I'll be honest, I needed a mining ship hastily, so I downloaded the first thing that wasn't too large to get the job done. I did not like the looks of this ship at first, partly because I had a graphical error, which made some of the parts not render. I was about to take it apart and look for something else, but then I saw all the awesome buttons all over the place, so I started pushing them to see what they do.
The lightning changing when you open what I assume are hangar doors actually turned me one-eighty, it was one little detail that blew my mind, so I decided to fly it a little bit. It handles well, and does mining okay. What surprised me the most is how well the sorting system works on this ship. In fact, the interior design alone makes me never want to leave this beautiful creation ever again. It's a pity It's impossible to put factories on ships, because I would ditch my base just to live in this masterpiece.
The only problem I have with it, is that the turrets on it are literally just for show, they die in seconds even when facing the weakest of foes, and barely do any damage. I have replaced some of them for functional turrets, and I am currently working on balancing turrets so that they can bite and look like they fit at the same time.
Than you for sharing this ship.
Other turret concerns should be less an issue when we can simply repair ships to their original specs without having to replace them one by one by one, although with the new buy by block system I don't mind it so much. I just buy all the blueprints, fill them with blocks and then place them. It just seems easier then buy, place, buy, place...
From what I heard we will be able to have factories on ships sometime in the future but I do not know what restrictions the ships will face.