Cheater busted exploiting or legit bug?

    Jan 16, 2015
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    So today while on my regular server guy tries to upload a 1600m ship. Server spat out this message. So is this a bug or is he cheating, from what I have read it's a message when someone is trying to do dodgy things with blueprints.

    Not sure how ship pricing works with SM BP's but those numbers! Pretty insane amount. Guess not so far fetched if it's just resources but server credits are capped at 2 billion.
    This player is acting like he's done nothing wrong, but he's always talking about exploits the game has, item duplication bugs and such, and he added how his single player game is broken, and I kind of mentioned "yeah from trying exploits haha" and he without thinking replied "well yeah"

    So can anyone help me confirm or deny if he is upping hacked BP's to the server before pushing the matter with the admins, would it be easy to tell if say the admin loaded the BP into single playerto test, or can an admin spawn it on the server and bypass the modified BP settings?

    I'd like to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, but honestly he and his faction are always doing dodgy **** and his reaction to this was well weird to how he would normally react if he just lost a massive ship he had built legit. He was kind of very subdued in his reaction.

    Any help, especially official would be great.
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    Jul 21, 2013
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    This warning pops up when the sum of the values of the blocks in the blueprint's content-list does not match the sum of the values of the blocks the blueprint is made up of [give or take the permitted deviation from the server.cfg].
    As for whether or not this is a false alert due to a bug or not, I can't say unless I had the blueprint in question.
    There once was a bug about this calculation using a hardcoded pricetable instead of the config's prices, whether or not it was fixed is unknown to me, but it is very likely that it was fixed.
    Apr 21, 2013
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    I've run into that issue when I load blueprints from long ago. The issue wit those is that block prices deviated since the BP was saved, thus when I spawn it it'll spit out that error. Unless you're still using buy ships with credits it shouldn't be a big deal.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    I've run into that issue when I load blueprints from long ago. The issue wit those is that block prices deviated since the BP was saved, thus when I spawn it it'll spit out that error. Unless you're still using buy ships with credits it shouldn't be a big deal.
    That shouldn't really be the cause. The credit cost of a blueprint isn't directly stored, AFAIK it is calculated from the 'ingridient' list.
    Sep 23, 2015
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    This player is acting like he's done nothing wrong, but he's always talking about exploits the game has, item duplication bugs and such, and he added how his single player game is broken, and I kind of mentioned "yeah from trying exploits haha" and he without thinking replied "well yeah"
    I don't really know how you can break single player past past any hope of repair. It only seems to use three folders. The .starmade folder only contains some basic memory settings and some other non relevant file. The AMD folder it makes for me just seems to be some graphics related stuff. The actual install folder would be the easiest thing to mess up. Worse comes to worse you just uninstall that(through steam) or delete it. You can actually delete all three without to much problems. If you are certain of which ones they are. My computers has a few AMD folders that are used by things other then starmade.

    There is also ways to force all this to run in one folder. So if any problems arise that main folder can just be deleted, or setup. That isn't even going over all the ways the game has available to repair itself.

    Weill yeah, I kinda forgot their were other OS's. Still think it is feasible to repair. Might take a little more know how though if it is something like Linux.
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    Jan 16, 2015
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    on the server in question no credits for BP's you get them free then provide the materials.

    As for the age of the BP only the admin or player would know as I do not have access to it, but I get the impression it was only recently made so would be under the new BP system witht the score card etc, as I myself have had problems with using old BP's sincethe update, e.g 21 year reboot time on a ship that happens at random while flying along, but yeah, updating all BP's seems to fix those kind of problems.

    I'll ask the admin who now has the BP to see if it is new or not, he apparantly spawned it in no problems, but admins tend to override the server configs and such vs a regular player, so I guess best bet would be to see if a regular player can spawn it in without issue.

    Honestly would not normally be so skeptical, but the faction this guy is from and how they go about doing things tends to make me over cautious.

