Storage Sort


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Pretty simple one.

    I have automated sorting into boxes (so all the hull/armor goes into one box, all the weapon computers/modules into another, etc) and after long days of farming pirates I get a wide range of random parts that end up going into my storage essentially at random.

    Might have some pink hull up on the second row, some pink standard down on the 5th row, etc.

    Would be really nice if there was a button that could just sort everything in the box alphabetically to make it easier to find individual whatevers when I need them.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    sort everything in the box alphabetically
    Do you know the creative inventory? I think it is better than alphabetic.


    Oct 30, 2015
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    A very useful feature would be a button that takes a snapshot of the current storage block's sorting. The snapshot could then be saved for later use as a template for sorting ... forever afterwards. Now that would be a breakthrough!.

    Everyone could devise their own systems of sorting, once, and never have to redo it again.

    ***While were at it lets do the same for Pulls. Before cargo, I spent a huge amount of time designing a filter system for loot. There is still no way to transfer all that work into future builds so I would have redo the same tedious process to get the benefit of an efficient material-filter. (The only work-around is to start each ship with a common core and some storage block's that have been programmed with appropriate filters.)
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    Dec 3, 2013
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    You could always use docked storage. Not the best workaround, but it would allow you to keep your connections. You could then build onto them with cargo as needed.

    I do agree we need a better method of setting up pulls, and filtering. Its very tedious and time consuming due to the sheer amount of blocks in the game that need sorting. Maybe even a few extra categories or sub categories could help. But I prefer your ideas to that.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    A very useful feature would be a button that takes a snapshot of the current storage block's sorting. The snapshot could then be saved for later use as a template for sorting ... forever afterwards. Now that would be a breakthrough!.

    Everyone could devise their own systems of sorting, once, and never have to redo it again.

    ***While were at it lets do the same for Pulls. Before cargo, I spent a huge amount of time designing a filter system for loot. There is still no way to transfer all that work into future builds so I would have redo the same tedious process to get the benefit of an efficient material-filter. (The only work-around is to start each ship with a common core and some storage block's that have been programmed with appropriate filters.)
    But there are problems:
    If you resize your inventory, vertical and even 1 pair of horizontal block sorting is gone!

    Shop sorting?
    But I'd like my own "Basic Items" category for shipcores+power+thrust+…


    Oct 30, 2015
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    But there are problems:
    If you resize your inventory, vertical and even 1 pair of horizontal block sorting is gone!

    Yes, I am well aware. I generally use the same custom sized windows all the time.

    Shop sorting?
    But I'd like my own "Basic Items" category for shipcores+power+thrust+…
    Yes, I am well aware. I generally use the same custom sized windows all the time. I would also welcome a save system for sorting-templates that would allow me to have two templates for different window sizes. It would help that too.

    And Yes, I agree with your addition of shop-sorting for the same reasons. :D