Try downloading an older version, loading it there, updating that version and exporting the improved firelilly.No luck with that firelilly, it just wont load.
Oh god, now I understand the "swath of destruction" part better.A joint effort to improve the already mighty Icarus-Class Dreadnought has been completed. Improved shielding, weaponry, speed and now an attachment of fighters make this a very versatile Ship of the Line for any Faction.
Well i have something to say about the last part, we never even talked to an admin let alone tried to get you banned,we dont care that you have that ship and if you knew about our history you would know that we dont trust admins, we dont think they belong in faction politics at all. we have had admins abuse their power against us time and time again. Zoro went and talked to the admins about our alleged attempt to get you banned they told him that all they said to you was that someone was trying to get you banned and i can assure you that it isnt us we do NOT approve of that sort of crap. About your concerns of zoro abuseing power on 4040 we dont even use admin commands we use Dooms plugin the only time a command is used to to fix issues on the server like idiots who manage to jam a ship inside of a planets plate and is spamming the server with error messages. Lastly we are a pvp faction, that is a fact everyone here knows it. We got our military record on nass main the admins there hate us zoro has been banned several times there there is no way any of them would help us. So just calm down and confirm your info before jumping into the waterGather round boys and girls its story time. A long long time ago in a galaxy fa.. well this galaxy there was a war brewing between CR and TE. We at Eisenwald thought it would be good to get involved in the war and since I personally don't like Incap and several of my members used to play on Risen and Illusive and hold grudges with past Admins who Admin their way to victory on those servers who are now in TE we decided to help CR.
I contacted the current active leader, TwoNiner, and offered our support. In return CR would provide us with one of their best ships as Eisenwald had just returned to the game and all of our ships are outdated. They accepted and I got involved on the forums enough to get in the war. Days went by and no ship was delivered by CR and my men grew restless. So we told TwoNiner we were ready to fight now, send the blueprint to my e-mail. His reply was well I am not giving you the Resolution ship anymore but one CR is phasing out of their fleet. Of course this didn't set well with the pilots of Eisenwald as who wanted to fly spacejunk into a fight, especially since CR agreed to give us a good ship to use.
At this time Vaygr and Eisenwald had began talks. Vaygr agreed to join us on the CR side but I thought Zoro might be playing both sides against each other so the deal we made was that Zorro would bring Eisenwald up to speed on the new meta and build a ship for us to fly, in return we would deliver 4k Faction Modules to Nass 4242. After we had successfully won the war we would deliver 4k Faction Modules to Elwyn and 2k Faction Modules to Red. We weren't really interested in giving Vaygr a bunch of Faction Modules to turn into quick credits on Elwyn if they happened to be playing us.
We got the ship and we delivered the 4k on NASS. The war was about to commence and I had mobilized Eisenwalds forces. 22 pilots came to my call from our gaming community. Then TwoNiner put his foot in his mouth. The entire reason the war started was over some TE ships TwoNiner said he didn't spawn in and had found. Well on the day we were to deploy TwoNiner made a post that Unnamed had spawned them in for them he didn't really find them. This really made Eisenwald angry, the entire basis of the war was a sham and TwoNiner had shown himself the liar that TE claimed he was.
Vaygr at this point offered to negotiate a truce with TE and possible alliance. I told him sure as we at Eisenwald don't like being deceived and TwoNiner had done so and also spit in our face by backing out on the deal he had made.
So Zorro comes back and tells us that TE has agreed to an Alliance. A few days later we deploy to NASS with 10 pilots answering the call in only 30 minutes. We deployed 2 Space Stations, 12 Dreadnoughts, 4 Defense Platforms, and 6 Stationary Turrets in a matter of minutes on the border of the CR homebase.
The next day TwoNiner surrendered to us which we accepted as it was clear we weren't getting a fight. The actual leader of CR, Leanson, had returned and said that TwoNiner had no authority to surrender.
Our allies in the meantime, TE, had brokered a peace treaty with CR without speaking to us or even letting us know they were in talks. We learned about it on the forums like everyone else. At this point Eisenwald ended our truce with TE. We have not officially went to war we are giving TE time to setup on Elwyn but we will be declaring war sooner or later on them if they ever show up.
What was clear to us though is Leanson would never fight in the game, he only wished to forum warrior, much like his member TwoNiner. So my members told me to give them a deadline and I did. The deadline came and passed and no fight was to be had. As far as Eisenwald is concerned the war is a victory and CR forfeits and it doesn't really matter what they think.
