I give up

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    If it's PvE why in the heck don't admins just make the station sector protected?!?!

    Seriously make an alt account make a faction and set the gate to homebase.
    Sep 10, 2015
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    If it's PvE why in the heck don't admins just make the station sector protected?!?!

    Seriously make an alt account make a faction and set the gate to homebase.
    Edymnion is not a server owner [To what I think.]. The server owner I believe is currently inactive. Unsure.
    Jun 7, 2013
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    It's Starmade.

    The only way not to be an asshole is to not play. :p
    I am not an asshole. I just have a problem. It's called Compulsive Griefing Disorder and it's a serious condition I'll have you know!
    I just wait for someone unoriginal and trying to be funny to use that as an actual excuse for being a jerk

    More seriously, it really depends on the server. I generally only ever PvP'ed to try it out (against willing opponent), when entering prescheduled battle or when defending myself and on some servers I was able to go far and even enter faction territory without as much as a single shot being exchanged, on the others even leaving spawn with quickly thrown together shuttle was tricky.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Creating a second faction that I have to stop and log out of my normal one and into every couple of days to keep it active enough to keep the protection is just a pain in the ass, not worth the trouble.

    That last gate likely had more dakka than any station on the server. It literally had a dozen offensive and defensive turrets all around it, for a 100m wide gate. On top of about 200k shields.

    Ended up with half a dozen new individual enemies on my list literally overnight. It honestly looks like somebody tried to blow it up and failed, so they went on a forum and got a bunch of their buddies to come help them overwhelm the station.

    And no, he's not inactive, he was on just last night. Don't think there is a way to just say "Okay, this station is now invincible" that he could use anyway.

    Also not going to name the server, last thing we need is to attract more asshats.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Name it anyways, some of us like being asshats to asshats. :P
    Jan 30, 2014
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    Creating a second faction that I have to stop and log out of my normal one and into every couple of days to keep it active enough to keep the protection is just a pain in the ass, not worth the trouble.

    That last gate likely had more dakka than any station on the server. It literally had a dozen offensive and defensive turrets all around it, for a 100m wide gate. On top of about 200k shields.

    Ended up with half a dozen new individual enemies on my list literally overnight. It honestly looks like somebody tried to blow it up and failed, so they went on a forum and got a bunch of their buddies to come help them overwhelm the station.

    And no, he's not inactive, he was on just last night. Don't think there is a way to just say "Okay, this station is now invincible" that he could use anyway.

    Also not going to name the server, last thing we need is to attract more asshats.
    I dunno. You could play that game too. Get a few of us together to just chill around the station for a bit and hope to find griefers. Give 'em a bit more to chew on than just auto-turrets. Counter-Griefing, I suppose.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    hmm I wonder if a satellite drone with omnidirectional targeting and multi-targeting defenses on it would hold up? Get a fleet of say 200 to 300 of these things around the gate and it'll hold for some time. Seeing as if all the fools are being hit at the same time they'd need to be able to bring something other than what is made with starter resources to kill it.

    Meantime just what exactly are they sicking on your station gate that can kill it at all? If they are fresh to the server killing it should be impossible unless your server has a different starting setup with like in the millions in credits. When I build gates I set them up to always be able to take whatever the starting things on it people have use of can throw at it. Even my 50 meter radius gates have over 30 turrets on them. So about 100 turrets both AMS and Anti Ship ones should be just fine. Someone on my server has turrets that have smaller turrets mounted on them, so each ship killer has about 1 to 3 small AMS Turrets on it. :)


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Name it anyways, some of us like being asshats to asshats. :p
    They're doing it in the middle of the night, unless you just like playing night watchmen at 3 in the morning, wouldn't do any good.

    I think what really pissed them off is that I put it close enough to spawn that once they hit it, it basically locked them out of the server as all of the guns could reach spawn. All it took was them griefing it once to turn the turrets on them and make damned sure they couldn't do anything else on the server. It was big enough no single griefer could take it down with starting creds, so they just ganged up on it.

    But yes, I will rebuild. Going to wait a week or two for them to get bored and go away, then I'll build a battle station for a warp gate. Building a dedicated warship now as a bit of self therapy, and I'm planning on using the turret designs on that battleship for the new station. Drone fighters. Whole nine yards. It will be built on the assumption that every damned griefer on the planet will log in at once to try and destroy it...

    ..and it will WIN!


