Bug Universe Simulation problems.

    Jan 16, 2015
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    So for some time our servers no had any simulations going, it's enabled and nothings changed in the server.cfg since the last AI ship was seen flying about by a player.

    I believe there should be at least one simulation running at any given time, more or less depending on the number of players on the server.

    Do /simulation_info and it always reports zero.

    Did /simulation_invoke and got this.

    Looks like the game attempts to load some sim ships then shuts it all down. Anyone have any ideas on what is going wrong and what may be causing the simulation to not work?

    If I run the simulation invoke command again it does nothing, no info comes on the screen like above.
    Jan 16, 2015
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    Seriously can not a single developer/moderator answer this question, at least confirm if Simulation is working or broken or if it is our server?
    Not the first time I have asked about this over a few months and still nothing........

    Criss Lancake schema Bench AndyP DukeofRealms Auburn @anyonewhohasaclue

    Invoke command brings up nothing at all now also.


    Head of Testing
    Aug 20, 2013
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    • Schine
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    I apologize, I wanted to ask about this before but the registry/star-made.org/phabricator issues that popped up lately disrupted our usual workflow.

    I'll ask about simulations in general and in what matter they're still being used.
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    Reactions: RabidBat
    Jan 16, 2015
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    Thanks for responding Lancake. Just like to know what is happening, what little gameplay there is in StarMade is pretty important to players, we really need simulation working or least some news of it's status. ;)


    Head of Testing
    Aug 20, 2013
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    • Schine
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    Alright got an answer for you :)

    In the past, simulations never cleaned up properly, they're supposed to despawn after a set amount of time to prevent them from heaping up. This was needed since the chance to encounter a simulation after its job was done was extremely slim.
    That was recently fixed and contributes to the lack of mobs flying around.

    Each time a simulation gets invoked (every 420 seconds if you're using the default server config value), it picks 1 random player, checks what surrounds him and then rolls a dice to either spawn a certain group, or not spawn one at all.

    Looking at the code, the chance of having pirates spawned for that randomly picked played is about 10% depending on situation and it's a bit higher for the trading guild.

    For a big server, if you have 20 guys online, the chance of seeing a simulation targeting you is extremely slim. For every 420 seconds you have 5% chance to be selected, and of that 5% you have about 10% chance to see a simulation appear.

    We've increased the chance to see a simulation appear by a significant factor, we're however not sure if it's enough. There's only so much time left for this current release so we can't do something drastic and hope it works.
    After release, consider reducing the time it takes for a simulation to occur if you're the server owner, I would however advice you to not set it to an extremely low number for performance reasons. Try out 300-200 seconds at first and see if after a day or 2, people have seen a difference or not.

    I'll make sure to mention this in the patch notes too so we can get feedback from other servers.
    Jan 16, 2015
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    ok thanks, for the info, I was led to believe that in game with simulation enabled at any given time at least one player should be encountering an AI fleet of some form generated by the game. I have been monitoring the server pretty closely in regards to this recently, pretty much checking it every 5 minutes over a couple of days, and had been randomly checking it previously over several months now. And there just never seems to be any simulations running at any time, with the exception of spawns generated by player attacked shops and station, where in comparison people were encountering simulation ships quite frequently in the past, shown by them responding in chat about being attacked by or encountering ships that had authorised to use certain blueprints. I myself used to encounter simulation pirates and TG ships/fleets all the time.
    Just seems like absolutely zero going on now on the server in that regard. Doesn't matter if we have 3 players or 20 on at the time.

    Also noticed this in the latest patch notes:

    With fixing simulation through the introduction of fleets, simulation spawn (pirates/traders) frequency has been increased. This may need to be increased more in the future.

    Do you know what this means and can you explain it in a bit better detail?
    Is this an attempt at fixing fleets?
    (still not seeing any simulation on our server after the update using the simulation_info command or from visiting every player on the server to see what's going on in their neck of the woods.)

    Any way I shall take your advice and decrease the spawn time and see what happens.

    In the mean time here is our current server settings,maybe someone can take a look and see if we have anything set wrong.