Now to the present day we come. I am on Elwyn and Leanson offers to fight me. Jumping at the chance for a 1v1 I get in a Mark 2 Dreadnought, the current Dreadnought is a Mark 5 but we have none on Elwyn at the current time as a lot of the guys are playing other games currently as the servers are crappy for large scale pvp and nobody will fight us on a constant basis.
So I go to his sector and low and behold its a trap. 2v1, another player on Elwyn, Moderator, who I had killed several times already that night and ransacked his homebase laid in wait. I didn't really even have to shoot them as the turrets took them out instantly. It really was sad, definitely not a quality fight which I was looking forward to.
I log off and get word than an Eisenwald member had been killed by a Vaygr Raider while he was AFK. So I log on and sure enough LordOfWar of Vaygr Raiders is finishing off the turrets of a Mark 1 Dreadnought which the Eisenwald member had been flying. I tell him in chat that Eisenwald and Vaygr are allied and he attempts to kill me. I easily evade him for over 5 minutes telling him to stop we are allied before I give up and leave the sector. A few minutes later another Eisenwald member logs in and he is in astronaut mode and LordOfWar kills him. Since we were set to ally the turrets didn't attack back when attacked. Really using the game mechanics to his advantage.
LordOfWar finally tells me to come on Vaygr comms as I had sent Zorro a message on Skype and I figured everything was going to get taken care of. Low and behold its Leanson who is really LordOfWar. That's right he had to bring an alt in that's in Vaygr Raiders who we are allied with to finally be able to shoot and kill an Eisenwald member, one that's AFK to boot. I leave the Vaygr comms as Zorro is not there.
Later Zorro comes on Elwyn comms to talk and all he is worried about is our deal. He wants to Faction Blocks on Elwyn. What I want to talk about is why is Leanson using an alt in Vaygr Raiders when we are supposed to be at war with Leanson and his CR. No good answer comes, back to those Faction Modules it goes. Finally I ask if he plans to remove Leanson Alt and I can't get a straight answer, a lot of maybes and ill see tonight, ect.. which to me means no.
Several of the Eisenwald members and I are discussing this in chat and because of all the prior concerns that Vaygr was playing us and that he clearly wasn't going to remove Leanson and the numerous times we had seen Leanson on Vaygr comms it was decided that the "deal" was off. That meant no more alliance, no more faction blocks, nothing. It meant war. The deal was contingent on the alliance and he had our enemy within his own ranks and that enemy cowardly wouldn't fight us to begin with, then tries to 2v1 when its supposed to be a 1v1 and ultimately to finally kill one of us uses his Vaygr allied alt to shoot and kill an afk Eisnewald member. I have never found a more cowardly player in all of the games I have ever fought.
Now it has come to our attention Zorro and the Vaygr are attempting to get Eisnewald and its members banned from Elwyn for using their Dreadnought. To bad the Dreadnought was given to us and there are multiple posts from Zorro himself with him stating that. Not only that but it has been modified to make up for its inefficiencies that besides the skin its not even the same ship.
Pathetic. I thought Vaygr was a PvP faction, not a lets get the Admin to win the war for us Faction. Which is exactly why we didn't setup a base on NASS 4040, we knew if it ever came to a fight Zorro would use his admins commands to spawn ships, supplies, and possibly even set himself god mode and this just clarifies everything we were concerned about in the first place.
I hope you enjoyed the read.
Eisenwald declares a never ending war on Calderon Republic, Vaygr Empire (and its allies Vaygr Raiders, Euro Corp), and Tartaran Empire. You can't trust anyone in this game, a majority of the factions don't make good allies.
For those who like a good video here is a little something from the 2v1 with the coward Leanson.
P.S. You will have to wait until its finished uploading. Expect to see me demolishing Moderators base sometime in the next couple of days when I get time to render and upload it. Enjoy I know I sure did.
Many people call me an idiot for provoking war with the TE, but you declaring war on Vaygr? well all I can say is ur in the shitter now mate.Gather round boys and girls its story time. A long long time ago in a galaxy fa.. well this galaxy there was a war brewing between CR and TE. We at Eisenwald thought it would be good to get involved in the war and since I personally don't like Incap and several of my members used to play on Risen and Illusive and hold grudges with past Admins who Admin their way to victory on those servers who are now in TE we decided to help CR.
I contacted the current active leader, TwoNiner, and offered our support. In return CR would provide us with one of their best ships as Eisenwald had just returned to the game and all of our ships are outdated. They accepted and I got involved on the forums enough to get in the war. Days went by and no ship was delivered by CR and my men grew restless. So we told TwoNiner we were ready to fight now, send the blueprint to my e-mail. His reply was well I am not giving you the Resolution ship anymore but one CR is phasing out of their fleet. Of course this didn't set well with the pilots of Eisenwald as who wanted to fly spacejunk into a fight, especially since CR agreed to give us a good ship to use.
