Disable friendly fire?

    Jun 22, 2015
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    A player on our server recently made a swarm missile on one of his giant ships and has been accidentally obliterating ships without us even knowing what was going on. We're all now aware of what was happening but it would be a disaster of management preventing someone from accidentally destroying a bunch of allies ships that aren't fully built yet when they could unknowingly fire some missiles and have them all swarm to allied ships.

    Is there any way we can disable friendly fire among faction ships or at the /very least/ prevent swarm missiles from being created? It's one thing to accidentally shoot a friendly ship with a cannon or something but it's another thing if you are unable to prevent your missiles from killing every ally in the sector, and at the moment I can't see any way to prevent this


    Nov 10, 2013
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    You can not disable the targeting allies part of heat seekers, something about not needing a logic and being perfect viable to use with logic would make them OP if you could disable it.

    If you want to disable the "heat seeking", you can go to Starmade/Data/Configs/BlockBehaviourConfig.xml and look for the missiles section of the code. Change the lock type (I think Heat seeking is 2?) to either 0 or 1 (or 2, if 1 is heat seek).
    Jun 22, 2015
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    You can not disable the targeting allies part of heat seekers, something about not needing a logic and being perfect viable to use with logic would make them OP if you could disable it.
    Sorry, what? I'm having a hard time understanding this sentence. What would be OP about disabling swarm missiles targeting allies? That sounds crazy to me, I can't imagine any scenario where I'd ever want swarm missiles to target allies, better yet consider disabling it "overpowered"

    If you want to disable the "heat seeking", you can go to Starmade/Data/Configs/BlockBehaviourConfig.xml and look for the missiles section of the code. Change the lock type (I think Heat seeking is 2?) to either 0 or 1 (or 2, if 1 is heat seek).
    That's really helpful, thanks. At the very least other weapons are a lot harder to accidentally fuck up allies with


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Sorry, what? I'm having a hard time understanding this sentence. What would be OP about disabling swarm missiles targeting allies? That sounds crazy to me, I can't imagine any scenario where I'd ever want swarm missiles to target allies, better yet consider disabling it "overpowered"
    Swarm missiles can be fired by logic, ever watched the Blood and Steel tournament finals? It's a good example of what I mean. It's auto locking, and comes in mass quantities, which can easily overwhelm PD, the only reason why it is not spammed by everyone ever or receive a nerf, is because it targets allies.

    I've always seen it as a balancing thing, since if it didnt target allies there would be no reason to never have it not constantly firing.
    Jun 22, 2015
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    Swarm missiles can be fired by logic, ever watched the Blood and Steel tournament finals? It's a good example of what I mean. It's auto locking, and comes in mass quantities, which can easily overwhelm PD, the only reason why it is not spammed by everyone ever or receive a nerf, is because it targets allies.

    I've always seen it as a balancing thing, since if it didnt target allies there would be no reason to never have it not constantly firing.
    I see what you were trying to say now but TBH making it also hit allies seems like an awful way of balancing an overpowered weapon


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Well, it is "heat" seeking, makes sense it would target anything that emits heat. Feels like just yesterday it would also target anything docked to the main ship as well (since been patched out).


    Jan 19, 2014
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    Exactly what Cyber was saying, heatseakers are the perfect weapon. No lock on time, but they can follow anyone anywhere, they work regardless of how well the player can aim, in fact the player doesn't even need to fire them. A weapon so simple but effective that logic almost makes it better.
    It has two traditional balancing factors; it's a slow projectile and it can be outranged by a lot of weapons. The part about it screwing allies is actually interesting in my opinion because it forces you to think about a ships purpose. Is it a ship that you're going to go out hunting alone with, a lone wolf? If yes, then you should put swarmers on it because they'll be awesome. Is is part of the pack, attacking the enemy with superior force? If yes, then don't put heatseakers on it because it'll cause dissaray, killing your allies as fast as your enemies.
    Heatseakers are amazingly awesome indescriminant killers.
    Feb 22, 2015
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    I only use single module heatseekers. Shields can shrug them off and they don't do any real damage anyway.
    However, PD goes nuts with all those pretty targets and might miss the nukes.

    OTOH, Elspin, now you know your fleet is light on point defense.