Starmade Shipyards is an idea I've had for about 18-months now. Between work and making videos I've been trying to develop the idea in my head and I think now I'm really excited to share what my dream is for it.
Starmade Shipyards is a ship sharing site with role-playing elements added in, competitions, achievements, and more. At its core it's all about allowing players to buy, sell, and showcase ships, and be able to have a practical shipyard to keep all their ships. Each ship has a ship card, and a ship page where it is showcased.
Ship Categories
Ships on the shipyards site are broken down into categories. These categories are visible on the ship cards as well as that ship's page.
Normal Ship Card
Normal ships are just ships that have been submitted by a user. There stats have not been verified by a site admin so it's purely showing what the user who uploaded the ship has entered.
Verified Ship Card
Verified Ship Cards are blue, they show ships that have had their stats confirmed by a site admin. These ships can be used in competitions, missions etc.
Purchased Ship Card
Ships you have purchased are indicated in green. You can go to this ships page and download the ship sment file to then import into your game and use.
Flagged Ship Card
Flagged ships have been flagged by a user as being potentially misleading. It may be a user thinks this ship is a duplicate of another ship on the site, or that they think the stats are incorrect. Whatever it might be, flagged ships cannot be downloaded or purchased until the issue has been resolved. Flagged ships are indicated in red.
Legendary Ship Card
Legendary Ships are ships that cannot be purchased, and can only be won in lotteries, community competitions, or by special achievements. Players can submit a verified ship that cannot be purchased into a review to become a Legendary ship.
Verified Ship Card
Purchased Ship Card
Flagged Ship Card
Legendary Ship Card
Browsing Ships
The ship cards are designed to give you all the key information in a styled-card, listing ship class, cost, rating, mass, thrust, power, shields, and supported systems like docking, turrets, salvage etc.
All these stats can be used to filter what you see.
Viewing a ship page
Selecting a ship card will then take you to that ship's page. There you can see more in-depth stats, images, and either purchase the ship or add it to favorites. If something is suspect then you can also flag a ship from here. On the right you see the character of the player who owns this ship.
So you actually have to buy ships?
Not with real-world currency. As part of the role-playing experience players will earn credits through selling ships, completing achievements etc. They can then purchase other players' ships then download the file to use it in their game.
Is this something I need to sign up for? Will there be any costs?
No costs, and users are through the StarMade registry so it will be the same log-in for these forums as it will be for the shipyards site.
You mentioned role-playing?
Each player will have their own character and shipyard on the site. There will be ranks / levels and selling/purchasing ships, interactions throughout the site and achievements will all lead to ranking up. Going up ranks will unlock new opportunities, achievements and content (probably... i haven't thought that far) as well as new customizations.
Player Characters will be customizable
What are missions?
Missions will be another way to complete achievements, earn credits, and unlock rare customizations. If you have any verified ships you can participate in missions. Choose a mission and assign a verified ship you own to do that mission. Each mission has a time it takes to complete, and different requirements. For example, a supply run mission requires that you use a ship with docking, so you can transport the cargo. More difficult missions could have a lower percentage of success mattering what ship you have chosen. E.g. if you're doing an assault mission, selecting a ship without shields will have a low percentage of success. If your ship is destroyed while doing a mission, you will need to pay the full cost of that ship to repair that ship.
When you have selected a ship to do a mission, you can then launch that ship to do that mission. While a ship is doing a mission, it won't be available for purchase or download. When a ship returns from a successful mission you will get the rewards from that mission, and have the potential to find rare customizations as well.
What are the competitions?
Competitions include community competitions, as well as the monthly lottery. Buying into the lottery you could win additional credits, a legendary ship, a rare customization, or a special medal.
Will this be mobile / tablet compatible?
Yes we're planning on making it capable of supporting tablet and mobile devices.
What about trolls?
We're working on ways to make the system robust enough to reduce any methods of trolling.
What are some other features you're considering adding later on?
I'm in talks with the devs on some stuff that would open up the opportunity for having a dueling system added.
What are overseers?
Overseers are site moderators tasked with certain duties. They verify ships, follow up on any flagged ships, discipline players who disrupt the peace, maintain competitions etc.
What are rare customizations?
Player characters on the site can be customized with different eye-wear, head-wear, shirts, jackets, and pants. In the future we might add other options but at the moment they're the big five. There are the default items for customizing, there will be unlocked items from completing challenges, and there will be a group of rare or legendary items that appear from time to time. There are certain chances for finding them, through browsing the ships and shipyards, completing missions successfully, and participation in the competitions. These rare and legendary items cannot be acquired in any other way.
What's the trade guild?
I'm still working that out
More questions or do you have an idea for the site?
Submit your ideas, questions etc in this thread.
When will it be launched?
At the moment it's been something I've been working on my own doing, so it is still a work in progress, but we'll keep you informed.
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