At this time Vaygr and Eisenwald had began talks. Vaygr agreed to join us on the CR side but I thought Zoro might be playing both sides against each other so the deal we made was that Zorro would bring Eisenwald up to speed on the new meta and build a ship for us to fly, in return we would deliver 4k Faction Modules to Nass 4242. After we had successfully won the war we would deliver 4k Faction Modules to Elwyn and 2k Faction Modules to Red. We weren't really interested in giving Vaygr a bunch of Faction Modules to turn into quick credits on Elwyn if they happened to be playing us.
We got the ship and we delivered the 4k on NASS. The war was about to commence and I had mobilized Eisenwalds forces. 22 pilots came to my call from our gaming community. Then TwoNiner put his foot in his mouth. The entire reason the war started was over some TE ships TwoNiner said he didn't spawn in and had found. Well on the day we were to deploy TwoNiner made a post that Unnamed had spawned them in for them he didn't really find them. This really made Eisenwald angry, the entire basis of the war was a sham and TwoNiner had shown himself the liar that TE claimed he was.
Vaygr at this point offered to negotiate a truce with TE and possible alliance. I told him sure as we at Eisenwald don't like being deceived and TwoNiner had done so and also spit in our face by backing out on the deal he had made.
So Zorro comes back and tells us that TE has agreed to an Alliance. A few days later we deploy to NASS with 10 pilots answering the call in only 30 minutes. We deployed 2 Space Stations, 12 Dreadnoughts, 4 Defense Platforms, and 6 Stationary Turrets in a matter of minutes on the border of the CR homebase.
The next day TwoNiner surrendered to us which we accepted as it was clear we weren't getting a fight. The actual leader of CR, Leanson, had returned and said that TwoNiner had no authority to surrender.
Our allies in the meantime, TE, had brokered a peace treaty with CR without speaking to us or even letting us know they were in talks. We learned about it on the forums like everyone else. At this point Eisenwald ended our truce with TE. We have not officially went to war we are giving TE time to setup on Elwyn but we will be declaring war sooner or later on them if they ever show up.
What was clear to us though is Leanson would never fight in the game, he only wished to forum warrior, much like his member TwoNiner. So my members told me to give them a deadline and I did. The deadline came and passed and no fight was to be had. As far as Eisenwald is concerned the war is a victory and CR forfeits and it doesn't really matter what they think.
Now to the present day we come. I am on Elwyn and Leanson offers to fight me. Jumping at the chance for a 1v1 I get in a Mark 2 Dreadnought, the current Dreadnought is a Mark 5 but we have none on Elwyn at the current time as a lot of the guys are playing other games currently as the servers are crappy for large scale pvp and nobody will fight us on a constant basis.
So I go to his sector and low and behold its a trap. 2v1, another player on Elwyn, Moderator, who I had killed several times already that night and ransacked his homebase laid in wait. I didn't really even have to shoot them as the turrets took them out instantly. It really was sad, definitely not a quality fight which I was looking forward to.
I log off and get word than an Eisenwald member had been killed by a Vaygr Raider while he was AFK. So I log on and sure enough LordOfWar of Vaygr Raiders is finishing off the turrets of a Mark 1 Dreadnought which the Eisenwald member had been flying. I tell him in chat that Eisenwald and Vaygr are allied and he attempts to kill me. I easily evade him for over 5 minutes telling him to stop we are allied before I give up and leave the sector. A few minutes later another Eisenwald member logs in and he is in astronaut mode and LordOfWar kills him. Since we were set to ally the turrets didn't attack back when attacked. Really using the game mechanics to his advantage.
LordOfWar finally tells me to come on Vaygr comms as I had sent Zorro a message on Skype and I figured everything was going to get taken care of. Low and behold its Leanson who is really LordOfWar. That's right he had to bring an alt in that's in Vaygr Raiders who we are allied with to finally be able to shoot and kill an Eisenwald member, one that's AFK to boot. I leave the Vaygr comms as Zorro is not there.
Later Zorro comes on Elwyn comms to talk and all he is worried about is our deal. He wants to Faction Blocks on Elwyn. What I want to talk about is why is Leanson using an alt in Vaygr Raiders when we are supposed to be at war with Leanson and his CR. No good answer comes, back to those Faction Modules it goes. Finally I ask if he plans to remove Leanson Alt and I can't get a straight answer, a lot of maybes and ill see tonight, ect.. which to me means no.
