New Starmade Community!!!

    Nov 26, 2016
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    I'm starting a Voice Chat Community in the Application Razer Comms. It's a voice chat app that allows for faction members to chat with each other and with other Factions. If your interested please google and download Razer Comms it's free of charge .
    [doublepost=1483844150,1483844068][/doublepost]My sn on Razer Comms is DragonSoul9000. Please add me and lets see if we can kickstart this new community.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    Considering that Discord is already the predominant VOIP software within the StarMade community, I can't imagine there will be significant interest in this proposal.

    I recommend looking to join an existing Discord channel if you wish to interact with players outside of StarMade Dock.
    Nov 26, 2016
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    Helios is Discord free of charge or do they charge for hosting?
    [doublepost=1483883337,1483881872][/doublepost]ok so I looked it up and yes Discord is free. I would like to try this app out first though because of the options it offers. If I don't like the quality then I will switch but as of right now I'm sticking with Razer Comms.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    I'd rather have my nose hairs pulled out one by one than have to use voice chat, so no, I'm good.
    Nov 26, 2016
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    No need to use the voice feature there are chat rooms as well as lots of other features to help you keep in touch with all your friends.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    No need to use the voice feature there are chat rooms as well as lots of other features to help you keep in touch with all your friends.
    Just FYI, you sound like you're advertising the client more than anything else at this point. And at least my reaction to "Hey, try this amazing new thing, free for a limited time!" type things is "Okay, they're trying to do fake word of mouth advertising. I need to make it a point to never use this product or service."
    Nov 26, 2016
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    ok and this is the reason most start ups don't last. I'm not advertising them, I'm advertising my Starmade community!!! I wanted a place where all my Faction members and friends on Starmade can coordinate attacks, actions, and Trades. If your not interested then please stay off the page. Simple as that.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    Given that this continues, I really must repeat that Discord is already popular. The majority of players who care to use VOIP/comms software are already there. If you want to interact with players outside of StarMade Dock, don't expect them to come to you when they are already settled into a reliable software; you are very much going to have to come to them.
    Nov 26, 2016
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    Does Discord have a actual streaming capability? does it have multichannel support for a community and file sharing and a launcher for the game? as I stated in my last post This app has features that I am looking to use. I have no experience with Discord so if your not wanting to use this app then that is your choice. but don't discourage others from trying it just because you are not willing to try something new.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Does Discord have a actual streaming capability? does it have multichannel support for a community and file sharing and a launcher for the game? as I stated in my last post This app has features that I am looking to use. I have no experience with Discord so if your not wanting to use this app then that is your choice. but don't discourage others from trying it just because you are not willing to try something new.
    Yes, but really
    Every faction that wants to use a VOIP already has a VOIP system they use. A billion features and addons might sound nice, but generally just end up as clutter.

    Discord has chatrooms, and they can be made on demand by those with permission, same for voice channels. We dont need a fancy app button to start the game cause its already a click away for most of us. Fuck it sits on my taskbar 24/7 constantly taunting me to come back. Discord already has image embedding, and tbh with some people in this community I wouldnt trust downloading anything they plop.

    We are but simple space cavemen, who have already found a form of communication we enjoy. You can advertise all you want, but do be aware that if anyone wants to community with the majority of the playerbase, they will need to come to discord eventually.


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    one of us! one of us!
    but really though, i think most of us have enough redundant VOIP installs

    And yes to everything but the launcher capability
    Nov 26, 2016
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    ok as I stated before for those of you that don't want to use the app then there is no need of you discouraging others with your negativity.
    [doublepost=1484018048,1484017674][/doublepost]for anyone wanting to reply from here on out obviously has not read the rest of the posts or cannot read and just likes to hear themselves talk or wants to start drama because apparently they would rather be harassing someone on here rather than actually playing the game, which by the way is the whole reason this post was actually put up in the first place is so that people can have fun not get harassed by people say one app is better than the other. either give your sn in Razer Comms or don't post at all. I have made my decision on apps and if you have as wwell then there is no need to post. plain and simple, either use it or don't, your loss, not hurting my feeling either way.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Now you're just sounding sore.