    WORLD = world0 //set world to use (set 'old' for using the old world). if no world exists a new one will be set automatically
    PROTECT_STARTING_SECTOR = true //Protects the starting sector
    ENABLE_SIMULATION = true //Universe AI simulation
    CONCURRENT_SIMULATION = 512 //How many simulation groups may be in the universe simultaniously (performance)
    ENEMY_SPAWNING = true //Enables enemy spawing
    SECTOR_SIZE = 5000 //Sets the size of sectors in the universe **WARNING** scaling the size of an existing universe down may cause issues
    BLUEPRINT_DEFAULT_PRIVATE = true //If true, set blueprints private as default (else they are public)
    FLOATING_ITEM_LIFETIME_SECS = 240 //How much seconds items floating in space should be alive
    SIMULATION_SPAWN_DELAY = 200 //How much seconds between simulation spawn ticks
    SIMULATION_TRADING_FILLS_SHOPS = true //Trading guild will deliver stock to shops
    SECTOR_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT = 20 //Time in secs after which sectors go inactive (-1 = off)
    SECTOR_INACTIVE_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT = 10 //Time in secs after which inactive sectors are completely removed from memory (-1 = off)
    USE_STARMADE_AUTHENTICATION = true //allow star-made.org authentication
    REQUIRE_STARMADE_AUTHENTICATION = true //require star-made.org authentication (USE_STARMADE_AUTHENTICATION must be true)
    PROTECTED_NAMES_BY_ACCOUNT = 1 //How many player names a player may protect with his account (if exceeded, the player name, that was logged in the longest time ago gets unprotected)
    DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_ENEMY_USE = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet
    DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_FACTION_BUY = true //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet
    DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_OTHERS_BUY = false //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet
    DEFAULT_BLUEPRINT_HOME_BASE_BUY = false //Default option for blueprints not in catalog yet
    LOCK_FACTION_SHIPS = true //If true, ships of other factions cant be edited, activated, or entered
    DEBUG_FSM_STATE = false //transfer debug FSM state. Turning this on may slow down network
    PHYSICS_SHAPE_CASTING_TUNNELING_PREVENTION = false //Makes a convex cast for hight speed object to prevent clipping. High Cost. (Bugged right now, so dont turn it on)
    CATALOG_SLOTS_PER_PLAYER = 10 //How many slots per player for saved ships (-1 for unlimited)
    UNIVERSE_DAY_IN_MS = -1 //how long is a 'day' (stellar system rotation) in milliseconds (-1 to switch off system rotation)
    FORCE_DISK_WRITE_COMPLETION = false //forces writing operations of raw data to disk directly after operation. For some OS this prevents raw data corruption
    ASTEROIDS_ENABLE_DYNAMIC_PHYSICS = false //enables asteroids to be able to move in space
    ENABLE_BREAK_OFF = false //debug (don't activate unless you know what you're doing)
    COLLISION_DAMAGE = false //colliding into another object does damage
    COLLISION_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD = 2.0 //Threshold of Impulse that does damage (the lower, the less force is needed for damage)
    SKIN_ALLOW_UPLOAD = true //if off, skin uploading to server is deactivated
    CATALOG_NAME_COLLISION_HANDLING = false //if off, saving with an existing entry is denied, if on the name is automatically changed by adding numbers on the end
    SECTOR_AUTOSAVE_SEC = 300 //Time interval in secs the server will autosave (-1 for never)
    PHYSICS_SLOWDOWN_THRESHOLD = 10 //Milliseconds a collision test may take before anti-slowdown mode is activated
    THRUST_SPEED_LIMIT = 200 //How fast ships, etc. may go in m/s . Too high values may induce physics tunneling effects
    MAX_CLIENTS = 100 //Max number of clients allowed on this server
    SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_USE = true //Enable super admin for this server
    SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD = ******* //Super admin password for this server
    SERVER_LISTEN_IP = all //Enter specific ip for the server to listen to. use "all" to listen on every ip
    SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = 65536 //buffer size of incoming and outgoing data per socket
