Weapon trade offs and power balancing.

    Dec 14, 2014
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    I built a fair size carrier and was looking to come up with some decent fighters to compliment it.

    I noticed a number of issues with the current weapons balance or more accurately imbalance. Because of what I noticed I decided to start doing some testing.

    Factors in test:
    Number of blocks, power consumption, refresh, damage vs what was attacked. Secondary factors shield refresh time vs attack charge rate vs normal charge rate.

    Test on shields conducted against 100K shield with 10K recharge.

    An example where shield time comes into effect is when you fire a missile and it takes longer for the missile to refresh than for shields to start coming back up at full recharge rate.

    Damage was compared across hull, standard, advanced and shield.

    If you look at just DPS you really don't get the full story, you need to also look at how many blocks it takes and what the power consumption is.

    If we take something simple such as 4 cannon+4 cannon DPS is 80. 4 missile + 4 damage pulse is 14400 per missile which 160. That however doesn't work out to be the same based on what you are firing at if you hit shield you get about 2/3 of the 14400 and your dps then works out to about 90. that however isn't the only negative factor because you aren't continually hitting the shields in the allotted time the shield recharge rate jumps from the lower value up to the full value and by the time you go to fire another round you are shooting and a much hire shield value. If you are firing against one of my ships you can figure my shield will recharge in 10 seconds once that rate is hit.

    I noticed that some of the stock pirate ships because of the changes can't fire at all.

    Because of the changes it has become pretty much impossible to build something like a small bomber craft.
    That same 4 M +4DP has a power consumption of 73,800 per missile while power consumption of the 4C+4C is only 88.

    To support being able to fire those missiles it doesn't just take the missiles it also means you need the power capacitors for that can handle that amount of power plus enough reactors to recharge in that 90 seconds. That happens to be 16 capacitors and 7 reactor modules.

    7 reactor modules produces 924e/s that can power 5 cannon + 5 cannon indefinitely. Not just that I now have no need for the capacitors because there is 50000 to start with. I could choose then to use the added space for power generation/reactors and giving me 4,833e/s. That is enough to power 25 cannons x 25 cannons. But then you are looking at having 50 cannon blocks vs the 4M +4DP.

    The original block count for the 4M+4DP = 4M+4D+16Cap +7 reactor for a total of 31. at a DPS of 160 or less depending on what you fired at. Plus Shields would go back up in that time.

    In that same 31 block space you can run 11 cannon x 11 cannon + 9 reactor for 110 dps. This will also take the shields down and while the 4M+4DP will never do so.

    In short the lesson for Missiles you will need high capacitance and just enough reactor power to recharge in the time for Missiles to cycle. Any extra would go to shields or other weapons you intend to use along with thrust.
    If you add overdrive to the missiles you are looking at 6 times the stated power requirement values on it. It says it requires 108,000 power for the 4M+4DP+4OD but in truth it will not fire a missile for less than 648,000 which requires 246 capacitors +30 reactors to recharge in the allotted 90 seconds at 7200e/s that 648,000e/90s. The stated value of damage is 21,600 per missile it appears to give up to 3 times that value.

    How worth while is that you would have to compare it against other missile formations and count blocks and power again. It certainly doesn't lend to have a small agile craft delivering a payload of this nature.

    I also noticed even on small craft armor damage seems to be miscalculated. On one small craft with 0 armor penalty I found with approx 200 advanced armor when only 5 were destroyed and 1 damaged that it said I had near 50% armor left. Not sure how 6 blocks equals 50% of my armor out of 200 blocks. I'd have to say there is a serious math error there.

    I also notice some of the standard pirate fighters can no longer fire weapons because of the changes.

    Have to go now. Hope this gives a few people ideas what to watch out for.
    Feb 22, 2015
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    1. Bombers fire and then flee. They only take one shot, so recharge is less of a factor.
    2. Bombers shouldn't fly solo. 2 or 3 Mp from a squadron will pack a punch.
    3. Bombers usually have fighter escorts.
    4. The missile/Pulse ratio does not need to be 100%. In fact, pure Dumb Missile will probably work better.

    If you are counting on a single bomber taking out a target, it will fail. Weapons loadout is irrelevant.
    Bombers are alpha strike, fighters are dps.
    Try adding a power supply beam to your carrier to recharge your bombers.
    You might also want to look into warheads and torpedo bombers.

    Stock pirate ships are obsolete and are destined to be upgraded/replaced.
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    Who's idea was this?
    Sep 8, 2013
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    Pop into the drone thread, we solve many problems ;)
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    Dec 14, 2014
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    Sorry, had to go for a bit.

    There is another point that can also be looked at when it comes to missiles. Once you have the initial power capacitance to fire the first missile all it takes to add another missile is the missile blocks and increase power generation by the required blocks.
    So far I've used 36 missile tubes on the same weapons computer Not sure if there is a limit. You do see some reduction in damage and increase power requirements. However you can then fire up to X amount with in the 90 seconds rather than just 1.

