Multi account checking?

    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    I noticed there is a ban by registry account function in Starmade that will deal with every username a player is using on one go, I was just wondering if there is a relatively easy way in game to see a players other names attached to their registry account?

    Sadly cannot use a wrapper as they are apparently incompatible with the server software where I moderate and cannot seem to find a 'show other names of account' function.
    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    I noticed there is a ban by registry account function in Starmade that will deal with every username a player is using on one go, I was just wondering if there is a relatively easy way in game to see a players other names attached to their registry account?

    Sadly cannot use a wrapper as they are apparently incompatible with the server software where I moderate and cannot seem to find a 'show other names of account' function.
    I agree it would be useful if there were an option for server owners to black-/whitelist a registry name along with all associated accounts, but there should be absolutely no way for non-Schine staff to query all identities of anybody's registry account except your own. That simply is nobody's business besides Schine and the account holder.


    Nov 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Railman Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    There is no list of names assigned to a registry account, because there is no assigned names at all really, since the number of IGNs you have can is infinite and everchanging.