possibly the strangest glitch ever..........

    Mar 27, 2014
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    well, after completing a scale model, not detailed though, of the ship you see in star trek into darkness, I noticed one of my life pods in it had glitched, so I tried to fix it, I pushed the ship a bit and it started moving toward another star system, it stopped just at the edge of the star system, no bigy because I had a life pod to get there with, but when I was 200m away, I warped, because I had just exited a star system, then I tried from the other side, and the same happened, I warped into the star system, completely missing the ship altogether. anyone know a way (in single player) I can move the ship or get to it?


    |the problem has been fixed, I will leave this post here so people can use it to solve their problem if it happens to them, it happened again to my friend only a few hours ago! :P class dismissed though- SOLUTION! Poke it with a long pole!|
    Last edited:
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Is this the newest version or an older version of the game? There was a bug like this in one of the older versions, and the workaround was to log out and back in, IIRC.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    You may be able to use the /jump command. It allows you to teleport to anything in your line of site. I'm not sure what the range on it is though.
    Mar 27, 2014
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    Is this the newest version or an older version of the game? There was a bug like this in one of the older versions, and the workaround was to log out and back in, IIRC.
    This is the new version of the game, I don't think it's a glitch, it's simply on the very edge of another star system, and because it drifted there while the server was shutting down it failed to correct its position, like when you jump from a star system to a void system, anyway I found poking it with a really, really long stick unsticks it, and for a moment I thought it was a "sticker situation then when sticky the sticky stick insect got stuck on a stick."- Get smart original series.

    Thanks anyway. Btw I'm in a good mood too! Just subscribed to the Star Trek ship collection. My god I'm a nerd.
    Thanks for you help anyway though!
    Mar 27, 2014
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    You may be able to use the /jump command. It allows you to teleport to anything in your line of site. I'm not sure what the range on it is though.
    I tried that, it just jumped me to the void system, or the star system,depending on where I was when I did /jump. I believe it jumped me when ever I started walking, but poking it with a long pole helps
    - Turd out