    So while I made the point the missiles had issues with the taking down the shields above if you have room to make up the power requirements for the reactors to recharge the capacitors you can then fire enough missiles to do the job just one at a time.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Pocket torpedo Bomber. A small, multi-role player controllable strike aircraft. This little guy can deal noticeable damage to a large, slow or stationary target from up to 2.5 km away and hold its own against other small fighters. It can use AI to fight but it won't fire its torpedoes in this mode.

    - 4 torpedoes; damage tweaked to 500,000 via the block behavior config file
    - 1 armor piercing pulse slaved cannon - 2465 damage per shot
    - Dual guided missile launchers - 2100 damage per missile

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    Dec 14, 2014
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    Pocket torpedo Bomber. A small, multi-role player controllable strike aircraft. This little guy can deal noticeable damage to a large, slow or stationary target from up to 2.5 km away and hold its own against other small fighters. It can use AI to fight but it won't fire its torpedoes in this mode.

    - 4 torpedoes; damage tweaked to 500,000 via the block behavior config file
    - 1 armor piercing pulse slaved cannon - 2465 damage per shot

    - Dual guided missile launchers - 2100 damage per missile
    The point was to look at damage types and balance with in the normal confines of default behavior. If you want to edit stuff you can make pretty much anything.

    What I ended up coming up with was this light attack craft below. The idea was to have a small ship that could fit in the bay in fair number
    and do reasonable damage. The missiles are 4M+4DP+4OD the cannons are 4Can+4Can+4OD. It's top speed is 300 server set to 200.
    Granted I could have got a lot more out of it damage wise if I dropped the armor. I can fit 16 of them in that small carrier.
    I may however not use this after I worked out in this thread http://starmadedock.net/threads/left-mouse-vs-right-mouse.21288/

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    The point was to look at damage types and balance with in the normal confines of default behavior. If you want to edit stuff you can make pretty much anything.

    What I ended up coming up with was this light attack craft below. The idea was to have a small ship that could fit in the bay in fair number
    and do reasonable damage. The missiles are 4M+4DP+4OD the cannons are 4Can+4Can+4OD. It's top speed is 300 server set to 200.
    Granted I could have got a lot more out of it damage wise if I dropped the armor. I can fit 16 of them in that small carrier.
    I may however not use this after I worked out in this thread http://starmadedock.net/threads/left-mouse-vs-right-mouse.21288/
    SF-37 E

    Light space superiority starfighter. Sacrifices armor and acceleration for higher damage output and a wider variety of weapons systems. Small form factor enables larger quantities to be carried on starships.

    - 2 auto cannons: (12/12 cannon/cannon)
    - 2 gauss cannons (16/8 cannon/damage pulse)
    - 4 guided missiles (16/0 missile/damage beam)


    SF-38 B

    Light space superiority starfighter. Developed from the SF-37 series. Less armor than an SF-37 but noticeably higher stats in thrust, acceleration, power grid output and damage output. Similar dimensions to its predecessor allows large quantities to be carried on starships. Carries a gauss rail gun to pierce heavy armor.

    - 2 auto cannons: (16/16 cannon/cannon)
    - 1 gauss cannon (15/5 cannon/damage pulse)
    - 2 guided missiles (2 separate systems 8/2 missile/damage beam)


    R-Gray series type 2 escort.

    Close formation defensive fighter escort. Technically classified as a turret (looks can be deceiving). Provides long range fire support for larger craft. Has 360 degree firing arc on all 3 axes.

    - 2 medium range laser: (24/16 damage beam/damage beam)
    - 2 High speed long range guided missiles (4/4/4 missile/damage beam/explosive)

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    Jan 1, 2015
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    Pop into the drone thread, we solve many problems ;)
    That 'thread' is more of a text book nowadays with over 60 pages to read. Frankly I find that somewhat daunting. Do I have to start reading that thread from the beginning to learn what there is to learn from it? Or is there perhaps a summary at some point that I can start from to make joining that thread less painful?
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    Dec 14, 2014
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    That 'thread' is more of a text book nowadays with over 60 pages to read. Frankly I find that somewhat daunting. Do I have to start reading that thread from the beginning to learn what there is to learn from it? Or is there perhaps a summary at some point that I can start from to make joining that thread less painful?
    That's the trick about this game its a lot about working out what works best.

    In short how much power generation you need depends entirely on what you intend to run. Cannons require greater power generation where missiles still need some power generation but depend more on power capacitance.

    Then it comes down to what are you trying to achieve with the craft you are making.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    That's the trick about this game its a lot about working out what works best.
    I have no problems building small craft that deal impressive damage for their size. The idea that small craft weapons are too weak is to me quite laughable. With the bonus power system giving a HUGE advantage to small ships for their mass to power ratio, and with overdrive, damage output being limited not by mass but rather by power output, small craft can do inordinately high damage relative to larger ships.

