As most people on here are aware of the primary ways people build salvage arrays falls under 2 methods.
1. Salvage+Cannon and using every other position in a Checkered board.
2. Using two salvage computers and alternating the cannon positions to fill in the gaps.
Both have their draw backs. The first you don't use every position the second you can only fire half the beams at a time.
There is now a 3rd option with the new rail and inventory system.
You build a primary ship. The put to rail docks on each side of the center line. You then dock to modules in place. Placing salvage beam and computer on each module plus cannons and cannon computer.
You use logic to turn it on and off and have it fire every o.5 seconds. That way only a half second ever ends up between beams. It is nearly continuous firing.
You then place a storage block and cargo space on both the modules. You fee the salvage computer to the storage block. You turn the storage block off with logic. It never needs to be turned on again. You then connect the rail docker of the module to the storage module on each of the modules.
You can then put a storage block and cargo module on the primary ship. You turn it on with logic and set it to pull what you want or everything. You then go back to the to rails used to dock the modules and connect them to the primary ships cargo module.
In other words hit C on the rail and V on the storage block.
With the salvage modules that is C on the Rail Docker and V on the storage block.
If you need an example I put one on the community content called Salvage king.
If you wan to pull from the ship automatically you need to connect the rails you dock with to the primary cargo hold and turn the primary cargo logic off so it can be drawn from.
Hope that helps some of you.
1. Salvage+Cannon and using every other position in a Checkered board.
2. Using two salvage computers and alternating the cannon positions to fill in the gaps.
Both have their draw backs. The first you don't use every position the second you can only fire half the beams at a time.
There is now a 3rd option with the new rail and inventory system.
You build a primary ship. The put to rail docks on each side of the center line. You then dock to modules in place. Placing salvage beam and computer on each module plus cannons and cannon computer.
You use logic to turn it on and off and have it fire every o.5 seconds. That way only a half second ever ends up between beams. It is nearly continuous firing.
You then place a storage block and cargo space on both the modules. You fee the salvage computer to the storage block. You turn the storage block off with logic. It never needs to be turned on again. You then connect the rail docker of the module to the storage module on each of the modules.
You can then put a storage block and cargo module on the primary ship. You turn it on with logic and set it to pull what you want or everything. You then go back to the to rails used to dock the modules and connect them to the primary ships cargo module.
In other words hit C on the rail and V on the storage block.
With the salvage modules that is C on the Rail Docker and V on the storage block.
If you need an example I put one on the community content called Salvage king.
If you wan to pull from the ship automatically you need to connect the rails you dock with to the primary cargo hold and turn the primary cargo logic off so it can be drawn from.
Hope that helps some of you.