CIR - Postponing next term


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Is Schine really listening?

    Do the Dev's even care about their community?

    Are they just here for money?

    Is this the new Electronic Arts?
    Is this the overreaction of the decade?

    Come on, dude, do you REALLY think that Schine, the company that lets people play their game for free with zero restrictions, is "just here for the money?" Schine, the company that constantly implements features suggested by the community and listens closely to them on issues of balance? Schine, the company that has done zero advertising outside of some trailers on Youtube and the short period of time it was advertised on Steam when it first came to Early Access?

    To answer your questions...

    Bruh, no.
    Aug 23, 2016
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    If we have a council, we want it to work. It's better to get a gameplan before rushing into the next term, and so here we are.
    Is there going to be a council or not? When?
    Jan 4, 2015
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    I like the idea of bringing more focus to videos and streams of builds and competitions etc of StarMade. It does bring cross promotion/advertising to both the community producing the content and the game.

    If I may selfishly ask... What about drama/story telling set in the game? Such as my show Starmade Adventures with Captain Anthros? The videos have added sound, green screen and special FX but all of the main footage is shot in game.



    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    • Schine
    Can we have a solid commitment on how long it will take to "sort a few things out" and get the council running again?
    I wish we could; we don't want to rush things, and as is evident in this thread already, we have a lot to sort out and work through.

    So you telling me ToasterBorst is lying?
    Certainly not. ToasterBorst has given us some great feedback, I've enjoyed our conversations, and I believe he has the best interests of StarMade in mind. Unfortunately, there was a miscommunication. I am confident we can work with ToasterBorst to sort out any issues. We'll be hosting a meeting for current and former councillors within the next few days.

    Is there going to be a council or not? When?
    We have no plans to discontinue the Council; we do have plans to continue it. There is a possibility that we could cancel it after further evaluation, but it's not something we want to give up on.

    If I may selfishly ask... What about drama/story telling set in the game? Such as my show Starmade Adventures with Captain Anthros? The videos have added sound, green screen and special FX but all of the main footage is shot in game.
    We appreciate all of the work our content creators have put out; it's an area where community members can have a large impact on our success. The community has an important part in making StarMade a great game, and we do recognise that. It takes a lot of time to produce something like your Starmade Adventures (we've all seen it at Schine ;) ) and we'd definitely like to incorporate drama/stroy telling as well as other mediums into a promotion of user content.


    Formerly known as Weishaupt
    Sep 12, 2013
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    Criss, how dare you, that's bullshit. I was told to stop talking and not speak again for trying to tell a council that would not listen that its activity was not being conveyed to the community. ..I was correct in that analysis at the time and the badge thing made it all even more of an atrocity. Your attempts to marginalize me here show the same continued disrespect I experienced there and for which this community has become legendary in regard to its treatment of some of its largest content creators (Tomino_sama). Andy, the current council head did indeed tell me to stop talking and not speak again, that I did not know what I was talking about and that my friend is completely fucked. My faith in any council and half this dev team is completely lost and I hope the rest of you can keep it together from the couple that are clearly polluting your kool-aide. ..also, Criss, in all fairness.. almost every current and former councilor I know thinks you left completely.. why are you even comenting here? hmm? You've ignored us the entire time running us has been your job.

    If you'd like I can break down the entire badge scenario and Council mascot argument that followed it and led to my general state of discontent with the council and dev team if you'd like, since we're now highlighting it more in marginalizing my comments. ..I'm sure the community would love all of infos.
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    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Criss, how dare you, that's bullshit. I was told to stop talking and not speak again for trying to tell a council that would not listen that its activity was not being conveyed to the community. ..I was correct in that analysis at the time and the badge thing made it all even more of an atrocity. Your attempts to marginalize me here show the same continued disrespect I experienced there and for which this community has become legendary in regard to its treatment of some of its largest content creators (Tomino_sama). Andy, the current council head did indeed tell me to stop talking and not speak again, that I did not know what I was talking about and that my friend is completely fucked. My faith in any council and half this dev team is completely lost and I hope the rest of you can keep it together from the couple that are clearly polluting your kool-aide. ..also, Criss, in all fairness.. almost every current and former councilor I know thinks you left completely.. why are you even comenting here? hmm? You've ignored us the entire time running us has been your job.
    Nobody told you to stop talking, I just checked to be sure. You were told that you absence from the council leaves you with a gap in information as to what the council was actually doing. You left chat when Andy said, and I quote, "I also dont want to hear more offenses from you toaster, you have your arguments, and I am just telling you, they are based on snapshot before you left". I am commenting here because I believe we can solve this amicably in private channels instead of bringing drama to the forums.


