WS Canary MK1

    WS Canary MK1 1.0

    Wow, what a great ship. This will go well in my fleet. I still use the queen bee, I asked if we would see an updated drone control for that ship as well. Maybe separate posts of your drone ships so we can can choose the function of the ship. (IE this queen bee is for combat) this queen bee is for salvaging and so on.
    This ship rocks! It helped me to figure out more about fleets & controlling them.

    I am curious about the logic involved. I could not figure out where the wireless blocks were being connected to (the "Remote drone toggle" & "Remote storage auto pull"). Everything else I was able to figure out myself.

    Other than that, an excellent ship again Tshara! Great lines and great logic. And it was funny watching the drones on a recall. Derping around until they found their correct pickup point. LOL!
    Ship AI doesn’t ‘see’ other entities. Its even weirder when they try to fly through the mother ship when trying to dock.
    You know i am a fan of your builds already and this one is no different.
    Love how you reused the old bee queen drones. like your USD design.
    and nice thrusters on this one again.
    So yeah another excellent ship!
    Wow! This is the best use of the new fleets system I have seen so far!
    This is one of the best mining ships I have seen so far!