require docked to station to work not being put on station.

    Dec 14, 2014
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    Right now for example you can't use a factory on a ship. Which I am 100% ok with.

    If the game allowed people to create modules then simply test that it is docked to a station or couldn't be used that would prevent any abuse like creating a mobile factory. It would though allow people to create factories in modules using the shipyard and transport them to a location and attach the parts to a station to use.

    It could be used for something even like putting a warp gate in location. you simply need to build a base for it to attach to and then move it their via ship undock it from the ship and then dock to station. Suddenly for far less work than currently you can build a gate system.

    In short what I am saying is instead of requiring something being placed on a station require it to be docked to a station to work.
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    Dec 31, 2013
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    Right now for example you can't use a factory on a ship. Which I am 100% ok with.

    If the game allowed people to create modules then simply test that it is docked to a station or couldn't be used that would prevent any abuse like creating a mobile factory. It would though allow people to create factories in modules using the shipyard and transport them to a location and attach the parts to a station to use.

    It could be used for something even like putting a warp gate in location. you simply need to build a base for it to attach to and then move it their via ship undock it from the ship and then dock to station. Suddenly for far less work than currently you can build a gate system.

    In short what I am saying is instead of requiring something being placed on a station require it to be docked to a station to work.
    I like almost everything you just said (however I don't agree with factories - I think they should just cost more time)​

    Is there a 1-minute timer required to deny combat-escape?

    What about lag from docked entities?
    However, if docked parts work like temporarily cut+pasted while rails are set to 0-speed, it would solve lag (using docking parts rather than copy+paste would make it more immersive).
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    Dec 14, 2014
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    I like almost everything you just said (however I don't agree with factories - I think they should just cost more time)​

    Is there a 1-minute timer required to deny combat-escape?

    What about lag from docked entities?
    However, if docked parts work like temporarily cut+pasted while rails are set to 0-speed, it would solve lag (using docking parts rather than copy+paste would make it more immersive).
    Consider all the changes they have planned. Plus the ability to stop someone from jumping and other issues.
    They already have a large penalty built in. The factory can be destroyed or potentially captured when not connected to a home base.
    Not sure what the current mass on a factory and enhancer are if they increase the mass enough it will limit the ships max speed.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    I would LOVE to make prefab colonies. As in, build a "colony module" on a ship that can fly in, drop the module on a planetary surface, and have an instant base set up and ready to go.

    Can't easily do that right now because the main thing a ground base needs is factories, and can't put those in the modules.