You guys all need to back off each other. What's done is done, and is going to stay done. No need to dredge up old arguments for any reason, in any post, even if somebody else does so. Leave their ill-natured comments hang, and go on with something more helpful. Because really, these forums see enough flaming and whatnot over the little stuff. And these are good forums; most topics go with no flaming whatsoever. Unlike certain (cough *roblox* cough) others.
Anyways, on to something else. I like the ship design; looks pretty cool, nicely angular and yet not too harsh. Also, where are you going with the interior? I see tons of massively long decoration pieces inside, but some of those are just going to be surrounded by systems ... aren't they? Or is it a roleplay ship? If so, then I stand corrected because it of course would not have large systems banks, just enough to play with.
However, I've never watched anything Star Trek whatsoever (heresy, I know, on this forum

), I'm a Star Wars fan (ooh, now I'm even worse, I brought that up!), so I wouldn't know anything about the ships it's based off/copied off/recolored off in lore or wherever it came from. Still looks great on SM. You could hardly have picked a better Star Trek build to do. (Yay, circles from cubes!)
Nice job, both of you/all of you/you/whoever built it/not like it matters anyways/but this is kinda fun.