Tips, tricks, ideas and R&D

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Here is a dump of some of the tricks I used and ideas I have for current gameplay.

    1. Spawn shop is the cheapest shop from there in a expanding circle shop's prices grow at a steady (small at that) rate in prices. Noticeable change in prices happen from spawn to another galaxy where decent profit in cash can be made. (Due to limited testing trade stations seem to be static in prices everywhere so going far out then buying from trade shops and selling to local shops will turn great profits for little effort.)

    2. Shooting a shop triggers "defenders" to spawn in to attack the attacker. In spawn the AI does not target the attack (If spawn is protected) and will fly into the shop or close to triggering the shop to think it is being stocked by a convoy restocking the shop a few hundred thousand dollars (credits?) and between 0-10000 of a given item. (Chances of amount restocked seem to be fairly random but also based upon rarity of said item. For instances shield rechargers seem to stock more often and in greater amounts than shield caps.)

    3. Shops at max credits will not have additional funds added when more purchases are made. (This comes into use later.)

    4. Guild defenders will "forget" a target if they exit the ship/structure that attacked them and will not spawn further unless there is a player in the structure or ship attacking it. They will agro again if the same player then enters the ship/structure even if the object is not longer firing on the station but will ignore them still if they enter another ship/structure. From there the guild ships will act like in spawn and go near/hit the trade station causing a restock regardless if in spawn or not.

    5. Most shops in spawn galaxy seem to be static in prices well a handful of them seem to alter in price. (Not sure why yet.) Spawn shop in most cases always seems to be non-static in prices, shops past spawn galaxy do have alternate prices.

    6. Shops update their prices based upon stock. (From experiments it seems to be around 49000 "stock" they will update their price to max.) The cycle of stock update is 10 minutes based upon when the sector was last unloaded and loaded again. (The count down to update freezes when the shop unloads. Static shops don't update their prices however.)

    7. By buying at a shop with full stock you can get the items at a cheap price then wait 10 minutes and the shop will update the price to maximum value where upon you can sell the items back for large profit with little effort. (With the restocking method mentioned you can keep a shop stocked and buy that with the profit earned. Best items to do this with are the weapon computers, scanner computer and jump drive computer.)

    8. Missiles can be given a punch-through ability by placing missile tubes 1 block back from each other. (The missiles will spawn 1 behind each other so they don't all strike at once and only get minimal damage dealt.) causing large "tunnels" to be made in the target and massive devastation. (If you're confused think of setting the missiles up as a drill.)

    9. Homebases are immune to damage.

    10. By placing a homebase station next to a pirate station you can add turrets to your station and farm pirates from more or less start of the game. Pirates will ignore the player going around their dead brethren and even ignore the player when they get pretty close to the them as they fire upon the immortal station.

    11. A weapon system with 100% ion will still agro a pirate station and do no block damage.

    12. Turrets will not target stations.

    13. A radar jammed and cloaked ship will not de-cloak when a warhead aboard it detonates.

    14. Warheads do around 50k damage with a 10 block blast radius.

    15. Warheads are most effect used as single blocks than in groups.

    16. By placing a warhead on a cloaked ship that is 10 blocks from the rest of the ship (I would suggest 15 blocks because lag.) You can kill a lot of ships and never get noticed. (The warhead can be replaced after each detonation easy peasy.)

    17. By making a perma cloaker and setting warheads up around the ship 10 blocks apart from each other you can create a cloaked minefield that can deal massive amounts of damage and never get noticed. (It will also destroy other cloaked ships with out all that searching.)

    18. By mining a asteroid down to a single block and then unloading the sector (or it saving) you can have the asteroid respawn as a single block. A possible idea is to ADD blocks to the asteroid then unload/save the sector and see if it respawns larger than it was before.

    19. Most players make use of missiles/beam or missile/pulse for high alpha damage death. By having a single block or wall of 1 thick blocks in front of the ship or wherever and enough space between that wall and your ship you can "block" all the missiles a single time defeating the high alpha damage as they destroy nothing. (Any block works.)

    20. Jump ships and perma cloakers are more or less always bare bones and easy to kill. Armour is not effective as it slows it down. By building a husk shield around the ship and then deleting it in adv build move in a single click you gain the mass reduction then in moment of need you can "Undo" the deletion to gain the armour protection you need and "Redo" to remove it once again.

    21. Ships with a lot of exposed sides to them cause massive fps drops.

    22. By destroying blocks on a enemy ship you alter the jump drive charge and can prevent jumping. (The jump drive calculation sees blocks removed so it undoes a bit of the charge that needs to be redone (Though it is instantly charged.) causing those who panic to screw up and die or if enough blocks are getting destroyed fast enough they can't get the jump in time.)

    23. Adding blocks and trying to jump does not blend.

    For now these are all that I can think of off the top of my head but I know I missed a lot more. Feel free to ask questions if you don't understand something.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Well this explains how you get so powerful so fast. Thank you for sharing. Some of these do look like bugs and should be repaired for the betterment of the game.

    The shop things mostly should stay since real life is kind of similar.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Got some very nice tips and tricks in there. Some use bugs or exploit shitty mechanics, which will get fixed eventually, so keep that in mind.

    Thadius Faran He used an exploit to get hundreds of thousands of blocks :p
    Last edited:


    Wiki Administrator
    Sep 10, 2013
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    a very well put together list! Do you mind if I add some of these to the Wiki?
    Jul 4, 2013
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    What would interest me is the point:
    21. Ships with a lot of exposed sides to them cause massive fps drops.

    Could you explain this in more detail what you mean with exposed sides?
    As i am greatly interested in anything that is related to fps drops.
    And i really like to reduce them ans much as possible.
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    Reactions: Reilly Reese
    Feb 10, 2015
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    a very well put together list! Do you mind if I add some of these to the Wiki?
    By all means feel free to.

    What would interest me is the point:
    21. Ships with a lot of exposed sides to them cause massive fps drops.

    Could you explain this in more detail what you mean with exposed sides?
    As i am greatly interested in anything that is related to fps drops.
    And i really like to reduce them ans much as possible.

    That link has 2 ships that for all intents and purposes are the same. However one is 500M^3 and the other is 1km^3 the differences at looking at each one of them are staggering. (60 FPS for the 500 and around 10 fps for the 1km if I remember correctly.)


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Railman Gold
    • Thinking Positive Gold
    By all means feel free to.

    That link has 2 ships that for all intents and purposes are the same. However one is 500M^3 and the other is 1km^3 the differences at looking at each one of them are staggering. (60 FPS for the 500 and around 10 fps for the 1km if I remember correctly.)
    Are they filled? Because the 1km^3 one would have 8x the amount of blocks of the 500m^3 ship. Otherwise it's the amount of surface area, yea (more textures needing to be loaded). It's worse with animated textures too, I remember some guy making a blob with maximized surface area. Needless to say everyone in the area was getting 1fps.
    Feb 10, 2015
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    Are they filled? Because the 1km^3 one would have 8x the amount of blocks of the 500m^3 ship. Otherwise it's the amount of surface area, yea (more textures needing to be loaded). It's worse with animated textures too, I remember some guy making a blob with maximized surface area. Needless to say everyone in the area was getting 1fps.
    Both ships are hollow shells made of grey standard armour. Also I think the person you're thinking of is Linwe.