Turret Tribulations

    Jan 1, 2015
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    Where did I go wrong? This turret 'should' work, but in practice it is virtually useless.

    I wanted to build a 'large' turret, meant to serve as a primary offensive weapon on a 50K-100K mass ship (two, maybe four depending). I decided to go for a ball turret with a ball 41 blocks in diameter figuring this would be enough space for at least it's base to approach the power bonus cap. The interior size of such a ball is also large enough to fit some serious weapons (in addition to it's own optimized power generation of course).

    I started with the base, as the weapon systems in the ball would largely depend on how much power the base could provide. I created a sphere 41 blocks wide, cut out the middle 25 blocks, then extended the remaining sides down ~28 blocks. I rebuilt a circular base for it and made sure the rotating sphere above it would have adequate clearance (later tested for certainty). Then I built an optimized power system into it, filling the space between lines with shields and rechargers, then filled much of the remaining space with batteries. When I was done I had a system generating 974K power with 9M power storage, 100K shields, 10K regen. It also got just over 1400 mass enhancers.

    That done I built the ball, starting with a sphere 41 blocks in diameter, cut off eight blocks from either side, placed the turret axis, glued it to the base and tested it's ability to turn unobstructed. Then I used what space it had, to give it it's optimum power generation (around a dozen overlapping but not touching XYZ lines). That gave the ball just over 500K power. I made sure it also had around 500K power storage (which may have in hindsight been my biggest error).

    For weapons I wanted both a pair of cannon/cannon where each bullet (ten times a second) could break an advanced armor block even with full HP. That meant each shot needed to do at least 2000 damage. But I also wanted it to have a bit more punch, both to get a bit of system behind it and also in case of pierce hardened armor, to be able to break the block with two hits, which would require 5000 damage, so I did my calculations to get 2500 block damage. I upped that by 20% so as to give it a 20% ion boost above that to help the cannons crack shields. The final calculations came out to a double barrel system with each barrel having 5600 cannon blocks (2800 & 2800) and 560 ion blocks. I gave them each their own firing computer, as I originally wanted to make one of them full explosive but realized belatedly I did not have enough explosive effect modules.

    The cannon systems would use 616K power per second, well within the over 1400K power the ball and base generate. The completed turret ball and base ultimately wound up with well over ten and a half million power storage, which even accounting for combat shield drain could easily be refilled with the remaining power. To use that power storage, I wanted the turret to be able to engage at maximum range, lest I find myself up against a sniper who maintains his range so as to snipe outside of my own weapon's range. I gave the turret 4000 blocks of missile/beam sniper missiles (with a healthy dose of ion thrown in).

    My calculations indicated that the turret would need 9M power to fire off all the sniper missiles, well within the power storage. I set them up as 6 missiles, each with their own computer systems so there would be no additional energy costs for them. I also added 20 single block missile/beam missiles to a single computer so the turret would fire 20 'decoys' at the same time as the six actual heavy hitters.

    With all that done, the systems complete and all weapons on the hot bar, The turret attached to a makeshift platform (which also had it's own power, shields and 2K mass enhancers) so it would behave like a turret, I turned on the bobby AI. I did not have long to wait as I build in a fairly active section of space (deliberately, as I don't like dead space). A handful of pirates showed up, despite me building right beside a trade shop. I gleefully anticipated watching my turret in action.

    And then the crest fell. Sigh... Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with this turret. It swivels and points, sometimes. It doesn't exactly track. Mostly it just sits there, even when there is an enemy 500 meters away. It fires off missiles occasionally, usually just one at a time, though a few times it might fire a few one after another. The missiles never hit anything, they just fly around the targets, clearly missing them. I saw the cannons fire once or twice, but only single shots.

    When I sit in the turret ball and fire manually, I am able to fire off the sniper missiles easily enough, but there is short lag between firings, as it appears as if the turret ball does not simply share the power storage of the system, rather it draws from it at what appears to be a relatively low rate. I can fire one about every half second. If I hold down the fire button on just one of the cannon (without firing any missiles) I will every few seconds get an out of power reading, despite no break in it's fire and the power draw of a single cannon being will within both the turret ball's internal generation and power storage.

    When sitting inside the base while the turret ball is bobby controlled and engaged, I get a very important bit of clue as to what may be going wrong. Despite having nearly a million power generation and ten million power storage, the tank remains completely empty, despite the turret ball not actually firing! Even without firing, because it 'wants' to fire (or so I assume), it is drawing ALL the power from the base, even though it is not using it!

