Add and focus on, gameplay

    Jan 16, 2015
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    What the title says.

    Some actual game play other than mine build and fight horrendously broken AI and other players.
    Seems this game has not changed in a long time game play wise and all that gets added is new systems,textures and items like ores renamed. Feels like Starmade is stagnating. Decided to make this post in repsonse to a server owner asking how he can get his player numbers back up, and other reasons aside,the main one is and what I get told by people when they stop playing is.......

    "The game is boring as @#$%"

    It's time we got some actual game play added finally. Sooner than later.

    Let us look at StarMade in terms of actual gameplay.
    Fight dodgy broken AI.
    Fight other players (if they ever undock)
    Explore 'dead' systems that are the same as the other million you explored.
    Play make believe.
    (if roleplay is your thing)
    Wash Rinse Repeat.
    And that is about it and has been for quite some time.

    Many early access games thrive, because along with updates and fixes, game play is also regularly added and updated. People can accept the most buggiest game going if Steam is anything to go by,as long as they have something to do and are having fun.

    For a very very long time StarMade has essentially been, mine, build, fight buggy AI and other players (when and if they ever undock) and little else.
    Some of my suggestions will be gameplay ones, but some will be related to mechanics to enhance what is already in the game and in turn hopefully enhance what we do have and keep players interested.

    Make AI a bit 'smarter' and more of a challenge.

    Like not firing all weapons at once.
    Stop them from firing all those weapons until their power is completely drained and unable to recharge as they just keep on firing even if they do not have power.
    Maybe: Power is at 20% stop firing until power is back to X%.

    AI has to wait as long to lock on as human players. They seem to currently get an instant lock.

    Have AI know how to apply the handbrake. Enemies dead. STOP moving. This is even worse with Newtonian physics. Fights over and ship decides to drift off forever usually into the path of new pirate stations and fleets.

    Stop the ridiculous withdraw distances, or the "Quitting" because you're now 2.5km from them. It'slike,meh I can still see him, he's within range, but pursuing is too much work I quit.Meaning I have to go to them to get them to wake up.
    Make them want to fight and pursue enemies. I recently got two similar AI ships to fight, and they withdrew to such a distance they stopped fighting altogether because if you sat next to one the other was out of draw range or across the sector. Make them say "oh my shields and or power are down, I'll try and avoid combat and withdraw a little, but keep my foe in range so when they come back up I am ready to go.

    Make waves work. What is the point of waves when they'll just spawn the same wave over and over regardless. Sometimes you can delete the waves and make a new one and the same wave will still spawn in even after a server restart and it's wave is no longer even listed.

    When an update breaks the AI, fix it. Don't make us wait months or even weeks to hoping it may or may not get fixed.

    When the AI is essentially only of of two actual game play mechanics in this game it needs to be working.
    (the other being PvP)

    Have a greater variety of pirate stations, from Easy Peasy, too OMFG RUN AWAY.
    If you've been playing this game for a while, even Alpha stations will make you yawn.

    Fix stuff that needs fixing when it needs it and when a new feature is added, make sure it's complete, fix existing game play elements that are clearly broken.
    When rails came out the default stations should of been updated at the same time. Still we're waiting. Don't rely on the community to do your job for you. No doubt when it comes every server is gonna need a reset. Most I am sure would rather this sooner than later.
    It doesn't seem that hard a task to do. Remove old docks, replace with rails and applicable turrets. Should this really even still be a thing we're waiting for?
    Especially when there are community made turrets you could probably use that match current station turrets meaning you only need to spend 5 minutes replacing docks.
    Hey pay me and I'll get it done in a week if not sooner, like a single day or 2.

    Teleporters are a great idea, but they should of been functional to begin with. Not just added for the sake of adding content which seems like many systems are and keeping people happy.
    Not just "here's teleporters, actual uses TBA at some unknown future date."
    It honestly makes me dread the cargo update, aside form the stack limits and added weight to ships, I'm worried it will be "here you go, make space on your ship for cargo, oh but the actual crates that fill that space won't be added until an unknown TBA date in the future."
    imho something like teleporters are a gimmick until we can actually use them as intended.

    It's just like faction points. Seriously is there any point to them?
    Only way to drive a factions points down is kill that factions players. Since being introduced they have really served no practical purpose, and if they did you just have to do 2 things, suicide......sorry forgot now the PC 'respawn', if you're going to lose a fight and pow, no penalty. Suicide costs nothing, but getting killed does making the respawn button the equivalent of ALT+F4
    System cost points? Hey a single player can keep a large faction and it's systems going and inactive players even help for a couple of days.

    Make your station your home base and don't claim any systems. It's worked for a player who attacked my faction, kept getting his butt kicked and rage quit. Months later his base is still there untouchable. Because he's not losing any points at all and no way to make him lose points because apart from his base and his docked ships. He owns no way to lose points.

