Some forms of logic jump-drives still work, but instant pulses no longer work on them because of a cool down that they have. Here's a jump-drive that I've put together to be easily copy-pastable, moderately small, and moderately compact;
Copy Pastable Logic Jump Drive
Now, I kind of want to explain what's happening in this build, because it's not the best build for every situation. All logic jump-drives have three main components, a control system, a clock and a bank of jump-drives.
The control system is self explanatory, it's the interface by which the player controls the drive. The one on mine is designed to be easy to use from the hotbar in laggy situations, however, it's possible to set it up differently for different needs. Mine requires at least two easily accessible hotbar slots dedicated to it to be functional, and it has two other hotbar slots that are not entirely necessary, but are recommended. Mine are set up this way so that when the game lags and you don't know the definite state of hotbar logic, you can just spam either the start or the stop and it'll always perform its listed job. Technically you could get away with one bit of hotbar logic acting as a switch, allowing the clock to contact the bank when it has a high signal and not allowing it when it's low, but I don't recommend this.
The clock is always a compromise in design. Faster clocks are larger and less reliable, slower clocks are smaller and more reliable. In the design I made, I used the most reliable and fastest clock I could - I don't have any design faster that is anywhere near as reliable as it is. Anyways, a clock is required now due to jump-drives cool-down between pulses, it used to be that you could send ~2000 instant pulses to a jump-drive at 0 charge and it'd just jump for you, but now that doesn't work.
The bank of jump-drives exists because jump-drives charge inefficiently with logic compared to player charged jump-drives, and typically you don't want to use large jump-drives because they would defeat the purpose of making a logic jump-drive. My design takes a minute and a half to two minutes to charge initially.
Now, jump-drives have some interesting properties that you have to understand to be able to effectively make your own logic powered jump-drive.
• Jump-drives can be charged simultaneously without interfering with each other.
• Only one jump-drive will jump at once. Multiple jump-drives can be charged and receiving high pulses, but only one will discharge and jump.
• Jump-drives do not respond to instant pulses. If they receive two simultaneous high pulses they will interpret it as one high pulse.
I hope this helps, I'm kind of just rambling at this point so I'll stop. Feel free to ask any questions.