    Does anyone have a clue as to what I did wrong? How can I configure this turret system to do what I want it to do? I want for it to fire off a salvo of all it's missiles at once, not piecemeal it. I want for it to engage with cannon fire continuously as long as there are targets in range, while the sniper missiles recycle.

    The fact that the turret ball somehow wound up sitting upside down in it's base is almost a non issue given everything else. I'll obviously have to rebuild the ball from scratch at this point so I'll just fiddle with the empty ball till I know what it's resting orientation will be, before building barrels and such. (Good thing I didn't waste time trying to pretty this thing up.)

    A bit of editing later, without having done any precise calculations or truly understanding what I actually need, I added 2000 power capacitors to the turret ball (externally to test it). When pirates showed up I was in build mode and had to hop out of the turret to turn the AI back on. By the time I could get out of the turret, things had happened too fast for me to even notice if it had fired missiles. It was making very short work of the last of four pirates with cannon fire.

    Clearly I need to have all battery storage actually inside the turret ball. Storage in the turret base is useless, or so it would seem. What I need now is a video tutorial on how to use advanced build to replace all those capacitors with shield blocks with one click. And then to build a new ball.
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    Aug 6, 2015
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    poor english.

    using advanced mode, click on the option under the build-helper, select in the folder the block you want to replace ( here capacitor ) you also click on "replace with active slot".

    select remove mode, use 10x10x10 or 50x50x50 size ( depend on server'config ), with geometry if needed.

    then you right click where you want to replace ( with shield in active slot ) as if you wanted to delete any block in this area.

    it will remove all capacitors in the 10x10x10 or 50x50x50 + geometry, and replace them by shields
    Nov 3, 2014
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    oh really do turret barrels no longer take power from the turret body? that would be a sad change :( *sigh*


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Your missiles need 18 million power to fire, just saying. 1 missile block does 20 damage per second for 100 e/s.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Strange turrets seem to work fine for me although the barrel needs a little bit of regen it doesn't need much. Going to test this later to see what's up.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    Your missiles need 18 million power to fire, just saying. 1 missile block does 20 damage per second for 100 e/s.
    Ach! You mean the Wiki is incorrect? I suppose that should not come as any great surprise.

    I had understood from the Wiki that missile/damage beam requires 2250 power per system block in order to fire. With 4000 blocks, that aught to have been 9M power, substantially less than the battery of the combined turret system. I take it this is a somewhat recent change, perhaps a balancing thing?

    Does this mean that the turret would have worked just fine if I had reduced the missile armament to 2000 blocks (or otherwise magicked an additional 9M power reserve for a total of 18M+)? In your experience, can the battery be anywhere either in the turret base or turret ball?
    Jan 11, 2015
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    The battery SHOULD be able to go anywhere, as power will drain from the point of origin down the chain (taking from the barrel's power first, then the base, and if that's not enough it will steal from the mothership). I used this system to build power bases FOR my turret bases, recessing a nice big power brick in to my mother ship, then putting the turret base and barrel on top of that, which worked fairly well.

    As far as the maths, I'm not that tedious when it comes to planning weapons yet.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    Well, I rebuilt the turret from scratch actually. I figured I'd need several thousand more blocks dedicated to battery storage than the previous incarnation. I increased the radius of the turret to 22 from 21, which netted almost 6000 extra blocks in volume. I rebuilt it pretty much the same way it was, exactly the same weapons outfit, slightly more power generation. This version has ~1.7M power generation per second between the base and ball. It now also has just shy of 20M battery power, which aught to be enough if keptick is right.

    The turret starts out all right salvoing it's missiles, but somehow, it still runs out of power. It is certainly behaving better now, but there are still issues. Frustratingly, my server seems to be down right now so I cannot check, tweak and try things. It crashed as I was building a power block to use as a dock for the turret, to see if adding another million power generation would make the difference. I'd rather not have a docked power platform upon which the turret is docked, simply because the more such dockings on a ship, the more lag issues we generate (not to mention each such dock needing it's own mass enhancers for the turret base```````````````````````````), but if that is the only way to get this beast to behave...