    Heck even if he owned systems I doubt we'd be able to raid his base ever. After all your first system is free and the one most usually make home.
    heck it would give people incentive to play if they knew there was an actual risk to logging out for extended periods. Make being inactive cost you.

    Get rid of insta decay on Pirate stations.
    Sure it makes sense on a derelict station that it's resources are going to be a bit worn out. But it seem insane when a perfectly fine and active station suddenly turns to trash the minute you just killed it and it's fleets.
    Why did I fight again? So my prize could be buying it for X million of my credits to get rewarded..... lolwut?
    Keep derelicts derelict to prevent easy farming, but not pirate stations you have to fight and risk your ship on. Seems logical if you ask me.
    Gives people more incentive to go play with the pirates.
    Maybe replace the overheat with 'self destruct' on Pirate Stations so it becomes a case of grabbing everything you can before the station blows?

    Implement Moderator tools.
    This is also essential. Seen servers with one admin because they cannot trust adding moderators because mods get all the same tools, and it only takes one bad mod/admin to trash the entire server with one press of the enter button. Even if you do add trusted people as admins, people can turn.
    So you join servers and see one Admin who has a job and a life and likes to play other games. This turns players off as it can be hard to call on an admin when needed especially if griefers and trolls invade a server so they stop playing. It frustrates admins because they cannot get people to help them out without giving them the keys to the entire castle or they need to manage things themselves 24/7.
    I've seen 3rd party addons that apparently allow players to have certain admin controls, like teleport commands with cool down timers on them, while not being able to access every admin command. So would it be too much work to add moderator options for server owners?
    Make it so some players can be given simple mute/kick/ban/teleport options while blocking things such as commands that can despawn entire sectors.

    Moderator privileges is a feature I feel that should of been one of the first added to the game.

    Start adding simple missions or some other actual game play elements.
    Even if it's go to spawn and get a job like "Go to advance shop at x, x ,x pick up 500 jump drive modules and deliver to advanced shop at y, y ,y and earn X amount of credits."

    Got race gates now, add some race tracks as part of the default game. Even if just simple time trials.

    You can spawn spiders on some stations, spawn other weird creatures of varying difficulty. Add a reward for clearing out the station or make these creatures drop credits or loot.

    How about some big ass Boss pirate station populated with AI NPC's, even if they're mindless as long as they can attack a player like AI crew does now? This station could randomly spawn in systems and be a rarity you have to really go looking for, and be impossible for a single player to take down. And have several ways to destroy it aside from just camping it until it's dead. Main focus being boarding it and fighting your way to a core/computer terminal. It could tie into a mechanic that once the cores hacked or whatever, it respawns NPC's and you have to fight your way out before it blows. A bit of co-op action.
    Give the station a tonne of anti missile turrets also.

    I dunno just give us something fun to do than mindlessly mine, build and make our own very limited adventures that we've been doing for years.
    The game play doesn't have to be genius level or over complicated, it just has to be there.

    And I'll leave it at that for now. I can think of about a million other things that would enhance the game but this posts already long enough. Just want to make the point that I feel game play needs more focus. Players are quitting this game. You need to bait the hook and keep them playing.

    Sure keep adding to the base mechanics and optimising. But for every cargo update, add or tweak a game play one.
    Games need more than just new mechanic after mechanic. We play games for fun. When the funs not there we stop. Games need game play,otherwise they're just software. And right now StarMade has just become a flying lego game.

    I love this game and it's potential, but I am getting worried as servers I play on become less and less populated, and MP games are no fun when there is nobody to play with.
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    Jul 19, 2013
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    Agreed with a lot of the things mentioned, though, Schine are working towards procedurally generated AI Factions and other things that will spice up gameplay. It's been slow going, but we are going to get new features that should, hopefully, get rid of the boredom that some players are experiencing now. Schine is a small team, but the Tortoise wins the race.
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    Jan 16, 2015
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    Agreed with a lot of the things mentioned, though, Schine are working towards procedurally generated AI Factions and other things that will spice up gameplay. It's been slow going, but we are going to get new features that should, hopefully, get rid of the boredom that some players are experiencing now. Schine is a small team, but the Tortoise wins the race.
    I know they are working on stuff, and not wanting to be jaded, they've been working on some of these things way too long.
    Sure better to have quality over quantity in most regards but you still need something to keep people interested.

    What's the point of the tortoise winning the race if there's nobody waiting at the finishing line to celebrate his win because they got tired of waiting and all went home?

