I have 5 ideas for you

    Feb 24, 2017
    Reaction score
    First; Drag'n Drop.
    What is it ? it simply a way to drag a type of block to another position; example a cube of 3x3x3.
    Second; Better way to rotate blocks.
    always press, LCtrl, choosing the rotation of a block, take a long time, why not replace R for rotate and entering in the ship or just interact with object pressing by E.
    Third; Teleportation between ships.
    For example; I got my ship Annabelle II and my ship Canary I and i want to teleport between them.
    Fourth; Ships debugging.
    For example,(always) My ship Canary get stuck on a planet i want to debug my ship i can't, why ? cause Im not in my ship, when i left it, my ship go down i tried to respawn, yes i respawn but now, Canary I is far away.
    Fifth; Ships locations.
    Ships locations are simply a way to stock ship BUT not in the server in our own game like; maybe there will be Your ship in the menu and we could choose our ship.
    Jul 5, 2015
    Reaction score
    1. Already in game, Use LCTRL to enter Advanced build mode, set dimensions (top right corner) to 3x3x3, place block.
    2. The current system is okay and easy to use.
    3. Either admin jump (exit ship, select other ship, press F1 + F8, as an Admin) or place transporters on both ships near the core and use those.
    4. Unless you dock your ship on a planet, it will glitch through into planet core. Either build a station to park your ships(dock them to the station and go down to planet in a core), or build a docking facility on the planet to dock to when on the planet.
    5. This I don't understand, you might need to explain it more clearly.
    Jun 19, 2015
    Reaction score
    1. i think he is looking for a cut and past feature that is more fluid then the current

    6. block protection
    With a simple true/false tag on a system block allow us to protect all blocks attached to a said system block (computer,storage, factory even core) and protect it from accidental deletion.

    7. manual placement of templates and copies, getting rid of the need for scaffolding

    8. improve ai path finding so they can actually mine and such

    9. make the AI aware of it own size (craft size) to prevent ramming
    Feb 24, 2017
    Reaction score
    8. improve ai path finding so they can actually mine and such
    Yes, that's a good idea
    But what i said, i didn't know if those things was in the game because when i knew the game there weren't all those features
    Mar 3, 2015
    Reaction score
    Yes, that's a good idea
    But what i said, i didn't know if those things was in the game because when i knew the game there weren't all those features
    Wait, have you not played it recently? If not, I don't see how it's a good idea to make suggestions if you don't actually know what the game features anymore.

    My apologies if I've misinterpreted you.
    Feb 24, 2017
    Reaction score
    Not recently, because I don't know but i remember i play it like a less of 2 years ago
    Mar 3, 2015
    Reaction score
    Not recently, because I don't know but i remember i play it like a less of 2 years ago
    Well, you should probably check it out again! Lol. It's changed a lot over the past 2 years.

    Although, if you want to do more than ship building and simple combat, that part hasn't changed very much...yet.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Seems like I am not the only who dislikes the keys:

    But it would be nice if we had "control groups" which serve a second/third/forth purpose after another key is pressed or while it's hold.
    Pressing 2 keys is way faster than accessing a key on the right keyboard side while you use your mouse.