Several of the Eisenwald members and I are discussing this in chat and because of all the prior concerns that Vaygr was playing us and that he clearly wasn't going to remove Leanson and the numerous times we had seen Leanson on Vaygr comms it was decided that the "deal" was off. That meant no more alliance, no more faction blocks, nothing. It meant war. The deal was contingent on the alliance and he had our enemy within his own ranks and that enemy cowardly wouldn't fight us to begin with, then tries to 2v1 when its supposed to be a 1v1 and ultimately to finally kill one of us uses his Vaygr allied alt to shoot and kill an afk Eisnewald member. I have never found a more cowardly player in all of the games I have ever fought.
Now it has come to our attention Zorro and the Vaygr are attempting to get Eisnewald and its members banned from Elwyn for using their Dreadnought. To bad the Dreadnought was given to us and there are multiple posts from Zorro himself with him stating that. Not only that but it has been modified to make up for its inefficiencies that besides the skin its not even the same ship.
Pathetic. I thought Vaygr was a PvP faction, not a lets get the Admin to win the war for us Faction. Which is exactly why we didn't setup a base on NASS 4040, we knew if it ever came to a fight Zorro would use his admins commands to spawn ships, supplies, and possibly even set himself god mode and this just clarifies everything we were concerned about in the first place.
I hope you enjoyed the read.
Eisenwald declares a never ending war on Calderon Republic, Vaygr Empire (and its allies Vaygr Raiders, Euro Corp), and Tartaran Empire. You can't trust anyone in this game, a majority of the factions don't make good allies.
For those who like a good video here is a little something from the 2v1 with the coward Leanson.
P.S. You will have to wait until its finished uploading. Expect to see me demolishing Moderators base sometime in the next couple of days when I get time to render and upload it. Enjoy I know I sure did.
Dreadstar I don't mind going to war, pvp is fun and its about damn time something fun started. However one thing you said really really ticked me off. You stated that we tried to get you banned off the server. This is a blatant lie, ive been looking for a good fight for some time now. Why the hell would i try to admin you off the server? Do you have any proof, or even know which admin told you this?Gather round boys and girls its story time. A long long time ago in a galaxy fa.. well this galaxy there was a war brewing between CR and TE. We at Eisenwald thought it would be good to get involved in the war and since I personally don't like Incap and several of my members used to play on Risen and Illusive and hold grudges with past Admins who Admin their way to victory on those servers who are now in TE we decided to help CR.
I contacted the current active leader, TwoNiner, and offered our support. In return CR would provide us with one of their best ships as Eisenwald had just returned to the game and all of our ships are outdated. They accepted and I got involved on the forums enough to get in the war. Days went by and no ship was delivered by CR and my men grew restless. So we told TwoNiner we were ready to fight now, send the blueprint to my e-mail. His reply was well I am not giving you the Resolution ship anymore but one CR is phasing out of their fleet. Of course this didn't set well with the pilots of Eisenwald as who wanted to fly spacejunk into a fight, especially since CR agreed to give us a good ship to use.
At this time Vaygr and Eisenwald had began talks. Vaygr agreed to join us on the CR side but I thought Zoro might be playing both sides against each other so the deal we made was that Zorro would bring Eisenwald up to speed on the new meta and build a ship for us to fly, in return we would deliver 4k Faction Modules to Nass 4242. After we had successfully won the war we would deliver 4k Faction Modules to Elwyn and 2k Faction Modules to Red. We weren't really interested in giving Vaygr a bunch of Faction Modules to turn into quick credits on Elwyn if they happened to be playing us.
We got the ship and we delivered the 4k on NASS. The war was about to commence and I had mobilized Eisenwalds forces. 22 pilots came to my call from our gaming community. Then TwoNiner put his foot in his mouth. The entire reason the war started was over some TE ships TwoNiner said he didn't spawn in and had found. Well on the day we were to deploy TwoNiner made a post that Unnamed had spawned them in for them he didn't really find them. This really made Eisenwald angry, the entire basis of the war was a sham and TwoNiner had shown himself the liar that TE claimed he was.
Vaygr at this point offered to negotiate a truce with TE and possible alliance. I told him sure as we at Eisenwald don't like being deceived and TwoNiner had done so and also spit in our face by backing out on the deal he had made.
So Zorro comes back and tells us that TE has agreed to an Alliance. A few days later we deploy to NASS with 10 pilots answering the call in only 30 minutes. We deployed 2 Space Stations, 12 Dreadnoughts, 4 Defense Platforms, and 6 Stationary Turrets in a matter of minutes on the border of the CR homebase.
