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    Z17-stationM1R 1.0

    There is no way to get to the server room. And there is another faction block that is completely unaccessable.
    Very good station, much impressive and lovely command features!
    This is a beautiful piece and I have no suggestions on how to improve it, it is in a style and class of its own. Keep up the good work. The features are much better than an average piece of its size and aid greatly in its overall functionality.
    OMG this place... IS AMAZING I saved up on a server for it and now use it as my homebase! PERFECT it has everything you need! LOVE THE COMPUTER SYSTEM TOO!
    awesome work as always tech rich in detail and with the usual functionality that all your designs incorporate cant wait for your next awesome build
    Rich on lovely details, but still clean and functional - nice work!

    When approaching the station from the distance, one can quickly assume what it is and what not. After entering, I was surprised by the variety of different facilities that assemble the station and provide a nice, spacious roleplay atmosphere. One of my favorite rooms is the shop with the ship parts waiting for customers. :) The factory, of course, is impressive too, especially with the decorative systems of the smeltery and assembly line. Chapeau, well done!

    You also presented a highly sophisticated use of the new display features with your interactive terminal.

    I am really looking forward to see your future submissions as well as the upcoming versions of this great shipyard station.