Space Elevators

    Jul 18, 2015
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    This can be made in game really easily, but it's impossible to be practical because of a current feature that needs to be addressed. The gravity of a planet has a range. The farther it's range the stronger the field the deeper you go. The problem being that the range of a planet's gravity to based on the height of the blocks on that plate. So a flat plate on one side of a planet will have less gravity than one plate with a mountain. While that doesn't sound that bad, it destroys the dreams of planet elevators. The range isn't on mass of a plate, but the height, despite the type of block, so you making the elevator to space to your orbital station to dock is increasing the range of the gravity field and pulling your ships into the planet.

    I'd like to suggest a different way to determine the gravity of planet plates. Why not have a set gravity based on the biome or the plate. If it's alien it could be heavier because of the mountain giving the planet more gravity through mass, or a set gravity range that is randomly generated. This would allow space elevators to be possible, making planetary bases more practical as you wouldn't need a ship or landing on planets if you have a giant battle cruiser. It would also make plants less useless. (Not saying they are completely useless, but they aren't exactly useful for much other than salvaging.) You could just dock at a orbital station that is connected by a space elevator.
    Feb 8, 2015
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    Quick fix: use an elevator docked to the planet. No gravity extension on docked entities
    Jun 30, 2016
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    Not sure if this would be considered an exploit but I just found that you don't want to build the elevator up, but rather out to the side. I did this and there seems to be no issue with gravity. I made it close to the core so it will actually look like is coming straight up from the surface rather than the reality of it going from the side.
    Sep 15, 2013
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    Why not make the gravity based on distance from the planet icon only (approximately the center of mass of the planet) and decreasing the farther you get away from it, like actual real gravity? A space elevator would still experience some gravity but it would be almost negligible at significant heights.

    Also, space elevators are still possible with the current gravity and have been for awhile.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Technically possible, yes. Feasible, not so much. The problem, as mentioned in the OP, is the gravity of the planet, not some sort of problem with actually building a space elevator.


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    AS first reply said: use a docked entity and gravity.
    Bonus: whateve4r shape you build at the BOTTOM of the docked entity acts as a total shield vs planet gravity up to the top of said entity. So if you make a huge 50*50 plate around the bottom, that entire plate "blocks" the gravity in a 50*50 area all the way up to top of bounding box. Use "intangible" blocks like pickup rails to extend well outside of orbit and you gots yerself a verry effective elevator&launcher.
    Jul 29, 2013
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    Plus there's the added obstacle of rails moving hella slow. That's not a huge issue, because for me a space elevator is just a cool thing you can build. But having a viable way to make the elevator an actual elevator that moves faster than 1 m/s would add practicality to them.

    But yeah, planet gravity should be addressed eventually; I'm sure it will be.
    Jun 17, 2015
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    Planets are still to be reworked. Hopefully the new iteration will have gravity that has more realistic rules.
    Jul 29, 2013
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    shootout rals with a pickup rail "capping" them. all the speed of shoot, none of the de-dock.
    In my own testing, while this "works" some of the time, it's extremely unreliable. So if you've got a way that makes it work consistently, let me know.