    "Well fine, everybody who doesn't agree with me is banned from talking to me!"

    Not how this works, chief. If you want to make a public post trying to get people to come to you, find out that everybody either doesn't want to do it or already has something else that is just as good, you're not going to win them or anyone else over with this kind of behavior.

    If you want to build a community, then go build a community. Thing is, you gotta realize that just because you want to build a town in the middle of a desert doesn't mean anybody else wants to come live there. If you actually want to build a community, why don't you stop shilling for Yet Another Voice App #37 and go try the app that everybody else is already using?

    I mean, you said its about the community you want to build and not the app itself, so why are you sticking to it so firmly?


    Lost-Legacy Director
    Feb 5, 2015
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    Hit me up Dragon, sn: JumpSuit or Jump-Suit
    Nov 26, 2016
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    Thank you Jumpsuit.

    To everyone else that keeps trying to get me to come to another app. I have tried TeamSpeak and Discord and quite a few other apps. I can't get them to either work on my computer or keep them from being mem hogs. This is the only app I can use and still play Starmade so it's not a matter of me saying this is the only app I WIll use is the only app I CAN use.
    Nov 26, 2016
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    one more negative post from you Boroski and I'll report you for harassing other people. I was not being rude when I started this post and you came in being negative. here's an example for you. you don't go pay to watch a movie you don't like right. well why post in a forum about a feature you don't like. like I said let's see if we can get those manners started. I have said it in my posts before, if you don't want to use my new community then that's fine but don't come in here telling me and others that we are damaged goods when from the way you are acting you are the one that needs to reevaluate that statement. we are not going around trying to bully people just because we don't like their ideas. enough said point blank you don't want in on the new community stay off my thread!!!!!


    Token Chinese
    May 23, 2014
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    Alright I think the amount of autism that's radiating from thread alone might warrant it's closure. While the OP may have suggested a fairly poor platform for community creation against the masses of discord groups and faction alliances, I think attacking and aggressively hounding him is not how you get a point across. I have to agree with Jumpsuit on the matters here as well as a few other points that have arrived from other large scale communities like ER or Creati. Flaming the OP or others in the thread isn't how anyone should get a point across if they want to convince anyone to consider their opinions.

    If the OP still desires to create a whole new community within Starmade, he has to do more than just beg people to download a Razer program, I also think Discord is way superior as there are other functions like /tts and archived posts, @mentions, pins and not to mention BOTS. Also, my suggestion to him, find some way to host a server with efficient hardware or host a starmade server under a dedicated server like NFD or ER then create that community around it.
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    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    Some servers have had their own Mumble, TS3 or Ventrillo for years. We (NASS) switch to Discord. It works better. (So far only the Admins bother using it). These days most players already have their own VoIP solutions. Usually other Discord servers or Skype. Someone was using Steam's built in voice chat not too long ago. But no one else joined them. Not much is needed to figure out why.

    What with the alternatives being slower, less secure and a pain to configure. Discord just plain works.


    Lost-Legacy Director
    Feb 5, 2015
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    Some servers have had their own Mumble, TS3 or Ventrillo for years. We (NASS) switch to Discord. It works better. (So far only the Admins bother using it). These days most players already have their own VoIP solutions. Usually other Discord servers or Skype. Someone was using Steam's built in voice chat not too long ago. But no one else joined them. Not much is needed to figure out why.

    What with the alternatives being slower, less secure and a pain to configure. Discord just plain works.
    The only problem I have with Discord is the Voice connection. It is good then gets poor for vituarally no reason, my internet is good and computer is good enough. I see not why this happens to me.
    Of course not, what a silly assumption.
    Don't you go jumping into any suits while this choo-choo is going.
    I wasn't assuming? I was stating it like it is, He has the right to defend himself however he sees fit. You don't go around Thinking whatever your word is say-so like you run this thread. You don't like what OP is doing and don't got nothing good to say, then don't say it at all. Plain and simple.