The next day TwoNiner surrendered to us which we accepted as it was clear we weren't getting a fight. The actual leader of CR, Leanson, had returned and said that TwoNiner had no authority to surrender.
Our allies in the meantime, TE, had brokered a peace treaty with CR without speaking to us or even letting us know they were in talks. We learned about it on the forums like everyone else. At this point Eisenwald ended our truce with TE. We have not officially went to war we are giving TE time to setup on Elwyn but we will be declaring war sooner or later on them if they ever show up.
What was clear to us though is Leanson would never fight in the game, he only wished to forum warrior, much like his member TwoNiner. So my members told me to give them a deadline and I did. The deadline came and passed and no fight was to be had. As far as Eisenwald is concerned the war is a victory and CR forfeits and it doesn't really matter what they think.
Now to the present day we come. I am on Elwyn and Leanson offers to fight me. Jumping at the chance for a 1v1 I get in a Mark 2 Dreadnought, the current Dreadnought is a Mark 5 but we have none on Elwyn at the current time as a lot of the guys are playing other games currently as the servers are crappy for large scale pvp and nobody will fight us on a constant basis.
So I go to his sector and low and behold its a trap. 2v1, another player on Elwyn, Moderator, who I had killed several times already that night and ransacked his homebase laid in wait. I didn't really even have to shoot them as the turrets took them out instantly. It really was sad, definitely not a quality fight which I was looking forward to.
I log off and get word than an Eisenwald member had been killed by a Vaygr Raider while he was AFK. So I log on and sure enough LordOfWar of Vaygr Raiders is finishing off the turrets of a Mark 1 Dreadnought which the Eisenwald member had been flying. I tell him in chat that Eisenwald and Vaygr are allied and he attempts to kill me. I easily evade him for over 5 minutes telling him to stop we are allied before I give up and leave the sector. A few minutes later another Eisenwald member logs in and he is in astronaut mode and LordOfWar kills him. Since we were set to ally the turrets didn't attack back when attacked. Really using the game mechanics to his advantage.
LordOfWar finally tells me to come on Vaygr comms as I had sent Zorro a message on Skype and I figured everything was going to get taken care of. Low and behold its Leanson who is really LordOfWar. That's right he had to bring an alt in that's in Vaygr Raiders who we are allied with to finally be able to shoot and kill an Eisenwald member, one that's AFK to boot. I leave the Vaygr comms as Zorro is not there.
Later Zorro comes on Elwyn comms to talk and all he is worried about is our deal. He wants to Faction Blocks on Elwyn. What I want to talk about is why is Leanson using an alt in Vaygr Raiders when we are supposed to be at war with Leanson and his CR. No good answer comes, back to those Faction Modules it goes. Finally I ask if he plans to remove Leanson Alt and I can't get a straight answer, a lot of maybes and ill see tonight, ect.. which to me means no.
Several of the Eisenwald members and I are discussing this in chat and because of all the prior concerns that Vaygr was playing us and that he clearly wasn't going to remove Leanson and the numerous times we had seen Leanson on Vaygr comms it was decided that the "deal" was off. That meant no more alliance, no more faction blocks, nothing. It meant war. The deal was contingent on the alliance and he had our enemy within his own ranks and that enemy cowardly wouldn't fight us to begin with, then tries to 2v1 when its supposed to be a 1v1 and ultimately to finally kill one of us uses his Vaygr allied alt to shoot and kill an afk Eisnewald member. I have never found a more cowardly player in all of the games I have ever fought.
Now it has come to our attention Zorro and the Vaygr are attempting to get Eisnewald and its members banned from Elwyn for using their Dreadnought. To bad the Dreadnought was given to us and there are multiple posts from Zorro himself with him stating that. Not only that but it has been modified to make up for its inefficiencies that besides the skin its not even the same ship.
Pathetic. I thought Vaygr was a PvP faction, not a lets get the Admin to win the war for us Faction. Which is exactly why we didn't setup a base on NASS 4040, we knew if it ever came to a fight Zorro would use his admins commands to spawn ships, supplies, and possibly even set himself god mode and this just clarifies everything we were concerned about in the first place.
I hope you enjoyed the read.
Eisenwald declares a never ending war on Calderon Republic, Vaygr Empire (and its allies Vaygr Raiders, Euro Corp), and Tartaran Empire. You can't trust anyone in this game, a majority of the factions don't make good allies.
For those who like a good video here is a little something from the 2v1 with the coward Leanson.
P.S. You will have to wait until its finished uploading. Expect to see me demolishing Moderators base sometime in the next couple of days when I get time to render and upload it. Enjoy I know I sure did.