    PHYSICS_LINEAR_DAMPING = 0.05 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown
    PHYSICS_ROTATIONAL_DAMPING = 0.05 //how much object slow down naturally (must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no slowdown
    AI_DESTRUCTION_LOOT_COUNT_MULTIPLIER = 0.5 //multiply amount of items in a loot stack. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
    AI_DESTRUCTION_LOOT_STACK_MULTIPLIER = 0.5 //multiply amount of items spawned after AI destruction. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
    CHEST_LOOT_COUNT_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items in a loot stack. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
    CHEST_LOOT_STACK_MULTIPLIER = 0.9 //multiply amount of items spawned in chests of generated chests. use values smaller 1 for less and 0 for none
    USE_WHITELIST = false //only names/ips from whitelist.txt are allowed
    FILTER_CONNECTION_MESSAGES = false //don't display join/disconnect messages
    USE_UDP = false //Use 'User Datagram Protocol' (UDP) instead of 'Transmission Control Protocol' (TCP) for connections
    AUTO_KICK_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_USE = true //Kick players that spawn modified blueprints
    AUTO_BAN_ID_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_USE = false //Ban player by name that spawn modified blueprints
    AUTO_BAN_IP_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_USE = false //Ban player by IP that spawn modified blueprints
    AUTO_BAN_TIME_IN_MINUTES = 60 //Time to ban in minutes (-1 for permanently)
    REMOVE_MODIFIED_BLUEPRINTS = false //Auto-removes a modified blueprint
    DEBUG_SEGMENT_WRITING = false //Debugs correctness of writing of segments (costs server performance)
    TCP_NODELAY = true //Naggles algorithm (WARNING: only change when you know what you're doing)
    PING_FLUSH = false //flushes ping/pong immediately (WARNING: only change when you know what you're doing)
    RECIPE_BLOCK_COST = 5000 //How much blocks have to be invested to create a recipe (min 0)
    SHOP_SPAWNING_PROBABILITY = 0.04 //(must be between 0 and 1): 0 is no shops spawned in asteroid sectors, 1 is shop spawned in everyone (default: 8% -> 0.08)
    RECIPE_REFUND_MULT = 0.5 //how much blocks are refunded from selling a recipe (must be between 0 and 1): 0 no refund, 1 full refund
    RECIPE_LEVEL_AMOUNT = 4000 //On how much created blocks will a recipe level up (base value) (min 0)
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_SECTOR_X = 2 //DEFAULT Spawn Sector X Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_SECTOR_Y = 2 //DEFAULT Spawn Sector Y Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_SECTOR_Z = 2 //DEFAULT Spawn Sector Z Coordinate
    MODIFIED_BLUEPRINT_TOLERANCE = 0.1 //Tolerance of modified blueprint trigger (default = 10%)
    TURNING_DIMENSION_SCALE = 1.1 //Scaling of tuning speed VS ship dimension (default = 1.1)
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_X_1 = 0.0 //First Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Y_1 = -6.5 //First Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Z_1 = -8.0 //First Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_X_2 = 7.0 //Second Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Y_2 = -6.5 //Second Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Z_2 = 0.0 //Second Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_X_3 = 0.0 //Third Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Y_3 = -6.5 //Third Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Z_3 = 7.0 //Third Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_X_4 = -8.0 //Forth Rotating Spawn: Local Pos X Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Y_4 = -6.5 //Forth Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Y Coordinate
    DEFAULT_SPAWN_LOCALPOINT_Z_4 = 0.0 //Forth Rotating Spawn: Local Pos Z Coordinate
    PLAYER_DEATH_CREDIT_PUNISHMENT = 0.1 //players credits lost of total on death (must be between 0 and 1): 1 = lose all, 0 = keep all
    PLAYER_DEATH_CREDIT_DROP = true //drop credits lost on death into space instead
    PLAYER_DEATH_BLOCK_PUNISHMENT = false //player will drop all his blocks into space on death
    PLAYER_DEATH_PUNISHMENT_TIME = 300 //Time interval in seconds after death of a player in which the player is not punished
    PLAYER_DEATH_INVULNERABILITY_TIME = 30 //Time the player is invulnerable after death in sec
