Just want to know what has changed. That's all.
How long have you been away? There could be quite a few new features since your departure.
Over a year?
- HP update (entire ships now have a HP and Armour rating based on their block type and respective count)
- Scanners and changes to cloak and jamming.
- Docking overhaul
- Rail systems
- Logic gates
- FTL travel
- Galaxy map
Less than a year?
- Shipyards and blueprint changes
- Cargo mechanics and additional block options (slabs)
- Fleets and controlling them via basic orders (ie, mine, attack, patrol)
- Carrier expansion to rail and docking systems (using drones and the recalling of AI ships to mothership)
- More accurate explosion calculations, (explosions take into account cover or obstructions)
- Player gear such as flashlight, grapple beam and cutting torch to help facilitate boarding parties.
- Transporters (entity to entity or around a single entity teleportation via transporter pads)
- FLT counter system.
- Additional Thrust mechanics
- The beginning of localisation. Language packs.
- Further expansion on logic blocks (activation gate and race gates)
- Small rework of faction permissions and player protection.
- General optimisations and bug fixes.
I'm sure i've missed a few...
Game News
More in depth explanations can be found within our news posts, alternatively i'm sure the community wouldn't mind answering more specific questions.