Royal Imperium of Collective Suns |Looking for server| Recruits needed|

    Sep 15, 2013
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    ==|Message Received|==
    ==|Opening Attachment "Royal Imperium of Collective Suns"|==
    ==|Message Decrypt|==
    ==|TO: Citizens of Beta Quadrant|==
    ==|FROM: Commander Jase Torra|==
    Hello! I am Commander Jase Torra, of the R.I.C.S. WE are looking for a new homeworld after ours was destroyed in the great war. It came at a great cost, and require many new recruits to rejuvenate our once great empire. But this no easy task. I come from a galaxy unlike yours. As Humans and other Terran species are few and far due to a great war, that devoured Alpha Centuri and the Sol system. I am asking you, personally, to help out with rebuilding the great human empire, and restoring what was ours once more. AD VICTORIAM!
    ==|Message Ends|==

    Hi! I am the leader of a brand new faction, as you could probably tell, and am looking for new recruits. As well as a server for which we can reside on (preferably a roleplay one with an established playerbase )

    WHat can I offer?

    I can offer a rich and detailed roleplay within my faction, based around an up and coming lore (which I plan to fit into the servers) which tells us how we were founded

    A rich promotion opportunity, you could become the next great commander of the R.I.C.S.

    In game name:
    Age (optional):
    A bit about yourself:
    Are you a good builder (provide photos)?
    What makes you different?
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    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    I recommend either Shattered Skies or GenXNova. Both have free starter ships.

    Good luck!
    Sep 20, 2015
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    ==|transmission received|==
    ==|Message decrypted|==
    ==|TO: Commander Jase Torra|==
    ==|FROM: codename Moontree|==
    message received loud and clear, i offer to you my services as a logic technician and inter planetary vessel pilot and builder. plz respond,
    ==|end transmission|==

    In game name: moontree

    Age (optional): 18

    A bit about yourself: just your run of the mill recruit

    Are you a good builder () the smaller ones on the left are {from left to right} my standard AMD the docked generator i use in most my ships and a small puddle jumper with working engine/missile pods

    What makes you different? im gonna answer this with another question, different from what?

    edit: i am also somewhat apt at making skins so i may be able to make a faction uniform if you dont already have one
    Last edited:


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Huh, not sure how I missed this. Welcome to forumside factions!
    Mar 9, 2014
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    A player has joined the table.

    Welcome to the forumside, You can find your sanity outside on the left.