    PLAYER_HISTORY_BACKLOG = 30 //how many login history objects (with name, IP, account-name, and time) should be saved by player state
    PROJECTILES_ADDITIVE_VELOCITY = true //initial projectile speed depend on relative linear velocity of object fired from
    PROJECTILES_VELOCITY_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 //multiplicator for projectile velocity
    IGNORE_DOCKING_AREA = false //ignores docking area size
    ALLOW_UPLOAD_FROM_LOCAL_BLUEPRINTS = true //enables clients being able to upload their pre-build-blueprints to the server
    SHOP_NPC_STARTING_CREDITS = 10000000 //how much credits do shops start with
    SHOP_NPC_RECHARGE_CREDITS = 30000 //how much credits do shops gain about every 10 min
    AI_WEAPON_AIMING_ACCURACY = 500 //how accurate the AI aims (the higher the value the more accurate vs distance. 10 = about 99% accuracy at 10m)
    BROADCAST_SHIELD_PERCENTAGE = 5 //percent of shields changed for the server to broadcast a shield synch
    BROADCAST_POWER_PERCENTAGE = 50 //percent of power changed for the server to broadcast a power synch (not that critical)
    ADMINS_CIRCUMVENT_STRUCTURE_CONTROL = true //admins can enter ships of any faction
    STAR_DAMAGE = true //suns dealing damage to entities
    SQL_NIO_FILE_SIZE = 256 //megabyte limit of .data file when to use NIO (faster) (must be power of 2)
    PLANET_SIZE_MEAN = 175.0 //Planet size mean (normal gaussian distribution) (min 50)
    PLANET_SIZE_DEVIATION = 100.0 //Planet size standard deviation. Note: normal gaussian distribution graph scaled horizontally by 1/3 (min 0)
    PLAYER_MAX_BUILD_AREA = 40 //max area a player may add/remove in adv. build mode
    NT_SPAM_PROTECT_TIME_MS = 5000 //period of spam protection
    ASTEROID_SECTOR_REPLENISH_TIME_SEC = 3600 //seconds until a sector that is mined down to 0 asteroids is replenished (-1 = never)
    NT_SPAM_PROTECT_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 30 //max attempts before refusing connections in spam protect period (default is 1/sec for 30 sec)
    NT_SPAM_PROTECT_EXCEPTIONS = //ips excepted from spam control (separate multiple with comma) (default is localhost)
    NT_SPAM_PROTECT_ACTIVE = true //enables connection spawn protection (flooding servers with login attempts)
    USE_PERSONAL_SECTORS = false //will spawn a player in a locked sector sandbox (warning, don't use unless you know what you do)
    BATTLE_MODE = false //turn on battlemode (warning, don't use unless you know what you're doing)
    BATTLE_MODE_CONFIG = battleSector=0,0,0,Physics.smsec;battleSector=15,15,15,Physics.smsec;countdownRound=300;countdownStart=30;maxMass=-1;maxDim=300;maxMassPerFaction=-1; //General config for battlemode
    BATTLE_MODE_FACTIONS = [TeamA, fighters, 500,500,500, 0.5,0.1,0.9];[TeamB, fighters, -500,-500,-500, 0.5,0.9,0.2];[TeamFFA,ffa, 0,0,-500, 0.2,0.9,0.9];[Spectators,spectators, 0,500,0,0.8,0.4,0.8] //Faction config for battlemode
    LEADERBOARD_BACKLOG = 24 //time in hours to keep leaderboard backlog (the more time, the more data has to be sent to client)
    ANNOUNCE_SERVER_TO_SERVERLIST = true //announces the server to the starmade server list so clients can find it. Hostname must be provided for HOST_NAME_TO_ANNOUNCE_TO_SERVER_LIST!
    HOST_NAME_TO_ANNOUNCE_TO_SERVER_LIST = starmade.com.au:4242 //this must be a valid hostname (either ip or host, e.g. play.star-made.org)
    SERVER_LIST_NAME = CraftAU - Starmade //max length 64 characters
    SERVER_LIST_DESCRIPTION = www.CraftAU.com.au //max length 128 characters
    MISSILE_DEFENSE_FRIENDLY_FIRE = false //can shoot down own or missiles from own faction
    USE_DYNAMIC_RECIPE_PRICES = true //use recipe based prices (the price is the price of the parts it is made out of in crafting)
    MAKE_HOMBASE_ATTACKABLE_ON_FP_DEFICIT = true //Home bases become attackable if a faction's Faction Points are in the minus and the faction doesn't own any territory
    PLANET_SPECIAL_REGION_PROPABILITY = 100 //one out of thisValue chance of a special region spawning per planet plate (cities, pyramids, etc) (changing this value migth change some plates, but won't change any plates that are already modified by a player)
    NT_BLOCKUPDATE_QUEUE_SIZE = 128 //how many blocks are sent per update. Huge placements will shot faster, but it will consume more bandwidth and is subject to spamming players
