Awesome troubleshooting help in wiki

    Aug 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    From StarMade Wiki

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    So when a person gets the "please adjust memory in the launcher", what should the settings be? The only other page in the wiki says it should be a multiple of 2. What are the memory requirements, and why doesn't the game default to more memory if the default settings cause it to crash?
    Sep 23, 2015
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    Not a clue. Seems like first setting would be half your RAM. Max of 4096. as for the second and third really lost on those. possibly a quarter and eighth of you RAM respectively?


    Aug 11, 2013
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    Just try in multiples of 2. 1 gb, 2gb, 4gb, 8gb, and so on. If you cannot give it more ram, defrag your hard drive so that if it's using swapspace, it'll be a bit more efficient about it.
    Aug 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    "Multiples of 2" is a relatively useless statement. 3546 is a multiple of 2. 2 is a multiple of 2. 3210 is a multiple of 2. The error doesn't say the game needs MORE memory or that its out of memory. It says I need to adjust my max and initial settings. I did set it to use 2 gig of initial and 8 gigs max. It seems to be working, but this is just goofy because imagine taking a trip and being told you must pick the initial and maximum amount of gas you will use. Obviously you would set your max to the most gas you car can carry. For some reason the game decides some arbitrary value (which is a multiple of 2) is the max amount its going to need but that amount is too little so the game crashes. Rather than reading the amount of ram in the system and taking what it needs, or dynamically allocating ram once it starts running out of space, it picks initial values that will cause it to run out of ram and crash. Its silly that the game doesn't start out with proper settings, adjust itself, or at least list system requirements so end users can set the settings the devs didn't. This is a mystery that I'm just going to file along with the question of how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    • Hardware Store
    "Multiples of 2" is a relatively useless statement.
    I agree, but I think the original intent was "Powers of 2". However I usually go with "Powers of 2 OR natural multiples of 1024".
    If you cannot give it more ram, defrag your hard drive so that if it's using swapspace, it'll be a bit more efficient about it.
    If the computer is resorting to swapping, it means you assigned too much RAM or are running too many RAM-intensive programs at once. HDDs and SSDs are WAY slower than RAM, so if the computer is swapping, it will pretty much ruin performance.

    As for my personal recommendations for memory:
    • If the computer has 4 or less Gb of physical RAM
      • max memory=half of physical RAM (keep in mind, 1Gb=1024Mb and not 1000Mb)
      • initial memory=half of max memory
      • early generation memory=half of initial memory
    • If the computer has more than 4Gb of physical RAM
      • max memory=physical RAM - 2Gb
      • initial memory=half of max memory, but no more than 2Gb(2048Mb)
      • early generation memory=either 512Mb or 1024Mb, whichever has the better performance