    Not wanting or expecting a complete game over night, but we do need a bit here and there. It'd be unwise for them to neglect it now there are many clones on Steam and no doubt many more on the way.
    I really want to see the Tortoise win I do. But the Hares in the tortoise shell costumes are gonna win if the Tortoise doesn't get a move on.
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    Jun 25, 2013
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    firstly i think every thing you are saying is right the game needs some game play and secondly you make the longest forum posts i have ever seen
    Sep 2, 2015
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    there really is no way to disagree with this..... i mean we have guns warp gates shields missiles, race gates, basically all these toys but we have no place to play with them, all these cool awesome things to use and nothing to do with them. I mean sure roleplay is fine if ur into it but do u know what would be cooler than pretending the vessel that ur investigating is unknown and broadcasting a distress signal........ if the vessel you are investigating is actually unknown and really broadcasting a distress signal.....

    I hate to compare to minecraft but i'm going to here.

    Minecraft has almost no real gameplay elements and no real purpose similar to starmade, however what minecraft does have is needs basically a need to survive that single fact makes people play it.

    @ its core you start a game of minecraft and you "build" a house because you (need) it to survive from the creepers and skeletons at night, and then you plant seeds because you (need) them to feed yourself and then you explore because you (want) to find better materials so that its (easier) to survive.
    When that gets boring you start over playing once again to fulfill the survival(needs) of the game.

    In starmade you build to learn how to build and then you build to make things you think would be cool and then you build to fight other people that want to fight and then you QUIT there is absolutely no reason to start over because without needs you have already met all the conditions you don't need to learn to survive you import blueprints of things you think are cool and then you import blueprints of combat ships you can't use cause you realize there is no point @ all in fighting.


    Jul 19, 2013
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    "basically all these toys but we have no place to play with them."

    Agreed, we have the bucket and spade, but no sandpit.

    P.S: I am a noob to forums and such, I cannot quote to save my life! xD


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Holy wall of text, Batman.

    I don't have time to read all of this, but just going by the stuff in bold- a lot is already planned. Missions, for example, are planned.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    Holy wall of text, Batman.

    I don't have time to read all of this, but just going by the stuff in bold- a lot is already planned. Missions, for example, are planned.
    That's quite rude if you don't have time to read it then don't comment.
    It just makes you look arrogant.

    His points are valid and helpful. I have heard the same things said by our players past and present.
    The points raised are needed soon if players are to be retained if that is a consideration.
    Planned means sometime in the future.
    Mar 2, 2014
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    Personally, I'm not bored by the gameplay since the game doesn't even have reached a state at which I'd bother to seriously play it. I just test stuff and build things.
    Make AI a bit 'smarter' and more of a challenge.

    Like not firing all weapons at once.
    Stop them from firing all those weapons until their power is completely drained and unable to recharge as they just keep on firing even if they do not have power.


    Stop the ridiculous withdraw distances, or the "Quitting" because you're now 2.5km from them. It'slike,meh I can still see him, he's within range, but pursuing is too much work I quit.Meaning I have to go to them to get them to wake up.
    No AI improvement needed here, just fix this and that bug. I recently came back after a 5 month break, which I took because the amount of annoying bugs got out of hand, just to see that one (!) of them got fixed. Of course it doesn't make sense to spend too much resources on bug-fixing while the game is still in alpha, but the increasing number of bugged features that got added but not fixed makes me think Schine hired Notch.


    Creative Director
    Jun 24, 2013
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    We're well aware that gameplay is pretty bland beyond the building, mining, and PVP that you mentioned. All that you've mentioned, objectives and reasons to play, are all planned. However there's an order of implementation we have to follow as one gameplay element is built upon another. For example: Missions can't go in without the new factions going in, the new factions can't go in until quarters are completed and the NPC overhaul happens, otherwise there's no NPCs with the mechanics to issue the missions. Hence why we're working on those elements at the moment of which cargo is a part of that. We're being strategic, not just slapping on "here, have some missions" without thinking of the bigger picture, like putting in place support for the community to be able to create their own missions and factions etc that you can add to the server.

    Remember that at the moment, we only have one or two programmers that have to implement both the features and all the bug fixes. We're a small team but we're working hard, we have big visions for StarMade, we just have to take it step by step.
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    Mar 2, 2014
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    We're well aware that gameplay is pretty bland beyond the building, mining, and PVP that you mentioned. All that you've mentioned, objectives and reasons to play, are all planned. However there's an order of implementation we have to follow as one gameplay element is built upon another. For example: Missions can't go in without the new factions going in, the new factions can't go in until quarters are completed and the NPC overhaul happens, otherwise there's no NPCs with the mechanics to issue the missions. Hence why we're working on those elements at the moment of which cargo is a part of that. We're being strategic, not just slapping on "here, have some missions" without thinking of the bigger picture, like putting in place support for the community to be able to create their own missions and factions etc that you can add to the server.

