Thoughts on a Future Direction for Development

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Let me begin by saying that I have massive respect for the whole team at Schine and Schema who have poured hours and days into this game to bring it to it's current state, and I appreciate all their efforts. Without them I wouldn't be able to make further suggestions.

    I believe that Starmade still lacks something as a game. Players are able to build stunningly large starships, massive dreadnoughts and space stations, but the game still lacks an element of scale. Fundamentally, these massive ships and stations are not much different from their smaller cousins: while they require more blocks, all of those blocks function the exact same way they would on a tiny scout ship a tenth of the mass. There are no challenges to building a large ship that don't exist when building a small ship. There is no qualitative difference between large ships and small ships.

    In the future, I would like to see this change. In an ideal game, building a dreadnought shouldn't be hard simply because the numbers are big (because then it's really not that hard at all, at least in the current game.) Rather, it should be difficult because there are more things to think about when building a dreadnought that don't even come up when building a smaller ship. For example, the four major systems that exist currently (thrust, weapons, shields, and power) are probably good for all but the smallest ships. However, as the mass of a constructed ship increases, new systems become available or necessary to the player. Either by size requirements or mass modifiers, these new systems would not be logically placed on a ship smaller than a particular size (though with soft capping, a player may still choose to do this.) One thing that must be taken into account is that these new systems, because they would be ship-size dependent, would have to be designed and implemented at the same time. Otherwise, the hierarchy of ships that was intended could break down due to spotty implementation.

    This would then create real differences between the largest ships and smaller ships, introduce new construction challenges and ideas, while also not simply dumping new or complex systems on a new player who simply wants to build their first starship.

    An extended example of how system availability could look with my idea:
    • For fighters and other low-mass ships, all you need (and can practically carry) are Systems 1 and 2.
    • However, as soon as you start carrying enough mass to be an independent ship, you need System 3.
    • And if you want to be a capital ship, you have to manage system 4. And then even larger ships have system 5. Finally, all battleships and dreadnaughts require system 6.
    I'd like Jump Drives to be my hypothetical system 3, the thing that separates fighters from other ships. But that would require them to be much more involved. Perhaps my System 4 would be some sort of turning system for large ships, as after a certain mass, your ability to turn starts degrading to almost nothing, and you need this new Rotational/Turning/Whatever system to help turn your ship faster--or at all. System 5 could be a new way of using armor for large-mass ships--to avoid horrible shield spam inside the ship, perhaps there would be structures that one could construct out of new and old armor blocks that multiply the Armor HP granted by each block. System 6 could be something like a required crew/AI system--as the ship size increases, the response of the ships systems to the player's command becomes slower or is in some other way impaired, and the human requires crew/AI assistance to redirect power/weapons/shields/attention to the parts of the ship that "need" it.
    The thing is all of these things would have to be designed at the same time--you can't just thrown in System 4 without first getting system 3 and having an idea where system 4 would stop being a huge deal (that is, when system 5 starts being a problem.)
    Feb 22, 2015
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    The main problem I see with this idea is defining ship classes / sizes. As I understand it, Schine refuses to make any differentiation between a fighter and a corvette and most servers have their own definitions which vary widely depending on computer hardware and preferences.

    Additionally, a dedicated courier shuttle (imo) would be about the same size as a fighter, but still have at least one jump drive. A Bulk freighter's mass would primarily be cargo and cargo manegment, receiving a bonus for a crew/shields/weapons/armor you have no place for makes no sense.

    In short, this idea seems only useful for predetermined ships and ship classes. As part of the base game, I don't see it happening. As a mod, I expect there will be as many versions as there are servers.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    The main problem I see with this idea is defining ship classes / sizes. As I understand it, Schine refuses to make any differentiation between a fighter and a corvette and most servers have their own definitions which vary widely depending on computer hardware and preferences.
    There don't need to be definite distinguishing borderlines, but there can be certain systems that become more and more necessary as your ships get larger. (And other systems that become less and less practical to have on your ship as it gets larger, too, but those already exist.)