    I don't really know how you can break single player past past any hope of repair. It only seems to use three folders.
    Yeah I have seen the game broken if you mess around with it in SP and go nuts with admin commands, spawn things in stupid places etc, mess around with putting stations across sectors and more, but yes it is easily fixed, I pretty much just back up my blueprints and templates and repair/reinstall the game. Not like it's a 50gb D/L eating monster or anything. Initial install is pretty small by todays standards. So no idea what is preventing him form fixing it..... losing his hacks maybe? lol

    Not sure about the 3 folders thing either , my SM install has about 19 folders within it and various files.

    And sorry you lost me with the AMD folders and other operating mention of OS's, but the guy I think does use windows like 99% of people I know. no AMD folders in my install, then again I have an nVidia GPU, does the game install AMD stuff if you have a GPU by them? Also no idea

    Honestly you just kind of lost me altogether with the last parts of your reply as their relevanceto the topic.
    It's like you replied to this thread then started replying to a completely different one lol.
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    Reilly Reese

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    So how exactly do you plan to tell if the ship is older or not?
    Sep 23, 2015
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    Honestly you just kind of lost me altogether with the last parts of your reply as their relevanceto the topic.
    It's like you replied to this thread then started replying to a completely different one lol.
    It was all relevant to the part of the post I was quoting. Sorry, though. I do have a slight tendency to ramble.

    I wasn't considering all the folders. I was only considering the root folders made by starmade. Basically folders made by StarMade that contain only StarMade pertinent information or data. Though they may contain more folders wasn't really relevant to the statements so I left that information out.

    I have been having a issue on my computer with running StarMade. To try and figure out why I spent about half a week setting up the game in a few different ways. Both in game and out of game. From that, as far as I can tell, the game creates and uses three folders on my computer when I install it. one is named ".StarMade" another "AMD". They both reside in the users Roaming folder in appdata. It also creates a main folder called "Starmade" which resides right off the launcher folder, or wherever it is told to install to.

    As far as the "AMD" folder. I don't really know. It may be card specific. Looking at my folders now. I think that it might not be making the folder. That the folder may be being generated do to it. There is a folder outside where it is supposed to be called "AMD" that has the same files as the regular folders. I will have to look into this more.

    I forced all those folders to be generated in one folder off of the launcher to more easily keep track of things. It also seemed to help with testing different setups and option layouts. So that I could find the specific issue I was having. Deleting a folder containing the a launcher would effectively delete that entire install. Then you just re-download the launcher and re-install it all from scratch. That effectively eliminates any thing that was broken being left behind.

    Optimally once when the game was first installed, before any changes were made, this way a bacckup would be made to make reinstalling it much easier.

    That there is no way to break the game beyond fixing. In its current implementation that is impossible.

    Going to try attaching a image of my current StarMade install setup. Hopefully it will be interpretable.
    Jan 16, 2015
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    @Mr.Grimm okay got you now, yeah I was talking about the main install folders, always forget about the others under windows 'users'.

    But yeah, it is always fixable. as I said no idea why he cannot fix it, unless like I said he has something not legit he cannot get back.

    But back on topic, it is all related to my original enquiry, if he is hacking ship BP's to cheat. Still need some kind of definitive answer.

    Most recent info I can find is from when ship yards were added where schema wrote:

    Also, it’s now possible to combat heavily modified blueprints by enabling a check in the server config that will remove any ship that has disallowed blocks on it (e.g.jump gate on a ship)

    And this is what seems to have happened, he spawned the ship, message came up and the server took all his stuff related to it.
    Doing a search on the actual warning message brings back little results.

    I can find much older posts about people bitching about modfied blueprint bugs and such, call me jaded but hey from experience I don't just trust when a player says "not my fault a bug caused it", be nice to have some kind of official feedback on it.

    And the old posts are just that, old like mostinformation for this game, they're from previous builds from up to 2 or so years ago so cannot be relied upon. (Schine really needs to get onto that SEO side of websites.)

    Also be interested to learn about BP pricing, guessing the numbers shown relate to the total cost of resources on the ship?

    Sigh can one of the devs who knows how this all works please respond.