The Double-Edged "Forge"

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Keeping it short and simple, I propose a new function for Shipyards. I believe that along with creating and repairing ships, they should also improve ships. I don't entirely care upon the resource they use, as long as it isn't something easily gained such as credits or ores alone.

    Anyways, I think these improvements should boost a specific system, such as upgraded cannons damage, shield depletion rate reduction, jump drive range improvement, etc. and should be unique to each ship, meaning that when an entity undocks, it loses those improvements and improved ships cannot dock onto another improved ship. As for the double edged part, the station that uses this function cannot be homebases, and installs the opposite effect on that station. Meaning, if one were to give a ship a 15% increase in power capacity in a ship then that station would have a 15% decrease in power capacity. (Yes, these effects stack until a ship with those effects is destroyed meaning no more than 6 of these ships would be able to be built at the same time. And no, one cannot unimprove ships to boost station might. And also, improving something like jump range would mean that the station would create a dead/un accessible zone making it impossible for allied or just that ship to jump into it, increasing the size of this zone per percent of improvement.)

    I'd also say that there is a limit of 3 improvements, with a max of 15% max output for things like power and shielding, 7% increase damage on weapons, 4 extra sectors added to jump drives, and 3% less power consumed by things like overdrive or cloaking.

    This might spur on a flurry of ideas by me over the next couple days. Anyways, thank you for reading my suggestion, please comment any improvements that you think would be helpful or make it so that this system functions in everyone's best interest.


    Thats XCOM baby!
    May 17, 2016
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    if you want upgrades to ships just add more blocks make a better power grid improve the armour do whatever you want but a feature like this is game breakinly op or too expensive (in case the default is too op) for what its worth and would you like a drone recking the unsc infinity or any other titan
    Last edited:
    Nov 30, 2015
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    if you want upgrades to ships just add more blocks make a better power grid improve the armour do whatever you want but a feature like this is game breakinly op or too expensive (in case the default is too op) for what its worth and would you like a drone recking the unsc infinity or any other titan
    Not so much as that but we want to stay away from easy but expensive straight buffs to things. Late game should be a time where people learn more complex systems or refine the "Easy learn/Hard master" game points. The late game has to be a fun experience and not one that you grind for pure improvements to stagnant designs and ideas.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    A system like this is planned, but it will come in the form of crew skill or something like that, not arbitrary buffs via shipyards.