    Formerly known as Weishaupt
    Sep 12, 2013
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    Nobody told you to stop talking, I just checked to be sure. You were told that you absence from the council leaves you with a gap in information as to what the council was actually doing. You left chat when Andy said, and I quote, "I also dont want to hear more offenses from you toaster, you have your arguments, and I am just telling you, they are based on snapshot before you left". This was after many insults, and swears were thrown around. I am commenting here because I believe we can solve this amicably in private channels instead of bringing drama to the forums.
    ..and I don't believe your actions are furthering that cause whatsoever as I only see you attempting to defame a community members character in order marginalize them as you've done in the past, I tried to solve these issues privately within the non-transparent council communication mediums and was told off.

    The quote you just posted does indeed tell me to stop talking and that I don't know what I am talking about, though I'm glad we can semantically debate its context and meaning all day. While I quit all slack forums and cannot paste exact quote back at you.. I remember quite well the context of that discussion. I'd repeated myself about 4 times stating that what my qualms all boiled down to was that IF THE COUNCIL WAS ACTIVE IT WASN'T SHOWING IT, Andy then finally joined the discussion.. told me all the ways I was wrong and that the council was totes active and ignored the primary point I'd been continuously trying to make. When I repeated again, THAT THE COUNCIL WAS NOT CONVEYING ITS ACTIVITY TO THE COMMUNITY EFFECTIVELY, I was basically told to fuck off. Was there cursing, yes. Most definitively. This happens when you're continuously ignored and forced to repeat yourself and/or when you walk into a fail-fucking-council having a conversation about their new mascot, 'Sparky the Space Whale.'


    Nov 14, 2013
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    [Disrespect] for which this community has become legendary in regard to its treatment of some of its largest content creators (Tomino_sama).
    I can't even...


    I am commenting here because I believe we can solve this amicably in private channels instead of bringing drama to the forums.
    Too late. Everyone's curious now, Criss, and for the record, it's been apparent (true or not) for a long time that the Council wasn't actually doing anything, which really didn't change until HolyCookie appeared and started doing stuff, evidently all on his own.


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    it's been apparent (true or not) for a long time that the Council wasn't actually doing anything
    And we didn't deny that, but the council was more active in the last few weeks, and Toast takes issue with the fact that the community does not know anything still, hence why we would like to evaluate and ensure something of substance happens in future terms.

    I guess this is the last I will say about this for now


    Nov 14, 2013
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    I don't really understand the comparison that people have allegedly thrown your way, Borst... You've been a pretty cool guy so far as I've seen.


    Formerly known as Weishaupt
    Sep 12, 2013
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    I don't really understand the comparison that people have allegedly thrown your way, Borst... You've been a pretty cool guy so far as I've seen.
    Appreciated man, not to pass judgement on the dude.. just if you're going to compare me to someone do it because they do something cool.. not because you think they are a douchebag. I mean damn!
    Mar 31, 2016
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    So then, to get back on track with this thread ... do you have any ideas/plans/vaguely-formed-thoughts about how you're going to make the Council transparent? I'll admit, I didn't see a whole lot going on. I know they were active - because of the oft-ignored "Tags" on Suggestions threads. However, those tags meant very little to me, given that all too often, there was no actual posted response. Even if it's a "Good idea, passing it along" sort of thing, that kind of more-concrete reinforcing of the tags would mean much more to the community (and myself). And the idea of them doing competitions is awesome. It doesn't matter if all it is is a competition for an "imaginary gold star", or a badge, or just recognition - it's the fact that the community is brought in on something official-sounding and FUN to do. So I'm reiterating here that I like it, to make it that much more likely that you'll do it ;).
    Also, to make them more visible, have like a box of online councilors or something on the main forum pages. Maybe label it "Ask a Councilor" or whatever, to show that they're online.
    Also, it's not as if you Schine* guys have jobs or anything, you should post more often on that Suggestions forum. It gives us a false sense of importance to see that the game creators are looking at our ideas.

    EDIT:*; it was late guys. And it was only one mistake. Don't blame me!!! :)
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    Oct 30, 2015
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    (my 2-cents worth) I needed my trusty drama-mine detector to get past those last few meters. ;)

    I have observed a low ebb of feedback over the past year of my time in the forums. Yes there could have been more tags on posts etc and I have certainly appreciated @HolyCookie's 'tag-sale' (but the kitten's make my head swim :confused:). I'm sure I come off as a Fanboy (old enough to be your father...Luke) for all my gushing over SM and it's Dev-team but they are outperforming most developers for keeping in touch with their communities. I also know from other experiences in volunteer communities that it is vitally important to recognize the efforts made by volunteers and to give them some ownership for their responsibilities. People will allow themselves to be micromanaged for money, but respect, recognition and trust are all needed to give your time away.

    My own experience has been largely positive in that I do feel like I am taking part in shaping the final version of this game and that I am talking to more than a chat-room full of fans. Room for improved communication: sure but generally a passing decent job so far.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    Oh, indeed. For instance, Wargaming doesn't HAVE suggestion sections; they just don't bother, since they'd ignore them anyways. Then again, they're a professional (i.e. games under their collective belts and significant experience in games, plus PR people and people dedicated to just presenting things to players in short videos) studio and probably know exactly where they're going with their realistic-ish WoWS and WoWP; WoT is basically complete, minus small additions and changes to physics and such. However, their devs are invisible. You can't find them, you can only find their PR people and "devblogs" that are basically 1-2 people explaining some of what they're doing ... occasionally.

