Size-efficient defense system for small space stations

    Sep 12, 2014
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    This post should be read in Eastern European accent.

    Hello my friend, my name is Comrade117 and I am here to force you to buy to present You the newest "innovation" by Burek&Baklava Industries™:

    The Iron Kurtain


    From the very beginning of human species until now, humanity has been facing many constant problems with no universal solutions. One of those age old problems is how to tear somebody's limbs off with minimal effort, while keeping all your body parts in place. Throughout history, we have seen many less or more effective solutions: axes, swords, use of horses, different contraptions... But by the end of medieval ages, people have found greatest solution to this problem so far: EXPLOSIONS. It was in 1867 when great man called Alfred Nobel started the whole new era for explosives. After his invention of stable dynamite, hundreds of ways to blow people up were soon implemented in everyday use, including but not limited to grenades, missiles, torpedoes, bombs, and MINES. Today I bring you our solution to this problem, The Iron Kurtain.

    What is this "Iron Kurtain"?

    The Iron Kurtain is new system developed by Burek&Baklava Industries™ which allows user to protect his property without having to be there. It consists of hundreds of explosive warheads constantly floating around your space station, colliding with any ships that might enter your territory. It's like minefield, but those mines move around in seemingly random fashion. Produced by starving slave workers highly trained professionals in our factories on planet Tai-1, this system is easy to install on any space station (or ship) and helps you blow up any small fighters or medium sized ships that would otherwise carefully fly between mines, and to send bigger ships clear message that You are not скревинг around. A gif of a small scale model is in the attachment.

    In case attachment is not working: (the gif is sped up because of way gif recording works)

    How do I set this system up to be maximally effective?

    The rotational part of this system, which makes it unique, should be placed near center of the object you want to protect. Warheads should be placed in multiple spheres, couple hundreds meters in diameter, so they form multiple layers. No two neighboring layers should be attached to the same core, to ensure neighboring spheres are rotating in different directions, thus increasing the chance of collision with intruder. When rotational part is static, one should make a tunnels through warhead spheres, to allow friendly vessels to pass through when system is offline. When system is on, rotating spheres will close those tunnels. The Iron Kurtain should be combined with plenty of anti missile turrets, to prevent long range damage to the station. Spheres should be large enough so that enemy ship can't reach your station with beams. Your station will still be reachable by AMCs, but so far away that your enemy can not accurately target your turrets, thus giving your turrets more time to decompose their ships.

    Why should I use this over traditional defenses

    You should use this WITH traditional defenses. The system is cheap, simple to create and very efficiently prevents enemies to close in to your station, forcing them to spend more time trying to take out your station, putting them in greater risk, causing them greater damage and forcing them to do more damage to your station, resulting in less resources to salvage, efficiently rendering their attack not profitable.
    Unlike traditional minefields, this system requires much lower density of warheads, is almost impossible to go through undamaged, going slowly to let your shields recharge is not possible (since warheads would be smashing into the ship while it waits), and can be deactivated in order to open passages for your allies.

    I like it. Would you kindly upload sment file?

    No. It needs to be tailored to your personal needs and preferences. If you do not know how to build this, then you certainly don't know how to operate it, and thus You might damage Your ship, and we at Burek&Baklava Industries™ don't want to be responsible for that. Purpose of this post is to encourage players to experiment with this idea and show us what they can make out of this very simple concept.


    Whether You are fist-fighting space-bears on an ice planet or bringing freedom and democracy to a sand planet, make sure your space stations are well defended.
    With Iron Kurtain you can put your gun down, put on your Adodas sweatpants, grab a bottle of vodka and log into your Doto 8 account, because your property isn't going anywhere*.

    *results may vary depending on determination of your opponents

    While I might reference some brands or products, it is purely for comical purposes, not advertising.

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    Reactions: ResonKinetic
    Dec 17, 2014
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    This is the first tactically significant use for rail that I have seen. Well done.

    As far as I can see they serve the same purpose as barrage balloons. Cool. Very Cool.


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    Hell yeah, nice approach to a moving minefield
    Double points on a faction home base since Warheads under homebase protection will simply keep exploding against whatever they hit until it moves or gets a hole exploded through it

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Adding Bobby AIs will allow them to also actively approach incoming enemy vessels. At the same time however they could be lured away by a decoy ship so there are pros and cons to using AI.
    Nov 27, 2013
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    Adding Bobby AIs will allow them to also actively approach incoming enemy vessels. At the same time however they could be lured away by a decoy ship so there are pros and cons to using AI.
    they are attached to teh station