    CHUNK_REQUEST_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_TOTAL = 25 //Thead pool size for chunk requests (from disk and generated)
    CHUNK_REQUEST_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_CPU = 10 //Available threads of total for CPU generation. WARNING: too high can cause cpu spikes. About the amount of available cores minus one is best
    BUY_BLUEPRINTS_WITH_CREDITS = false //buy blueprints directly with credits
    SHOP_USE_STATIC_SELL_BUY_PRICES = false //shop buy and sell price change depending on stock (shop prices will always stay the same if true)
    SHOP_SELL_BUY_PRICES_UPPER_LIMIT = 1.2 //maximum of base price a shop will want depending on its stock (e.g. max 120 credits if the normal cost is 100)
    SHOP_SELL_BUY_PRICES_LOWER_LIMIT = 0.8 //minimum of base price a shop will want depending on its stock (e.g. max 80 credits if the normal cost is 100)
    MINING_BONUS = 2 //general multiplier on all mining
    MAX_COORDINATE_BOOKMARKS = 20 //coordinate bookmarks per player allowed
    ALLOWED_STATIONS_PER_SECTOR = 1 //how many stations are allowed per sector
    STATION_CREDIT_COST = 1000000 //how much does a station or station blueprint cost
    SKIN_SERVER_UPLOAD_BLOCK_SIZE = 2048 //how fast should skins be transferred from server to clients (too high might cause lag) [default 256 ~ 16kb/s]
    ALLOW_OLD_DOCKING_BEAM = false //enables old docking beam
    WEIGHTED_CENTER_OF_MASS = true //if on, the center of mass for each structured will be calculated based on block mass. On 'false', the center of mass is always the core position
    SECURE_UPLINK_ENABLED = false //dedicated servers can be registered on the StarMade registry
    SECURE_UPLINK_TOKEN = //uplink token, provided when registering a dedicated server
    USE_STRUCTURE_HP = true //ships and other structures use the hitpoint system. if off, a ship will overheat when the core gets taken out (old)
    SHOP_REBOOT_COST_PER_SECOND = 100.0 //Cost to reboot a ship at a shop (per second it would take to reboot in space)
    SHOP_ARMOR_REPAIR_COST_PER_HITPOINT = 1.0 //Cost to repair a ship's armor at a shop
    MAX_SIMULTANIOUS_EXPLOSIONS = 10 //the more the faster explosions at the same time are executed (costs in total about 20MB RAM each and of course CPU because it's all threaded) (10 is default for a medium powered singleplayer)
    REMOVE_ENTITIES_WITH_INCONSISTENT_BLOCKS = false //This will remove ships that have blocks that are normally disallowed (e.g. space station blocks on ships)
    OVERRIDE_INVALID_BLUEPRINT_TYPE = true //If a loaded blueprint is invalid, it's type will be overridden
    FACTION_FOUNDER_KICKABLE_AFTER_DAYS_INACTIVITY = 30 //Days of inactivity after which a founder may kick another founder
    DEBUG_BEAM_POWER_CONSUMPTION = false //server will send notifications on power consumed (not counting power given from supply) on server (costs performance, so only use for debugging)
    DEBUG_BEAM_TICKS_DONE = false //server will send notifications on ticks done on server (costs performance, so only use for debugging)
    DEBUG_BEAM_POWER_PER_TICK = false //server will send notifications on beam power per tick on server (costs performance, so only use for debugging)
    DEBUG_MISSILE_POWER_CONSUMPTION = false //server will send notifications on missiles on server (costs performance, so only use for debugging)
    BLUEPRINT_SPAWNABLE_SHIPS = true //enables or disables blueprint spawning from item
    BLUEPRINT_SPAWNABLE_STATIONS = true //enables or disables blueprint spawning from item
    USE_OLD_GENRATED_PIRATE_STATIONS = false //enables spawning of old style pirate stations
    CARGO_BLEED_AT_OVER_CAPACITY = false //cargo is ejected every minute if storage is at over capacity
    ALLOW_PERSONAL_INVENTORY_OVER_CAPACITY = false //Personal Inventory can go over capacity
    ONLY_ALLOW_FACTION_SHIPS_ADDED_TO_FLEET = true //only allows faction ships to be added to fleet
    MAX_CHAIN_DOCKING = 15 //maximal deepness of docking chains (may cause glitches depending on OS (path and filename length) at high numbers)
    SHOP_RAILS_ON_ADV = true //Advanced shops will have 4 rails dockers that can be used like a neutral homebase (anything docked is safe)
    SHOP_RAILS_ON_NORMAL = false //Normal shops will have 4 rails dockers that can be used like a neutral homebase (anything docked is safe)
    ALLOW_FLEET_FORMATION = true //Allows fleet formation