    It is very nice, and noticeable to people who've played other large, in-development games. This one has a very active community, including the devs themselves, on very many occasions! It's an amazing experience, but as with everything, we can make it better.
    Dec 20, 2014
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    I have not been a very active in the chat and the website altogether, I do recognize that. However, when it comes to Social Medias, I believe I have been very present.
    That being said, as I have alot of faith in this game, and will openly admit that it lacks certain points in Entrepreneurship, I would like to come forward as a Candidate for the next term.
    My strength are definitively in my creative mindset and connecting different dots together, such as people and/or companies.

    I would like to strengthen certain weak joints that I have found through the years about the Game.
    I can also openly announce that I have decided to find methods to promote the game. As to how I would proceed must be discussed with the Director of Social Medias, as we would have to work hand in hand for this to bring forth it's potential fruits.

    Aside from this, I have also found that within the game, there lacks certain "utilities" that would be made possible by expending certain aspects of the game.
    My Public Alias is "Thibni" for short and "Thibni_Official" for any and all Social Medias.

    I have been considering applying for the longest time but have yet to find the motivation to realize that I could truly bring something to not only this community, but also connecting the "Outside" community to the Game.

    All of this said, I am willing to act as an Ambassador if I can use the term, to join both the French and the English (I am completely Bilingual).
    Publicity is a critical term for any games to grow and we have all seen what misleading publicity does to the game Industry. It would be unfavorable to rush into this, but I would also point out how little we have heard of this game.
    I am looking forward to joining the Council and bringing my ideas and my ingenuity into the fray and seeing the whole of the community bringing forth it's ideas and making a proper list of Priorities in accordance with the agreement of all. All of us here wish to see this game grow and expend it's unlimited potential into the foundation of tomorrow's Industry.

    Starmade was made to Schine (hehe, the pun) and be the innovative Step that leads tomorrow's vision.
    I truly believe that this Game has this very potential.
    We just need the right leaders to see it, share it and allow others to believe it to be exactly what it is.
    "To Infinity and beyond" - Buzz Lightyear
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    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    The Council held it's last meeting with Schine on the 25th of September. Here is a brief list of what they came up with.

    Current tasks agreed upon:
    • Badge processing (needs improvement, perhaps handling it through Phabricator)
    • Event Management (minimum requirement of one Council hosted event per term)
    • Suggestion tagging

    Things that worked in the past:
    • Phabricator task handling for suggestions

    Ideas to brainstorm:
    • Weekly Community Spotlight: Spotlighting three different StarMade creations of any medium e.g. ships, stations, mods, videos, stories.
    • Event Spotlight: Servers/communities inform the Council about events, which would be published monthly on the forums main page.
    • Integrate Phabricator status changes to tags on SMD: A lot of repetitive work could be made easier if at the very least tags get automatically updated.
    • Forum to Phabricator automation: Import new suggestion threads to a particular Phabricator task.

    We'll be creating a news post once we've fleshed out all these different proposals and most likely add new ones to the mix. If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to post them.
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    Jan 25, 2015
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    Anthros1984 the moment you sat down I totally lost it :p this is so amazing to watch.

    (my 2-cents worth) I also know from other experiences in volunteer communities that it is vitally important to recognize the efforts made by volunteers and to give them some ownership for their responsibilities. People will allow themselves to be micromanaged for money, but respect, recognition and trust are all needed to give your time away.
    Therefore I want to point out that ToasterBorst was my fav counsilor of term 2, It might be a bit late to say but I do want to point out he is the best and then I do not only mean his awesome display creations. He together with keptick turned council upside down by resigning and that changed a lot of stuff within council. Everyone should know that.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    The Council held it's last meeting with Schine on the 25th of September. Here is a brief list of what they came up with.

    Current tasks agreed upon:
    • Badge processing (needs improvement, perhaps handling it through Phabricator)
    • Event Management (minimum requirement of one Council hosted event per term)
    • Suggestion tagging

    Things that worked in the past:
    • Phabricator task handling for suggestions

    Ideas to brainstorm:
    • Weekly Community Spotlight: Spotlighting three different StarMade creations of any medium e.g. ships, stations, mods, videos, stories.
    • Event Spotlight: Servers/communities inform the Council about events, which would be published monthly on the forums main page.
    • Integrate Phabricator status changes to tags on SMD: A lot of repetitive work could be made easier if at the very least tags get automatically updated.
    • Forum to Phabricator automation: Import new suggestion threads to a particular Phabricator task.

    We'll be creating a news post once we've fleshed out all these different proposals and most likely add new ones to the mix. If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to post them.
    Deceptively short. Good to know all that, and I can get behind where it's going.
    Enjoy your deceptive workload, that looks like a good bit of changes to make to various systems ;).
    Thanks for the response.