Building a jump interdiction drone

    Jan 1, 2015
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    Hmmm... doe jump inhibitors drain the drives of faction aligned ships, or only the other guy's?

    Thinking about installing these in my fighters and drones as well...
    They drain your own drives too. Not sure if that is the intended effect, but there you go.
    Feb 27, 2014
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    Hmmm... doe jump inhibitors drain the drives of faction aligned ships, or only the other guy's?

    Thinking about installing these in my fighters and drones as well...
    It drains everyone's as far as Iv'e seen, unless theres a server option for it

    Fellow Starmadian

    Oh cool so thats what this is
    Jun 7, 2014
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    "Friendly-fire" inhibs are a config option, but on by default.
    Dire Venom
    [doublepost=1478698741,1478698614][/doublepost]And if you want to use jump inhibs in a fleet, you could connect wireless to the jump inhibs, and for each fleet have a controller ship connected to your ship via logic.


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    4 or more tick/second clock connected to inhib, small inhibitor with that clock on just any drone you care to fit it on, and some actual dedicated inhibitor ships of whatever size you deem reasonable. Interdiction is fun for the whole family!

    Dec 8, 2014
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    I can't believe I've spent twelve hours dicking around with this and have now arrived at what is probably the simplest solution.

    It turns out that a single jump inhibitor module will give about 10,000 points of jump drain effect (just how much that really is, I haven't a clue). To simply double that effect takes vastly more inhibitor modules and vastly more power. Clearly, many small effects each on a separate ship is the way to go. Well, it so happens that my drone fleet contains many small ships. So... Put a single module jump inhibitor system on each ship. Install a sensor with a two block clock that detects if the shields are at anything less than 100% and if so, activate the inhibitor. Thanks Malacodor. (I just hope this doesn't cause too much lag in so many drones.)

    A mere handful of blocks, a small power cost of which my drones had sufficient to spare, and now I have a plethora of inhibitor fields potentially going, many of which will very likely at least occasionally be drifting within range. It would probably still be a good idea to have that dozen or so inhibitor 'torpedoes', just to be absolutely certain to quickly nail a chain drive.

    What about a chain inhibitor? if we can make a chain drive, why not a chain inhibitor?

    Theoretically, if a chain inhibitor works, you can mount them on stations, and have them set to a logic clock that creates a nullification field in that sector.....
    Aug 24, 2013
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    What about a chain inhibitor? if we can make a chain drive, why not a chain inhibitor?

    Theoretically, if a chain inhibitor works, you can mount them on stations, and have them set to a logic clock that creates a nullification field in that sector.....
    You can indeed build a "chain inhibitor", and I already have; see the link in my signature/my post on page 1 of this thread.
    Some relevant points about how logic interacts with inhibitors:
    • In order to activate plural inhibitors on the same entity, they must be activated non-simultaneously. Trying to toggle (both on and off) inhibitors simultaneously will toggle only one of those which are sent a simultaneous signal.
    • In order to circumvent this, inhibitors can be placed on separate entities, or activated in sequence on the same entity (I suggest a combination of both)
    • A relevant thing to note is that inhibitors turn off when the sector they are in is unloaded. It is difficult (but not proven impossible) to make logic which accounts for this.
    • This is why solutions in which an inhibitor is cycled rapidly on and off are popular; it ticks on each occasion it is turned on, causing suitable inhibition while ensuring it is having some effect when necessary, regardless of sector reloading.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    You can indeed build a "chain inhibitor", and I already have; see the link in my signature/my post on page 1 of this thread.
    Some relevant points about how logic interacts with inhibitors:
    • In order to activate plural inhibitors on the same entity, they must be activated non-simultaneously. Trying to toggle (both on and off) inhibitors simultaneously will toggle only one of those which are sent a simultaneous signal.
    • In order to circumvent this, inhibitors can be placed on separate entities, or activated in sequence on the same entity (I suggest a combination of both)
    • A relevant thing to note is that inhibitors turn off when the sector they are in is unloaded. It is difficult (but not proven impossible) to make logic which accounts for this.
    • This is why solutions in which an inhibitor is cycled rapidly on and off are popular; it ticks on each occasion it is turned on, causing suitable inhibition while ensuring it is having some effect when necessary, regardless of sector reloading.
    I think a method used for this is to literally dock a stick (core, docker, and some random blocks of low value/cost) on a rail rotator with detection gates around it. I could be wrong, but I recall that being used by someone at one point to provide rapid pulses of logic.