Kelvin Timeline Excelsior [WIP]


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
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    I didn't attack him. I just stated an opinion, with an observation based on history.

    As I said, no.

    All I did was provide an opinion on the ship. It's not an excelsior in anyway, followed by pointing out an error in the build.

    The sticks are referred to as Nacelles.

    The armour plates are protecting the warp grill (the blue bits), the rest of the hull would be the armour for the rest of it.
    I don't think they like to be criticised.Which is typically because of lack of maturity :u

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Provocative drama aside; it's a nice looking build. I don't care if it's Excelsior, Vengeance or a hybrid of the two. It's a nice design and it looks very sexy in white (Very "Star Axis"-like).

    I can't wait to see a finished interior.

    Patience, Whammy... Patience...
    [doublepost=1471619218,1471619051][/doublepost]Edit: I'd be very interested in learning how to import 3D models into StarMade; as I too have experience in 3DS Max.
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    Totaly not an alt, btw join Vaygr XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    Jul 24, 2016
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    I hate StarTrek, but I absolutely love this, its true embodiment of grace and beatify while still having enough space for interior and systems.

    Also, don't worry about the crap people are giving you because its not a 110% perfect crystal clear perfect replica, this is StarMade, its a sandbox do what you want, not what other people tell you to build :P
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    Aug 30, 2013
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    I don't think they like to be criticised.Which is typically because of lack of maturity :u
    Maturity is the animated gif posted? odd I didn't know that maturity criteria had changed so much. Too boot that looks like a build, built on the GenXnova server too. lol

    Someone with a degree in graphics, many years experience in working in 3d modeling, and actually works professionally in the industry; comes to this game, and takes the time to both prep the work and guts to put up with this extremely non supportive nature of these non achieving forums warriors...

    AND anyone who challenges these non achieving forums warriors is called immature; talk about the pot calling the kettle black.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Maturity is the animated gif posted? odd I didn't know that maturity criteria had changed so much. Too boot that looks like a build, built on the GenXnova server too. lol

    Someone with a degree in graphics, many years experience in working in 3d modeling, and actually works professionally in the industry; comes to this game, and takes the time to both prep the work and guts to put up with this extremely non supportive nature of these non achieving forums warriors...

    AND anyone who challenges these non achieving forums warriors is called immature; talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
    I was refering to that people usually need a semi mature mind to be able to handle being critisiced. Besides that I didn't directly call them immature, I simply said that it usually goes with not being able handle criticism.
    And yeah it is a very nice model and a very nice port with what looks like an alright cleanup. I'm not trying to start anything that letting them understand the difference between being negative and giving criticism but some people (mostly immature or stupid) cannot see the difference between the two. So yeah just go around calling me a forum warrior for trying to teach these kids a tad about life while you do you forum warrioring by calling people forum warriors.
    Aug 30, 2013
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    I was refering to that people usually need a semi mature mind to be able to handle being critisiced. Besides that I didn't directly call them immature, I simply said that it usually goes with not being able handle criticism.
    And yeah it is a very nice model and a very nice port with what looks like an alright cleanup. I'm not trying to start anything that letting them understand the difference between being negative and giving criticism but some people (mostly immature or stupid) cannot see the difference between the two. So yeah just go around calling me a forum warrior for trying to teach these kids a tad about life while you do you forum warrioring by calling people forum warriors.

    lol ah clarification understood and I do see where tossing out the statement about immaturity might curb most of the immaturity in a nut shell.

    But criticism for the sake of being able to criticizing something is not productive, and exactly what is immature. I was not calling you immature. We have seen too much of immature feedback on these forums so I feel people have a right to ask politely that people do not attack them for the sake of having something to attack, and without anything constructive. I am put out and saddened that the forums here do not uphold the personal request made and clean up this thread because the person requested it.

    The fact is too much the users here are too touchy and too sensitive without cause or reason about anyone trying to offer support here. Sure if its a skylordluke build we all praise but if someone offers modeling work it auto turns into a whine fest without the cheese or bread to make a good meal and all for the sake of preventing anyone from establishing anything of value to the core of the community for this game when we all should be bring all the support for every sci-fi lore ever made so we can say we have it all. At this point we have none and that is sad for an open world sci-fi sandbox game.


