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    After the v0.201.126 update, I noticed the only power 2.0 ship updates were the Isanths. So I thought I'd try my hand at building a power 2.0 ship for the Traders. I thought it would also serve as a useful experiment with adding to the Traders NPC ships in the server. And seeing my ship flying around as part of the Traders mining fleet is pretty fun.

    You may have noticed this is the second iteration of the C160, which is because I didn't think the first design looked quite right.

    I designed this ship with the following ideas in mind;
    • Using my two favourite Trader ships, I wanted this ship to fit the look of the existing C140 mining ship, but to also combine characteristics of the B190 to show a collaborative build.
    • Could be a player Level 2 mining ship for new players on a server/single player. I was thinking the existing mining ship would be Level 1.
    • Make it easier to board for players to explorer or who want to try their hand at steeling the cargo or the ship for that matter. Well, provided they capture quick enough to avoid it being destroyed by friendly fire.
    • Jump drive & scanner required.

    I'm not that great with the new power and weapons configurations, so the ship is pretty simple in functionality. Kinda by design, but mostly due to my lack of knowledge and experience with the new power and weapons. I am getting there slowly, I hope.

    Anyway, I have also left the internals bare so anybody downloading this ship can see the inner workings of the logic and rails. Should they like to see how all works and modify it.

    On that note;
    • I have installed a mining array in waffle configuration. It shreds asteroids quicker than the C140.
    • AMS turrets x2, one on top and one on bottom. Relatively speaking.
    • Public docking.
    • Each exterior hatch and the computer room as some call it, have a display module lock system that is open to the public. *UPDATE* I forgot to mention the code "open". You can change the code for each lock from the inside.
    • The public access is to allow boarding and access if you know the code. Which can be set by server owners. I thought public access adds incentive for players to explorer. capture or simply steel the cargo.
    • Oh I also added the concept of a forward loading dock beneath the mining beam array for ease of transfer. Mainly for beginner players and maybe some potential future cargo transfer capability that could be built into fleets controls somehow.
    • The radar dish on top is also animated with a randomization circuit for effect.
    • *UPDATE* I forgot to mention, I deliberately used other system blocks for decoration, so a player could use them to refit the ship for other purposes.
    I hope it's in keeping with the Traders/Trading Guild design.

    This ship could certainly be improved system wise, but I'm happy with it at the moment, in particular the basic hull and interior. It functions fine as an NPC mining ship.
    Of course if you prefer a non-public version it's simple enough to remove the public components.

    For the Lore side of things, I thought the following blurb may be useful for explaining its existence and design choices in the context of the Trading Guild.

    A joint collaborative venture between Trading Guild Mining & Military ship Contractors to design and build a new deep space mining vessel.
    Mainly for long range missions outside faction territory.
    Although primarily a mining vessel, it is also equipped for cargo transport and exploration.
    Ideally this vessel would have a military escort, but should one not be available the ship is equipped with basic AMS PDC defenses in case met with hostility.
    Equipped with a simple jump drive primed and ready can serve as a quick escape from attack.


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