the long awaited thrust update is already in the dev build which means that its coming this weekend. I've played around with it and have some observations as well as a short break down on how it'll work. Bare in mind that i was playing a dev build version of this, its very possible that some or all of the details will change when its released.
How it works.
- Ship's max speed is now determined solely by its Thruster Mass-to-Module ratio. The more thrusters you add the faster your ship can go. only 2.5% of your ships mass needs to be devoted to thruster modules in order to achieve the server max speed.
- ship cores have a default max speed of 25 m/s.
- The new Thrust Menu can be access from the menu navigation on the top of your screen when you open your inventory or other hot key menus. This where you will can allocate thrust as well as access other settings.
- Thrust is actually acceleration. when you allocate thrust in a direction you are actually determining how fast you will achieve max speed rather then how fast you can go in that direction in general. This is of course is still effected by your ships max speed.
- You can allocate thrust in 4 ways. forward/backward, left/right, and up/down and rotational. You can allocate points by dragging sections of the triangle in the direction you want. alternatively you can press the press set buttons on top to set all thrust in a given direction. Currently every time you change your thrust settings it takes 10 seconds for it to take effect. this may or may not stay as this could be potentially exploited.
- Most of the directions are self explanatory but rotational is something at requires some explaining. Rotation determines your rotational speed and it effects your overall thrust in all directions. 50% is the default setting, increasing your rotational thrust increases your turning speed but decreases your acceleration in all directions. 100% rotational thrust completely stops your ship from moving but gives you the absolute maximum turn speed. Turning the rotational thrust down will increase your acceleration in all directions but will make it harder to turn. 0% rotational actually still allows you to turn, it just makes it really hard.
- A side from thrust allocation you can now toggle momentum dampeners. Thats right newtonian physics are now default in a way. They default to on but toggling them off will allow your ship to move endlessly without slowing down once in motion. To counter this there is a second setting that will automatically toggle auto dampeners on if you leave the core. This too can be toggled off and must be toggled off if you want a ship to be truly frictionless in space.
- The dimension based turning is still in however it plays a more supplemental role to rotational thrust. Didn't get a chance to test specifics but at least you don't turn nearly as slow as 1.0 1.0 1.0 generally now.
- While I really like the way this is going I do feel that having thrust allocation be toward only 3 directions rather then 6 promotes kiting. Allocating all of your points into forward/backward thrust allows you a surprising amount of speed. Being able to fly backwards as fast as you can fly forward has the unintentional consequence of allowing you to just fly away from an enemy while still being able to fire all of your weapons while still offering a lot of evasion options.
- If thrust allocation was broken up into all 6 directions then you would specifically need to build a ship that can only fly backwards at maximum speed. its still exploitable but at least if things go south you can't change directions as quickly.
- Thrust allocation should also determine total achievable speed in that direction rather then just effecting acceleration.
- Having thrust only effect how fast you will achieve max speed doesn't really change the way we play the game. Heck, just turning down the rotational thrust alittle bit boost your acceleration in all direction big time. To the point where I can see players not even allocating thrust much since with the correct ship design theres no downside to equalizing your thrust.
- Making the max achievable speed in a direction be determined by thrust allocation will force players to prioritize a direction thus promoting dog fighting as well as more thought being put into capital ship design. For example: would you rather go 130 m/s foward/back, 10 m/s left/right, and 10m/s up/down or would you rather only be able to go 50 m/s in all directions?
- This can also work with the previous observation as putting all of your thrust into backwards wouldn't leave you with much room to do much else.