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    I try to make it so my turrets are back to full power by the time they reload. So the general idea is to have enough power generation to get back to full power by the time the cooldown is over. Also adding more capacitors might help as well in some cases. If you're not getting a power fail on the first shot you'll need more regen, if you are you need more capacitors.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    I am generating 1.7M+ power per second in the turret ball and base. The cannons use just over 600K of that per second. Assuming the shields are drawing heavily and needing 200K, that still leaves 900K per second going into the batteries. It takes 45 seconds for sniper missiles to recycle, so that works out to over 40M power which 'should' have gone into batteries. I have almost half that many batteries in the system, so they should have filled up twice in the time allotted, I have twice the power regeneration that I should need. For some reason however, the batteries are always empty.

    When my server comes back up, I am going to attach the turret base to a dockable power platform generating over 1M 'more' power, and see if that makes a difference. I wish the wiki had more accurate numbers. This trial and error guesswork literally takes days of work to to accomplish what a few minutes could do with a calculator, if we had accurate information.

    I'm beginning to think that perhaps sniper missiles have been nerfed into oblivion. Because in addition to this utterly insane level of power draw they seem to take, they don't seem to actually hit their targets very often either. Heat seekers on the other hand are just as strong as ever.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    I think arrays of several groups are still bugged but one group per computers should be fixed.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    I think arrays of several groups are still bugged but one group per computers should be fixed.
    Hmm... The only 'array' of groupings on the turret is the group of 20 1/1 blocks 'decoy' missiles. I don't mind at all of 'those' are missing. That's even better for their role as decoys. Just before my server went down this morning I colored those missiles differently from the others, but because of the server going down, could not see if it was those that were missing while the others were hitting. The heat seekers on my mining ship are 50 separate launchers all fired at once with a logic signal. They have no problems hitting their targets at all.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Basically one group per computer works fine right now and since the AI has a habit of firing all weapons at once it gets around things for the moment. As for one computer per grouping of its modules in a player's hands they'd need to logic fire the thing but it works fine for the AI. Either way it gets around the power bug for groups right now when it comes to beams. Hopefully they fix the rest of that bug next patch or so. They didn't intentionally nerf weapons of the beam type so don't worry that much.
    Jul 23, 2015
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    Im kinda having my own trouble with turrets....the weapons work fine,i know because i sat there and fired them endlessly for a long time. The turrets are simple really: Cannon, Cannon Slave, Piercing module. Really just meant to get rid of isanths quickly when they come after my station. However, they dont seem to be working, i have the AI turned on, they can rotate, and elevate just fine when im in them....the turrets on frigate i have parked nearby dont seem to be having that problem though. Its turrets never face what they are shooting at, but they are hurting the Isanth i spawned in at least.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    Im kinda having my own trouble with turrets....the weapons work fine,i know because i sat there and fired them endlessly for a long time. The turrets are simple really: Cannon, Cannon Slave, Piercing module. Really just meant to get rid of isanths quickly when they come after my station. However, they dont seem to be working, i have the AI turned on, they can rotate, and elevate just fine when im in them....the turrets on frigate i have parked nearby dont seem to be having that problem though. Its turrets never face what they are shooting at, but they are hurting the Isanth i spawned in at least.
    Sounds to me like you built the turrets 'backwards' maybe. I always make sure to align my turrets in the direction of the 'build arrow'. I did once wind up building a turret that wanted to be upside down, but they were always pointing in the right direction.
    Jul 23, 2015
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    Sounds to me like you built the turrets 'backwards' maybe. I always make sure to align my turrets in the direction of the 'build arrow'. I did once wind up building a turret that wanted to be upside down, but they were always pointing in the right direction.
    Thats what i do as well, after building a turret backwards once *shudders* that was horrible, heres the turrets themselves if you want to see them. Ive already tried exiting the game and starting back up for the base AI(dont ask why, but whenever i make a turret i *have* to exit the game to get the AI to activate) S

    Spring Heavy Turret, is the ships turrets
    Base Turret is the stations not working turret


    Jan 1, 2015
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    Base Turret is the stations not working turret
    The gun portion of your base turret is in fact upside down. Also the ability of the gun to rise is severely limited which will have a seriously negative impact on it's ability to engage targets.

    Correction: It is the base of the turret that was built upside down, not the guns.

    Correction to the correction: Both the guns 'and' the base are built upside down.

    Addendum: The 'spring heavy turret' is correctly aligned, both the base and guns. However again here, the construction of your base is so constricting for the barrels, that they are virtually unable to rise or decline.

