USS Excelsior

    USS Excelsior 1.3

    The Great Rail Update!

    This update adds and changes more than I can remember, as the alterations have taken place slowly over the past year and a half.

    Some changes include:

    -Multiple elevators

    -Main hangar bay door

    -Transporter rooms (now functional!)

    -Numerous phaser turrets recessed into the hull

    -Revised shuttles

    -Multipurpose cargo bays

    And my pièce de résistance:

    -Functional ejecting warp core

    To eject the warp core, first activate it using the activation block and button near it's top. It will glow brightly and spin when it's on. Then the core can be ejected by either using the inner ship remote or the button in Main Engineering.

    The ship is also prepared for saucer separation!!! However, due to the number of mass enhancers that would be needed to make the separation simple and painless I have not completely implemented it yet. If you separate the saucer, be warned that extreme lag and parts moving away at high speeds may ensue.

    I have not yet installed photon torpedoes or primary phasers in this version, feel free to install them as you see fit.


    Secondary warp core in the saucer section.

    The new primary warp core.

    New hangar door.

    One of the new transporter rooms.

    Full Logic and Systems!
    This update adds the following:

    -Updated systems:
    =Warp Drive
    =Power Supply
    =All internal doors open automatically
    =Functional airlocks
    =Two Transporter Rooms
    =Refreshed Battle Bridge and Engineering
    =Tons more detail all around​

    There are still plenty of unfinished spaces left in the saucer that I will complete eventually, leaving plenty of room for customization.


    I've also modified a version of this ship to look like the Enterprise-B from Star Trek: Generations. Check it out!

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    This is the 1.1 update with no weapon or effect blocks fitted, to make it easier for those of you who enjoy customizing ships. Have fun!

    Update for 0.15! Includes:

    -Massively overhauled interior, with refitted hangar, engineering, core room (CIC), several decks in the saucer and more.
    -Shuttlecraft and transfer pods.
    -Phasers and photon torpedoes.
    -Defensive turrets.
    -Working navigational lights (Activate them in the bottom level of the saucer) and improved exterior detailing.

    Download and explore!

    I've shamelessly added a few details that Brain_Dawgs came up with in his Excelsior Refurbished. Nice work dude!