    Anyone doubting this, take your favorite ship up against half it's mass in marauders. When you die, drop that number by half and try again. If you die again (likely), try 10% of your mass in marauders. I've had reports of people fleeing encounters with marauders in ships that were twenty times the mass. (They are frequent pirates on my server.)

    The drone thread is interesting to me not to try to figure out how to make tiny ships combat effective. That is a rather trivial task to someone versed in the game. The issue is how to use them, how to launch them, how to recover them (if that is even possible). Of interest to me are ways to handle the innate stupidity of the AI, to build to fit within it's limits. (IE:, if you give an AI ship both a long range weapon and a short range weapon, it will tend to stay at long range and therefor never use it's short range weapon, wasting potentially a large portion of it's firepower.) Is there anything in that 60 pages that is not just tiny box fighter design?
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    Feb 22, 2015
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    Frankly, I think the drones deserve their own sub-forum. 60+ page over a year in the making, they deserve it. Maybe they can spread their wisdom out over a few threads so that dronoobs (like me) can get started.
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    Dec 14, 2014
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    I have no problems building small craft that deal impressive damage for their size. The idea that small craft weapons are too weak is to me quite laughable. With the bonus power system giving a HUGE advantage to small ships for their mass to power ratio, and with overdrive, damage output being limited not by mass but rather by power output, small craft can do inordinately high damage relative to larger ships.

    Anyone doubting this, take your favorite ship up against half it's mass in marauders. When you die, drop that number by half and try again. If you die again (likely), try 10% of your mass in marauders. I've had reports of people fleeing encounters with marauders in ships that were twenty times the mass. (They are frequent pirates on my server.)

    The drone thread is interesting to me not to try to figure out how to make tiny ships combat effective. That is a rather trivial task to someone versed in the game. The issue is how to use them, how to launch them, how to recover them (if that is even possible). Of interest to me are ways to handle the innate stupidity of the AI, to build to fit within it's limits. (IE:, if you give an AI ship both a long range weapon and a short range weapon, it will tend to stay at long range and therefor never use it's short range weapon, wasting potentially a large portion of it's firepower.) Is there anything in that 60 pages that is not just tiny box fighter design?
    4000 is about the sweet spot. The craft we are talking above is about 600 blocks. A sixth the size.

    I have a small 4k vessel I use for taking out stations and pirates. Just enough power to make things interesting. But far to large for the purpose at hand. It doesn't have much of an interior other than a command area. Going to have to redesign that after todays realization.
    You can read the testing of left mouse vs right mouse http://starmadedock.net/threads/left-mouse-vs-right-mouse.21288/
    In it I created a ship which uses a spiral design for weapons with multiple barrels. I played around with both dumbfire and recently added cannons. You can see the test ship in the image below it is the green one to the left. My 4k ship is on the right of the base.
    I ran a test fire against the 4K ship needless to say it cored the ship out from stem to stern in short order. The 4K ship didn't over heat. Surprisingly. It was just down to 52% that said every weapons computer was wiped out meaning the only recourse it would have is to flee.
    The green ship out of the issue had about half the blocks not in use.

    Because of the 1 Million mark on power and current changes in weapons power vs Damage it appears you could build a craft large enough with enough shields that no ship of equal size could take its shields down alone. I'll have to sit down and calculate it and run weapons test to see what the drop off and power requirement becomes. But since shield power limit is for the most part even. Even with the difference under attack vs not you could exceed the maximum weapon capability at some point.
    That to me is a serious game imbalance.
    With the changes to weapons and hire requirement on DPS weapons they should raise the 1 million bar to about 5 million. It still won't get rid of the imbalance but would move it up much further.

    I agree on the drone catch issue my suggestion is posted as a drone beacon block. It would make it extremely simple.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Ahh the fun time of trying to make a small ship to send out in swarms. Drones are fun to use but a pain to get up and running the first time. In my case I make it so the drones can dock to each other and so the release signal propagates through them from the first drone, no need for a rack if the first drone is the rack. That said some of the current pages in that monster thread are useful for coming up with ideas.


    Aug 11, 2013
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    Ahh the fun time of trying to make a small ship to send out in swarms. Drones are fun to use but a pain to get up and running the first time. In my case I make it so the drones can dock to each other and so the release signal propagates through them from the first drone, no need for a rack if the first drone is the rack. That said some of the current pages in that monster thread are useful for coming up with ideas.
    When fleet command becomes a thing, that will be a glorious day indeed. :D

    Me, I just want fighter craft to be proud of. Something that has enough teeth in just one, that people dread seeing arrive on the scene.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Yeah. It will be great to have fleet escorts while mining. Up to this point, I've been 'cheating' by building omnidirectional turrets that look like fighters and docking them 20-50 meters away from a starship. It works great for 'close air support' but if would be even better to have an actual ship that can intercept enemy craft.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
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    Here's a shot of the Falcon with her wing-men on guard.
    Close air support.jpg Knowing me. I may have to kick it up a notch...
