How it works:
- place trade computer and link to storage modules using C and V
- open your "trade computer" by pressing r on it in astronaut or build mode
- trade menu opens with buttons labeled "add trade", "scan trades", "auto trade", "permissions" at the top with columns in the lower part of menu labeled "active, item, stock, max stock, buy , sell, trade type, auto, edit"
- button function:
- add trade: Used to add an item to the trade list. Sets the item, trade type(buy,sell,both), buy/sell price (buy is the max "trade computer" will pay and sell is the lowest price it will accept in item or credits), max stock amount (max amount "trade computer" will allow in its inventory).
- scan trades: When in range of another "trade computer" equipped entity, it will scan for compatible buy/sell prices and, if found, will indicate it in the "auto" column on the trade list
- auto trade: carries out available auto trades discovered in last "scan trades"
- permissions: where you set who may engage in trade with your computer
2. column function:
- active: a tick box to enable auto trading of this trade list item. after using "add trade" button click here to enable the trade (default off)
- item: the name of the item to be traded
- stock: the amount of item available to this trade computer
- max stock: displays the max amount of this item "trade computer" will allow in its inventory. This value is set in the "add trade" sequence.
- buy: displays the buy price set in the "add trade" sequence if "buy" or "both" is enabled under "trade type". Can be set to credits or items.
- sell: displays the sell price set in the "add trade" sequence if "sell or "both" is enabled under "trade type". Can be set to credits or items.
- trade type: displays trade type set in "add trade" sequence restricting it to buy only, sell only, or allow both.
- auto: displays a green "ok" if "scan trades" returns a price compatible result for this item, else a red "x" is displayed.
- edit: click the edit button in the row for the item you want to change values for, it will reopen the "add trade" menu for this item.
4. After setting up one or more trade items on the list, fly into the trade radius of another "trade computer"equipped entity or shop.
5. Open trade computer using method in step 2.
6. Click "scan trades" items compatible with your set buy/sell price will get a green "ok" in the "auto" column.
7. Review the "active" column and make sure the available auto trades you want are ticked then click the "auto trade" button to exchange all available and compatible trade items.
Where multiple trade entities are within trade radius the first one to click "auto trade" has its trades carried out first and so on for the next one that clicked.
Where trading with multiple entities "auto trade" will engage with price compatible for buying: from lowest priced entity first and for selling: from highest priced entity first. When the buy entity is empty it moves on to the next lowest priced buy entity. When the sell entity can hold no more (either it ran out of inventory space or hit its "max stock" value) the next highest priced entity is sold to.