Bobby AI not targeting anything

    Aug 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    I have recently attempted to create AI controlled turrets and there is something I have to be missing. I put a bobby AI module on a small craft with 10 power reactors, a faction module (set to my faction), a cannon computer, and 10 cannon modules.
    I spawned a dummy ship in front of the test craft and set it to be a pirate. However, nothing I did would cause the AI to attack this pirate craft. I tested it both with and without the cannon computer connected to the AI module, no luck. Is there something new you need to do to get an AI to target an enemy craft?
    The most I was able to get it to do is when I made the faction neutral and set my faction to counting neutral as hostile, it would attack me, but nothing else. Help please?


    Nov 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Railman Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    It's possible the AI didn't have an active state? In my testings with AI before, I've found that my designs did not want to shot at ships marked enemy unless the AI was set to true or was a player involved.

    Did you set the faction with /Start_ship_Ai -1 ? If not, try that command.
    Aug 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    It's possible the AI didn't have an active state? In my testings with AI before, I've found that my designs did not want to shot at ships marked enemy unless the AI was set to true or was a player involved.

    Did you set the faction with /Start_ship_Ai -1 ? If not, try that command.
    That was the ticket. Thanks a bunch!