I can think of only one remaining balance issue with large ships: their ability to kill anything in their forward FOV. Making all weapons fire straight forward would reduce the effectiveness of large, unmaneuverable ships. Small ships would still have no problem "flying" the gunsight onto their targets. This is one of the best and most reasonable ways of balancing large ships, but so far this option has received little or no attention.
At the very least, the radius where you can angle the weapons needs to be narrowed to about where that little circle in the center is.
What's that you say? Too hard to hit anything at all? Well, I once played an open source space sim with weapons like that, and all weapons had a (very small) inherent auto tracking (assisted aim) ability. I.E. get the sight close enough and you'd hit the ship's hitbox. You still had to have the enemy in the center of your crosshair, but wouldn't miss with a laser if the enemy were actually in that spot. In starmade, putting that little circle on top of an enemy doesn't even mean you'll hit anything, even with a hitscanning weapon.
Crosshair on target. Check.
Weapon hitscans.
Limited firing arcs would remove the issue with FOV affecting where you can shoot, making FOV a preference rather than something that cripples you if your graphics card can't handle the widest setting.
I would enjoy combat flight more if it was more about flying the sights onto the target, and we wouldn't have bullets coming out of the guns at odd/trippy/impossible angles.
At the very least, the radius where you can angle the weapons needs to be narrowed to about where that little circle in the center is.
What's that you say? Too hard to hit anything at all? Well, I once played an open source space sim with weapons like that, and all weapons had a (very small) inherent auto tracking (assisted aim) ability. I.E. get the sight close enough and you'd hit the ship's hitbox. You still had to have the enemy in the center of your crosshair, but wouldn't miss with a laser if the enemy were actually in that spot. In starmade, putting that little circle on top of an enemy doesn't even mean you'll hit anything, even with a hitscanning weapon.
Crosshair on target. Check.
Weapon hitscans.
Limited firing arcs would remove the issue with FOV affecting where you can shoot, making FOV a preference rather than something that cripples you if your graphics card can't handle the widest setting.
I would enjoy combat flight more if it was more about flying the sights onto the target, and we wouldn't have bullets coming out of the guns at odd/trippy/impossible angles.
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