    Finally, a couple of hopefully helpful suggestions. Go to https://starmadepedia.net/wiki/Power_Systems and read up on how power systems work. You'll save a lot on power blocks, which will free you to add shield and shield regeneration blocks. Also, when you are building things, if you have a section that will be hidden from view, something that will be completely covered with hull, do not fill that with more hull. Use that space for shield blocks.
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    Jul 23, 2015
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    The gun portion of your base turret is in fact upside down. Also the ability of the gun to rise is severely limited which will have a seriously negative impact on it's ability to engage targets.

    Correction: It is the base of the turret that was built upside down, not the guns.

    Correction to the correction: Both the guns 'and' the base are built upside down.

    Addendum: The 'spring heavy turret' is correctly aligned, both the base and guns. However again here, the construction of your base is so constricting for the barrels, that they are virtually unable to rise or decline.

    Finally, a couple of hopefully helpful suggestions. Go to https://starmadepedia.net/wiki/Power_Systems and read up on how power systems work. You'll save a lot on power blocks, which will free you to add shield and shield regeneration blocks. Also, when you are building things, if you have a section that will be hidden from view, something that will be completely covered with hull, do not fill that with more hull. Use that space for shield blocks.
    So many corrections xD So the spring classes turrets are the "proper" way to build then? (alignment wise) if so ill get around to rebuilding those turrets right away.

    As for the base of the turrets being constricting i know, these are older turrets(well not the base) but the "spring heavy turret" was the first true turret i made, and i havent gotten around to updating that ship, yet, will be soon however. My problem is i love the design of traditional turrets(see our modern day destroyers, cruisers, and even battleships, for a scifi thing, see the W40k warships). By design those turrets cant go much further down than the base, if at all. Moving up is indeed a big problem ill be fixing with the redesign!

    The "base turrets" im not happy with anyways ugly little things i think, so ill be doing something about that now that i know they are upside down ^^

    Honestly ive read that thing on power systems, and i lack the patience to build those power reactors, they are way better than what im using i know, but they take me far longer to build. and i constantly have to flip over to the page to see what part of it i need to make next. When i get around to making bigger ships ill take the extra time to do that, but for the small and ugly things im making now >.>

    I *do* need to remember that about the hull sections though...

    Thank you for finding that out about the turrets, i wouldnt have noticed because they where docking correctly!

    EDIT: So i spent time reworking the base turret, attached, i think i fixed most of the problems with it, and i was hoping you could look at it again. And i noticed something after i docked it. It was turning and shooting, albeit very slowly because i didnt have mass enhancers on the station i docked it to, to allow for a full speed rotation. As soon as i put enough mass enhancers on it to allow it full speed rotation, it stopped turning and shooting altogether, for a few minutes, then started again. Now it just..does nothing, it *trys* to rotate..but it gives up every few seconds and sits there. the AI is turned on, i spawned a pirate ship to fire on as well. Best part is, my frigates turrets are doing their job, even though they cant always aim up high enough, or rotate all the way, they are hitting and very *slowly* killing the Isanth(those turrets suck for DPS...) of course, they still arent pointing at the Isanth they are hitting, but they are working. The stations turret? nothing.

    EDIT 2: Oh even better! Now the turret wont shoot even when the Isanth is sitting in front of the gun barrel.

    EDIT 3: And now my frigates turrets no longer work, they rotate, but no longer shoot. woop!


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    Jan 1, 2015
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    I cannot see anything wrong with your turrets, aside from really bad power design and an inability to raise the barrels sufficiently. I suspect your issue is something like that you entered your turrets to do some work on them and then forgot to turn the Bobby AI back to AI control. That would not explain your frigate's turrets rotating and not shooting however. I will note that if your turrets fire continuously, they will run out of power (due to be power design), whereupon they would track, but not shoot.

    My suggestion is to figure out a good power system for them. (It is not that hard; longest lines possible, with each block increasing any of the X,Y, or Z dimensions. If a block does not increase those dimensions, do NOT place it.) Figure out how to build your turret so the barrels can elevate straight up (and depress a bit too preferably). Figure out if you can't add a bit of extra weapon modules to them still to increase their punch. While you are doing all of that, you may very well figure out what the other issues are on your own.


    For myself, it turns out my own issues were caused by my calcified brain insisting on thinking that the old power rules from the Wiki had 'any' relevance to systems now. It turns out that not only were the missiles using literally twice as much power as they were previously (a few months back), the cannons were too. So despite having 20M power storage and 1.7M power generation, they were still depleting. The solutions are a combination of docked reactors and slightly more realistic weapons sizes (in my case, the missiles will be dropping a bit).