact that this was not how actual reactors work. So many of you went to the extent of bringing realism there why not here?


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
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    The_Owl don't go flaming it now
    Yeah Owl, stop flaming by.... calmly pointing out that most people don't care?

    I have talked to MANY new players that disagree and say regular resources would make more sense.
    And I've talked to MANY new players who either didn't care or liked the rainbow resources. What's your point? New players don't always understand the reason certain mechanics or gameplay choices exist, and they learn why as they play. Plenty of new players want bubble shields and death star lasers and overpowered fighters as well, should we base everything around new players who don't have a full grasp of mechanics yet?

    The devs have stated in the past that they aren't going to use real world resources specifically to avoid the limitations of them and complaints about resources not following their real world counterparts close enough. It's a good idea and it should stay.


    Alpha is not an excuse
    Jan 3, 2016
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    The_Owl don't go flaming it now

    Posting this in response would be flaming, however if you think criticism of your ideas is flaming in the first place then maybe you should make yourself an echo-chamber to avoid all this so-called "flaming"

    On another note
    Also I find the names completely useless. Dolom (dolomite) and Larimar are actual resources but incredibly rare ones.
    This is entirely subjective, as noted by your use of "I". Also, i fail to see the point of mentioning that they are "Rare" in real-life. Side-note, assuming that Dolom is dolomite is entirely useless and fails to help your argument, despite potentially weakling it if this is false.

    You want to talk about realism? Ok, let's talk about the proposed new power system and how ridiculous it was. So many people came to chime into the fact that this was not how actual reactors work. So many of you went to the extent of bringing realism there why not here?

    Firstly, i don't recall talking about realism in my 25-30 word response at all, yet you've brought that up for some reason.
    Secondly, In the power thread proposal, i remember reading more about chandelier ships or some Christmas tree abomination type thing than "realism" other than the fact that it impacting on systems was a stupid idea, which also comes down more to balancing than realism. I also don't remember people saying that this isn't how reactors work either, more concentration on the actual In game mechanics of it.
    Finally, if you'd read what i said, you'd have gotten the fact that there are MUCH bigger issues with the game preventing it from growing compared to "The resources aren't real", Like the fact that there is pretty much 0 advisement for the game, Issues with game breaking bugs, Balancing things, making the universe a more "alive" place to be in than doing what would be an entire rework of the way blocks are made, making ship building in a non-creative manner even more tedious than it already goddamn is. This suggestion of "muh realistic resources" is completely redundant and useless.

    TL;DR No that is not flaming, your idea is also completely unnecessary and useless in the grand scheme of things that this game needs.
    Dec 14, 2014
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    Not sure anyone can speak for what most people want on here. If you simply go by the majority of the people that stuck around on this game that certainly isn't representative of most people. To really measure most people you would have to also go by the number of people that quit playing this game for one reason or another plus those still and future players. Since the majority of people quit do not give feed back that is pretty hard. Even harder to ask people who haven't even played yet what their preference is.

    What you can do is look at games over the history of time and see which games rated bad and those that made changes and lost users and see what it was people didn't like. You can also look at science fiction in general and see what doesn't work there.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Why not gathering materials from the universe.
    These compounds would be randomly generated from the type of material it is, location, and factors.
    These compounds are broken down to elements that may be further refined.
    These refined elements are put into factories that make items, and have waste.
    That waste could be reused or put into power generation.
    I am pretty sure I triggered someone in saying this, put these are just ideas.
    Sorry for the random post since this thread is drifting into other territories.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Having other means to collect resources, and alternative resources, does sound interesting. I'd want to be able to use the gases, liquids and plasmas in normal recipes in place of mineral components, possibly precipitating minerals and crystal/alloy meshes out of gases and liquids as well as using them directly in some recipes. Not sure about going down buffy lane just yet, but ideally if schine did go down that road it makes sense that not just one class of resources but all of them would be used for the various systems.

    Biological matter could be used for medical technology, in single-use medical kits for astronauts, tranquilizers for catching wildlife on planets when we get that (to farm for more biomass to make more tranqs, obviously!), and in medical decoration blocks. Cloning vats to make our own little Daves instead of hiring crew, if we want to be monsters. And in the recipe for plex undeathinators.