Transporters and cargo transfers - Quick (unrelated) questions

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I've been wondering about these:

    1. The game says that transporting between entities puts down both their shields. Does that happen with docked entities also?

    2. I want to have transporters that visitors to my station can use. But these people are not in my faction so I need to set it to public? But then they can teleport in and out and put my shields down? How about an option "same entity only"?

    3. About cargo transfer: I suppose the transfer happens to and from entitites of different factions? What's the simplest way of avoiding docking to someone else's ship/station and inadvertently getting your stuff sucked away?

    Thanks a whole bunch!


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    1. Shields are only taken down when transporting between two entities that are not docked to each other. transporting between docked entities does not drop your shields.

    2. there is a faction/public toggle button for transporters in the transporter menu. haven't really messed with it myself so i dont know to much about exactly how it works. try watching the short tutorial that was in the update video.
    3. not exactly sure. havent tested this but i agree with max stripe. just keep your storage pull mode on and you should be fine
    Nov 7, 2015
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    Many many thanks!

    1. Shields are only taken down when transporting between two entities that are not docked to each other. transporting between docked entities does not drop your shields.

    2. there is a faction/public toggle button for transporters in the transporter menu. haven't really messed with it myself so i dont know to much about exactly how it works. try watching the short tutorial that was in the update video.
    Yes, there's a faction/public toggle. But putting 1 and 2 above together, what I mean is: Once I set it to public, I don't think there's a way to say "public but only if the entities are docked". Or even in the same entity for that matter.

    Because one alternative would be to have a USD door and inside that door, in the station, a transporter for guests. But for guests to be able to use it, it has to be set to public. And if it's set to public then guests (and other people) can also use it from an undocked entity out of the station to get into the station.

    If there's no way to limit the transporter to work "in same entity or docked entities only" I think that would be a very nice feature.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    If there's no way to limit the transporter to work "in same entity or docked entities only" I think that would be a very nice feature.
    Maybe require a password input into both? How about putting a faction-permission block instead of using the public-setting?