Still being thrown into structures when exiting cores

    Apr 25, 2015
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    Really, after all this time, this is still going on? We can load into ships that have moved but still can't exit a core the way we entered it?

    I just got done cutting my way thru system blocks in my ship after exiting the core of a newly placed turret. I entered the core from the rear of the core (the exposed face) and when I exited it thru me down thru the hull of my ship into some systems, which I ended up having to cut my way out of.
    Hitting the up key does nothing for me except cause me to "shake" inside the block I am stuck in and never has.
    Aug 16, 2015
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    I've also had this happen several times recently, I assume it's because the game starts checking each direction in turn, and then expanding out in distance 1 block and checking each direction again until it finds space not occupied by the currently entered entity.

    It would be nice if the spawn took into account the additional check needed to see if the entity is docked on another and to take the host into account when spawning.
    Apr 25, 2015
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    I've also had this happen several times recently, I assume it's because the game starts checking each direction in turn, and then expanding out in distance 1 block and checking each direction again until it finds space not occupied by the currently entered entity.

    It would be nice if the spawn took into account the additional check needed to see if the entity is docked on another and to take the host into account when spawning.
    Whats sad is there IS an exposed face, the one that I entered, but it still threw me DOWN into the ship
    Aug 16, 2015
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    Whats sad is there IS an exposed face, the one that I entered, but it still threw me DOWN into the ship
    In my case the exposed face was through a 1x1 hole, so not enough room to spawn a 2x1 astronaut, not sure what your particular turret looks like though
    Apr 25, 2015
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    In my case the exposed face was through a 1x1 hole, so not enough room to spawn a 2x1 astronaut, not sure what your particular turret looks like though
    In this particular turret the exposed face is on the outside but at hull level.

    That being said it doesn't seem to matter where the core is, the system just seems to keep throwing me into structure. I even had to re-do one ships core room because even tho the core was 1 space above the deck and there was 3 spaces available all around the core, it INSISTED on throwing me DOWN 3 spaces into system blocks.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    This still needs to be fixed.
    No surprise here, considering there hasn't been an update between your first post and now... not saying it will be fixed in the next, but nagging won't help either.

    In the meantime, there are ways to design around the issue; sitting down on a block before entering the core is one possibility, leaving enough room around it is another.
    Apr 25, 2015
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    No surprise here, considering there hasn't been an update between your first post and now... not saying it will be fixed in the next, but nagging won't help either.

    In the meantime, there are ways to design around the issue; sitting down on a block before entering the core is one possibility, leaving enough room around it is another.
    Oh, I realize there hasn't been an update since this post ... however that being said this issue has been posted about many times thru many updates and still hasn't been noticed, read, planned, or anything else so ... here I am again.