    Head of Testing
    Aug 20, 2013
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    • Schine
    • Tester
    Also noticed this in the latest patch notes:

    With fixing simulation through the introduction of fleets, simulation spawn (pirates/traders) frequency has been increased. This may need to be increased more in the future.

    Do you know what this means and can you explain it in a bit better detail?
    Is this an attempt at fixing fleets?
    (still not seeing any simulation on our server after the update using the simulation_info command or from visiting every player on the server to see what's going on in their neck of the woods.)

    Any way I shall take your advice and decrease the spawn time and see what happens.

    In the mean time here is our current server settings,maybe someone can take a look and see if we have anything set wrong.
    Not sure what you mean with "Is this an attempt at fixing fleets?" but with the introduction of fleets, AI was mostly rewritten.
    Simulations are meant to despawn after a short time, so you don't have hundreds of simulations running that no one will ever encounter. They didn't despawn properly, after the fleet update they despawned again.

    In my previous explanation I mentioned:
    Each time a simulation gets invoked (every 420 seconds if you're using the default server config value), it picks 1 random player, checks what surrounds him and then rolls a dice to either spawn a certain group, or not spawn one at all.
    The latest release has a much bigger chance of getting a successful dice roll and having a simulation spawn.

    I don't know yet how long it takes for a simulation to despawn, but it probably doesn't take long. What you need to look for is not the number of current simulations running, but if the ones that are running are different from the previous ones. In best case scenario you'll probably only see 5-10 at once, but those should be cleaned up and be replaced by others in a day or more.
    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    Sorry, I meant was it an attempt at fixing AI Uni Sim spawns.

    Any way, okay seems to be working now I think.
    Maybe that time setting you recommended did something as since then people are reporting AI ships outside of attacking stations since I made the change to the config, both Pirates and Trade Guild and frequently.
    Although they do not seem to be randomly using blueprints ticked to be usable anymore but the waves we have set up in the catalog manager.
    This should help those of us managing servers to keep players that much more interested in the game and playing it.

    I myself saw a player attacked by a pirate fleet, as there was a station nearby that was also active I thought he may of triggered the wave, I sat there and saw the 'wave' fly away, out of navigation range, we he returned to the same spot they came back and rekt him again lol.
    It was very satisfying to see that happen. :D

    Fingers crossed waves get fixed sometime soon so we can get a bit of variety in AI generated fleets and their difficulties instead of just one for each faction.

    Very happy now and thanks for your help, very much appreciated.
    It's definitely improved my feelings about Schine and the development direction of StarMade. :)


    Head of Testing
    Aug 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Tester
    Sorry, I meant was it an attempt at fixing AI Uni Sim spawns.
    Although they do not seem to be randomly using blueprints ticked to be usable anymore but the waves we have set up in the catalog manager.
    This should help those of us managing servers to keep players that much more interested in the game and playing it.

    Fingers crossed waves get fixed sometime soon so we can get a bit of variety in AI generated fleets and their difficulties instead of just one for each faction.
    Glad to hear it's better now :)

    For some more clarification about the stuff you've noticed:
    - IF you have custom waves setup with a faction ID that is used by pirates/trading guild (respectively -1 and -2), then it will always use those instead of its own randomly generated wave using the catalog.
    - Setting up multiple custom waves of the same faction ID, but with different difficulties should make the game randomly select one of them to spawn. It doesn't care about how high or low the difficulty is, that will be expanded on in the future of course :)
    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    hmmm interesting.
    I've never seen the waves spawn differently regardless of how many times we've tried or how many waves and difficulties we have set. The game always seems to pick one wave for each faction and stick with that one wave, regardless of how many we have.

    Thought I had read elsewhere that this was because it's still a broken system.

    For example more recently we set several pirate waves, one with 3 ships difficulty 3, one with 5 ships difficulty 6, and one more fleet of 10 ships with difficulty 10. All anyone see through random encounter or station spawns is the 10 ship fleet. Always. Same for the trade guild.
    Yet before the last few updates and when Simulation was working, stations would spawn the 1 wave if attacked like mentioned previously, yet the random encounters were spawning random ships/fleets from the catalog blueprints that were checked AI usable.

    I mean we have been testing this for a very long time. I dunno. On our server we can only go by what we're seeing as we repeat tests, change parameters and get the same results. :confused:

    But as things seemed to have changed with this latest patch,or changing that time settings??? We shall experiment some more and see what happens. ;)