Bug AMS Turrets and power regen not working after update.

    Jan 16, 2015
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    Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this but my turrets aren't working since the latest update.

    Anti Missile system refuses to fire at all, offensive turrets fire but the 'barrels' aren't elevating any more.

    All turrets are moving slow and jerkily like when you do not have enough mass enhancers but worse.
    This is the same on all my ships and stations.

    Also power gen seems to have become heavily nerfed, have Schine once again screwed with the settings? My main ship usually regens power fairly quickly and that too goes back up like a snail in treacle now. Everything was working fine right up until the update.


    Head of Testing
    Aug 20, 2013
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    The issue about anti missile turrets (and other turrets) not working is fixed in the latest hot fix candidate. Will be released today.

    We did not touch power regen. However, turret AI was changed to stop firing after total power storage is less than 35% to prevent permanent power drains.
    Does your main ship use old docks perhaps? Old turrets are deprecated and this check doesn't apply for them, they'll completely drain your ship if there isn't enough power regen to sustain them.

    EDIT: hot fix got released so your turrets should work again, if not please share your logs with us
    Last edited:
    Jan 16, 2015
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    Thanks Lancake, just doing the hotfix to my client and server now will inform you if it's fixed, and no no old docks. All correct rail dockers and turret axis. As I said everything was working fine right up to the very last second before the update. Power regen on the ship is reduced not sure what is happening there. But I'll see how things go with this fix and do some more poking around the power.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1457077317,1457074731][/DOUBLEPOST]Okay well that was weird.

    When I logged on after the hotfix flew main ship out to a pirate station to test AM turrets and they were still screwing up even worse this time with no movement at all now. 2nd pirate wave spawned and looked dead in the water. got closer and saw they were just markers no ships. TAB F6'd and the game just spazzed out big time. Restarted game and reconnected to the server and now everything seems to be working as it should be, power included. o_O

    Such weirdness but all is fixed it seems. I shall check if my station and other ships are working now also I guess. Fingers crossed. ;)

    Also Lancake do you know if Universe simulation is meant to be working or has been fixed this latest patch? Been a while since anyone on our server has had any random encounters with pirates or trade guild ships in ages. Only way to get them sees to be attacking stations and shops.
    I've asked this question around the place several times over the last few patches and gotten no official or reliable answers on the subject. :(


    Head of Testing
    Aug 20, 2013
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    • Schine
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    Also Lancake do you know if Universe simulation is meant to be working or has been fixed this latest patch? Been a while since anyone on our server has had any random encounters with pirates or trade guild ships in ages. Only way to get them sees to be attacking stations and shops.
    I've asked this question around the place several times over the last few patches and gotten no official or reliable answers on the subject. :(
    Hm, latest hotfix didn't touch simulations so if there is a bug with it, it's not fixed.

    Each server has a maximum amount of simulations running at the same time, the bigger the map, the more spread out they'll end up. More players online also decrease the chance of having one spawn near you personally since it randomly picks a player and checks if it is allowed to spawn one there or not.
    Could you ask a server admin to type /simulation_info? This should show how many groups are active atm. If that number is high, ask him to do /simulation_clear_all to wipe the current simulations and to make room for new ones (you'll have to do this periodically).

    I checked on the test server and we have exactly 0 simulations going on atm which is a little weird and could point that it's bugged.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    We did not touch power regen. However, turret AI was changed to stop firing after total power storage is less than 35% to prevent permanent power drains.
    Just turrets or all AI? I have a lot of ships that are meant to stagger fire their missiles so they have never been usable as AI ships.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    While it's really nice that ships that have more guns then they can fire at once then support with their power are actually functional now it seems that turrets will not draw from the ship they are docked to anymore as they will not fire once their power gets low. This makes any turret that is not self sufficient useless at the moment.

    Turrets that pull power from their base seem okay but those that pull from a mothership do not work. Also turrets designed to fire more then 65% power in single shot then fully recharging before the next shot will also not fire all rounds simultaneously even though they are specifically designed to do so.

    -Edit- Now my turrets seem to be drawing power just fine from the mothership, I have no idea why they didn't in my first tests.
    Last edited:
    Jan 16, 2015
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    I checked on the test server and we have exactly 0 simulations going on atm which is a little weird and could point that it's bugged.
    Yeah I am an admin on the server, 0 simulations, should of mentioned I had been checking that. Been like this for months and been asking about it on the forums for just as long with no responses from any devs. I even have the concurrent simulations doubled the default to see if that made a difference and zip.

    Game like this really needs simulation and Pirate/Trade Guild spawns working. People tire pretty quick of just mining building and the same wave spawning at stations and little else. We're having to do a lot of manually loaded events and AI to keep people interested in the game.
    Been disappointing that the waves and 'game' AI has been overlooked for so long, and often indeed end up worse with each update when they're essentially the only gameplay in StarMade outside of using your imagination. :(
    Jan 16, 2015
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    Okay noticing definite problems with turrets, specifically stations. Once I docked the ship after it's turrets were working, the stations turrets are still not working and once docked the ships turrets started spazzing out also. The AMS on my ship about a minute after the missiles I was using to test hit everything, rotated and pointed straight up while the stations ones remained in their same positions.

    Visited another players base to help him test his base defenses and his AM turrets were also not working, while his offensive turrets on ships fired the movement was spazzed out just like the docked ships at my station. I spawned in a new Anti Missile turret though, the same as on my ships and stations to test, and once he docked it that one worked properly.

    I spawned in a completely new station I downloaded off starmade docks yesterday that has offensive turrets and same thing. some fire, all have spastic movement. Added more mass enhancers and they remained the same.

    Something weird is definitely going on with turrets since the fleet update. I'll do some experimenting later and try and get some video of it. Pretty serious bug I think.