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Well if you have a list of people that gives you a number of turrets you need to put up, add 3 times that many and it should give them something to think about. :)
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Just playing devil's advocate here - what if they accidentally hit your gate? Then it proceeded to spawnkill them ad infinitum which annoyed them and they saw you as the griefer? Somewhere else in the world there could be a group of players who bought their pitchforks at the same retail chain store that all of you did.
    Sep 10, 2013
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    Well cand you just name it "If you shoot I will find you" , adn maybe the will not shoot....like they know to read....the trolls are probalby kids that want to burn the White House


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Just playing devil's advocate here - what if they accidentally hit your gate? Then it proceeded to spawnkill them ad infinitum which annoyed them and they saw you as the griefer? Somewhere else in the world there could be a group of players who bought their pitchforks at the same retail chain store that all of you did.
    I don't think you're really going to accidentally hit a 110m brightly lit hollow ring a sector away by accident.

    They had to have intentionally aimed at it.

    Plus, follow that reasoning out. "I accidentally shot this guy's station and now it keeps killing me, come help me destroy it!" "Dude, you shot his stuff, of course its killing you now. Just go find another server."
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Are you saying that it's harder to hit by accident if it is big? That's kinda counter-intuitive, innit? It could conceivably have been someone trying to fend off a pirate, and maybe a stray cannon shot or swarmer grazed your hulking death machine. If I were in that situation I'd be pretty miffed.
    Just go find another server.
    "Yeah sure, but first let me try and ruin this guy's day." From that perspective you'd be the d-bag for putting something near spawn that essentially locks others out of the server. If that were me and I've got nothing to lose I might just spend an hour or two trying to get back at you.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    It'd be easier to set the gate up again outside of max Missile Beam Combo range of spawn and see what happens. That way it doesn't spawn kill them and they'd have to actually go out to it in order to kill it. This way you'll know if it was someone unlucky or an ass. :)
    Sep 10, 2015
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    Are you saying that it's harder to hit by accident if it is big? That's kinda counter-intuitive, innit? It could conceivably have been someone trying to fend off a pirate, and maybe a stray cannon shot or swarmer grazed your hulking death machine. If I were in that situation I'd be pretty miffed.

    "Yeah sure, but first let me try and ruin this guy's day." From that perspective you'd be the d-bag for putting something near spawn that essentially locks others out of the server. If that were me and I've got nothing to lose I might just spend an hour or two trying to get back at you.
    Actually on his server. I was no where near the warpgate. It is pretty much about 700 meters away from where I was at. By that time. I missed the warp gate, and continued on my exploration. Never really knew it exist until Edymnion mentioned.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    lol you never check the map for out of place stations? The Galaxy Map would show it with a nice line leading out from it. :)


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Are you saying that it's harder to hit by accident if it is big? That's kinda counter-intuitive, innit? It could conceivably have been someone trying to fend off a pirate, and maybe a stray cannon shot or swarmer grazed your hulking death machine. If I were in that situation I'd be pretty miffed.
    No, it was small was the point. It was small, out of the way, and brightly lit so that if you were looking at it, you could see it.

    The only way your scenario would make sense would require someone at spawn who just indiscriminately starts firing weapons in all directions, who is still someone who doesn't need to be around.

    I'm saying this plainly, there is no way you could accidentally hit that thing. It wasn't hidden, and it wasn't so big that firing anything in the general vicinity would hit. Unless you had pretty good aim, you would have to intentionally go to the gate in the next sector to reliably do any damage to it. At which point you are officially an asshole, and deserve what you get.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    And no, he's not inactive, he was on just last night. Don't think there is a way to just say "Okay, this station is now invincible" that he could use anyway.
    There's commands to set a station to invincible and commands for making everything in a sector invincible.

    Are you saying that it's harder to hit by accident if it is big? That's kinda counter-intuitive, innit? It could conceivably have been someone trying to fend off a pirate, and maybe a stray cannon shot or swarmer grazed your hulking death machine. If I were in that situation I'd be pretty miffed.
    Who is shooting swarmers a sector from spawn? That person is an asshole, regardless of whether they intended to hit the gate or not.
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Who is shooting swarmers a sector from spawn? That person is an asshole, regardless of whether they intended to hit the gate or not.
    Could have been a mistake? Or a newbie...

    (note to self: if you ever join a server don't shoot swarmers close to spawn)
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