    Remember that at the moment, we only have one or two programmers that have to implement both the features and all the bug fixes. We're a small team but we're working hard, we have big visions for StarMade, we just have to take it step by step.
    This totally makes sense for patient players, but I'm afraid you'll lose some rather impatient ones on the way.
    Feb 22, 2015
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    This is not first such thread, it will not be the last. I read the huge ass post, and ignored it because it was just more of the same whining from someone who doesn't understand the terms 'alpha', 'early access', or 'reality'. So what if we lose a few (or all) impatient players? It will improve the quality of the community.

    Frankly, Bench, I don't even understand why you bothered to respond to this. You are a much nicer person then me.
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    Mar 2, 2014
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    So what if we lose a few (or all) impatient players? It will improve the quality of the community.
    But it will reduce the quantity, and quantity is what brings the money - unfortunately. I can wait another 5, 10 or 20 months, but I don't want to see StarMade go the way of games like Age of Conan or Scrolls which started with a big potential but pissed off too many players.

    Frankly, Bench, I don't even understand why you bothered to respond to this. You are a much nicer person then me.
    That's because he respects differing opinions.
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    Jun 25, 2013
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    Remember that at the moment, we only have one or two programmers that have to implement both the features and all the bug fixes.
    i know it is none of my business but i am curious is that because you can't get more or you don't want more?
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Basically, the reason that Starmade is lacking at the moment is because the developers are doing their job - to make as good a game as possible, as fast as possible - very well. They are building from the ground up; even if most of the fun is up in the metaphorical stratosphere, solid base mechanics and coding are required for said fun to function well in the future, and especially, so that the developers don't have to waste time recreating features after a more fundamental ground-level change breaks them.

    This game has bigger aspirations than Minecraft, a smaller dev team, and released in an earlier state for the community's feedback. In my opinion, the game is doing quite well, when these variables are taken into account.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Basically, the reason that Starmade is lacking at the moment is because the developers are doing their job - to make as good a game as possible, as fast as possible - very well. They are building from the ground up; even if most of the fun is up in the metaphorical stratosphere, solid base mechanics and coding are required for said fun to function well in the future, and especially, so that the developers don't have to waste time recreating features after a more fundamental ground-level change breaks them.

    This game has bigger aspirations than Minecraft, a smaller dev team, and released in an earlier state for the community's feedback. In my opinion, the game is doing quite well, when these variables are taken into account.
    lol yes this, people want to upper layers of the multiverse boarder but fail to account for the fact the rest of it has to exist first before they can have it. XD


    Nov 14, 2013
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    This is not first such thread, it will not be the last. I read the huge ass post, and ignored it because it was just more of the same whining from someone who doesn't understand the terms 'alpha', 'early access', or 'reality'. So what if we lose a few (or all) impatient players? It will improve the quality of the community.
    The thing is that the majority of players are 'impatient'; if there's a game out there they expect it to be fun and if most potential players have already seen the game before it becomes fun for more people, the community may just fade away and never recover. However, this being a small team with an open development cycle, that's a risk that has to be taken. I still say, though, that the Steam release should not have happened :P

    Frankly, Bench, I don't even understand why you bothered to respond to this. You are a much nicer person then me.
    He's a dev, and to a certain extent they have a responsibility to address community concerns. It helps to stop crap like "the devs don't care about the community" from popping up.


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    I think one of the ways to help alleviate this right now is to have dndesque servers with events planned by server admins. I've been considering doing something like that. Create a small story and slowly progress it on a server over time. Does anyone know of such a thing right now?
    Jul 20, 2013
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    We hold server events when possible.

    Currently a lot of work is required to build the events normally it takes me a few days when not at work ( mon to sat ) to build assets, cities on planets etc and save the sector to be imported on the day.
    Then comes the need to get the players, additional admins to pilot the event ships, run the game from different time zones to meet up on dated weekend at a set time.

    We do greatly enjoy these but it is impossible to do these more than once a month it burns out the admins and builders.

    On a side note saving each event as a sector does allow us over time to build up a catalog that can be reused.

    I would say I hope that this remains a forum for discussion for differing points of view.
    The aggressive, shout down tone in some of these replies does not do the starmade community justice.
    Most of the people here love the game and are the biggest promotors of it, supporting it for a number of years.
    Spending their time and money doing just that.
    Asking for help and "suggesting" how they feel they could better promote it for the players on the player run servers should continue to be encouraged.
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    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    Yeah terrible spelling on my phone. DnDesque - Similar to Dungeons and Dragons. Perhaps a longer story line created and tended to by creators, that reacts based on player actions. Balancing the freebuilding vs story would be interesting.

    Currently a lot of work is required to build the events normally it takes me a few days when not at work ( mon to sat ) to build assets, cities on planets etc and save the sector to be imported on the day.
    Yeah definitely this, but something longer running would help people. A higher level of gameplay is usually the complaint for starmade.