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    Feb 17, 2015
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    I think rimmer can't take criticism of his comments and that's why he doesn't respond maturly to people.
    Aug 12, 2014
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    well here are Three new screens two for the interior and one for the new stats.

    so the work continues but it's slow going stay with us as we work to complete this build.
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    Aug 1, 2015
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    that's a lot of space to fill,it looks bigger to me then prev pics. keep up the good work and I also wouldn't mind looking it over in person if on a server ,as a builder myself (not the same caliber lol) I enjoy checking out others works.
    Aug 12, 2014
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    Server info can be disclosed in a private message not through a forum post as Ehrehin has had his fill of Forum Warriors Telling him
    he has no talent. So feel free to message me and I will see what I can do to get you
    in if you want to see it in person. but please don't be a ship/build nabber.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Server info can be disclosed in a private message not through a forum post as Ehrehin has had his fill of Forum Warriors Telling him
    he has no talent. So feel free to message me and I will see what I can do to get you
    in if you want to see it in person. but please don't be a ship/build nabber.
    So, not to nitpick or cause trouble but this, "Ehrehin" who is being mentioned over and over isn't the original poster nor have they commented on this entire thread so I fail to see what that person has to do with this post. Yes they were mentioned in the fist post but it appears that you're the only one who is maintaining the thread.

    With that said it also comes across that it isn't Ehrehin that has issues with people's comments but you, so if you're unhappy with someone be the one to say it and don't use someone else's namesake to cover for your own feelings.

    Just my two cents but if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's usually a duck.


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    So, not to nitpick or cause trouble but this, "Ehrehin" who is being mentioned over and over isn't the original poster nor have they commented on this entire thread so I fail to see what that person has to do with this post. Yes they were mentioned in the fist post but it appears that you're the only one who is maintaining the thread.

    With that said it also comes across that it isn't Ehrehin that has issues with people's comments but you, so if you're unhappy with someone be the one to say it and don't use someone else's namesake to cover for your own feelings.

    Just my two cents but if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's usually a duck.
    Ehrehin have a dislike towards the community because he was called out on claiming his build was handmade when it was a SMedit. Apparently that left a bad taste in both his and Anubis's mouth.
    And it could all have been prevented if they had just said it was a SMedit back when it all first happened.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Ehrehin have a dislike towards the community because he was called out on claiming his build was handmade when it was a SMedit. Apparently that left a bad taste in both his and Anubis's mouth.
    And it could all have been prevented if they had just said it was a SMedit back when it all first happened.
    :eek: bad taste in my mouth or typo? :D
    Aug 12, 2014
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    Ehrehin Is my little Bro and seeing how he has been Black-walled here for a typo saying one thing when he meant to say another. I myself mention him because he is the server owner of the server we build on so yeah I am not offended by ppls comments. also I am the Public Attache for his server so if I bring his name up in a tread like this that means I don't want ppl to bash the build or him for that matter.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    You guys all need to back off each other. What's done is done, and is going to stay done. No need to dredge up old arguments for any reason, in any post, even if somebody else does so. Leave their ill-natured comments hang, and go on with something more helpful. Because really, these forums see enough flaming and whatnot over the little stuff. And these are good forums; most topics go with no flaming whatsoever. Unlike certain (cough *roblox* cough) others.

    Anyways, on to something else. I like the ship design; looks pretty cool, nicely angular and yet not too harsh. Also, where are you going with the interior? I see tons of massively long decoration pieces inside, but some of those are just going to be surrounded by systems ... aren't they? Or is it a roleplay ship? If so, then I stand corrected because it of course would not have large systems banks, just enough to play with.
    However, I've never watched anything Star Trek whatsoever (heresy, I know, on this forum ;) ), I'm a Star Wars fan (ooh, now I'm even worse, I brought that up!), so I wouldn't know anything about the ships it's based off/copied off/recolored off in lore or wherever it came from. Still looks great on SM. You could hardly have picked a better Star Trek build to do. (Yay, circles from cubes!)

    Nice job, both of you/all of you/you/whoever built it/not like it matters anyways/but this is kinda fun.
    Aug 12, 2014
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    You guys all need to back off each other. What's done is done, and is going to stay done. No need to dredge up old arguments for any reason, in any post, even if somebody else does so. Leave their ill-natured comments hang, and go on with something more helpful. Because really, these forums see enough flaming and whatnot over the little stuff. And these are good forums; most topics go with no flaming whatsoever. Unlike certain (cough *roblox* cough) others.

    Anyways, on to something else. I like the ship design; looks pretty cool, nicely angular and yet not too harsh. Also, where are you going with the interior? I see tons of massively long decoration pieces inside, but some of those are just going to be surrounded by systems ... aren't they? Or is it a roleplay ship? If so, then I stand corrected because it of course would not have large systems banks, just enough to play with.
    However, I've never watched anything Star Trek whatsoever (heresy, I know, on this forum ;) ), I'm a Star Wars fan (ooh, now I'm even worse, I brought that up!), so I wouldn't know anything about the ships it's based off/copied off/recolored off in lore or wherever it came from. Still looks great on SM. You could hardly have picked a better Star Trek build to do. (Yay, circles from cubes!)

    Nice job, both of you/all of you/you/whoever built it/not like it matters anyways/but this is kinda fun.
    Well the Interior is being worked on for a semi full RP zones and internal turrets and systems