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    The_Owl's_Fleet_Submission_2 2016-06-01

    A fleet of 5 ships. Contains a (light) Fighter, a Interceptor/Corvette, a Frigate/Corvette a Freighter, and a Bulk Capacity freighter. Each one of these ships is equipped, however basic, with an interior and some have logic functions. Shots of the Frigate/Corvette and the Bulk capacity freighter are shown.
    First release
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    3.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    Hey me again, after seeing your firebird i looked at the screenshots for this and was deeply confused!

    A lot of the same problems are present here: Not enough space for systems and consequent lack of everything; especially thrust, but now also power it seems.

    Overall: Unlike the firebird these ships all have excellent exteriors; although i think you would get much further with more variety in blocks. If i was judging on exterior detailing alone this would be a 4.5/5 but interior drags it down a bit; ALOT of corridor and no really interesting rooms as far as i found. All ships suffer from really bad stats as well, which is the big killer: Many of them wont be functional under AI control because they'll power outtage and every gun i checked was a tickle cannon :(.

    Would highly recommend thicker ships so you can fit decent amounts of systems, or cutting down on interior space.

    Individual ships:

    4 turrets, no cams : especially like the look of the exterior on this one. The orange and brown really helps break up the monotonous texture.
    For layout the turrets are too low and get stuck a lot, especially the underslung turret. Much worse though this ship cannot power itself with the cannons running (Non-functional under AI control) and the turret cannons are too weak to do any damage. As a general rule with weapons, they MUST be able to destroy armor blocks since you can't aim at individual blocks at a kilometer's range while flying through space at 100m/s. that means 1000 damage per projectile or more. Can/can turrets need to be huge to actually inflict damage; it takes your turrets several seconds of sustained fire to bring down a single armor block. Consider switching to can/beam or can/pulse for slower firing turrets that are strong enough to cut through blocks.
    Also zero visibility from any cameras.

    fight or bomber? idk!

    Again, this weapon too weak. missiles MUST deal a lot more damage than cannons to get anywhere since they spread their damage over an area; 75 damage is too low.
    And THRUST. Again; 1.0 is standard for combat ships, it's needed to dodge, avoid flanking and flanking others, for FIGHTERS 2.0 should be minimum. This fighter will have trouble outrunning mis/mis weapons which makes it exceptionally vulnerable. Your style doesn't seem to work too well for it either, the exterior doesn't really fit for a ship this size imo - worst of the bunch.


    Again really nice exterior, and the thrust isn't inexcusably bad since it's not a combat vessel; 0.5 would help it a lot though simply for maneuvering around. Jump drive is great and charges quickly.
    Why does the freighter have better combat cams than the turret boat?
    The turrets are still underpowered although i noticed they have shielding; turrets get shields from their host so it's unnecessary, and like before they're too weak to shoot anything down; try attacking that ship with your fighter i dont think it can even get through shield regen...
    The lift and bulkheads are neat touches. If you link the inner ship remote to abutton and then the button back to the ship remote it will switch off the ship remote after you active it; just a small quality of life improvement for these things.

    Missile Corvette?

    Much more reasonbale combat ship! It still has too low stats but the weapons are appropriate and can destroy things (big plus). It does however power outtage so not functional as ai ship (big minus :( ) see fire bird review for tips for fixing.

    The one with two jumpdrives

    About the same as the freighter. Jumps r good, thrust is awful on this guy.

    Frankly im not an RP guy but if your combat ships cant fight or move then i dont see how that works in any case.

    I'm not particularly good with interior, but one thing i would sugest is less corridoors; they take up over half your ships and just aren't interesting. More open rooms with walkways make for much more fun going through and are much easier to navigate for people not familiar with your ships, although this is maybe just a preference thing. Some people enjoy being lost i'm told.

    But yeah cosmetic feedback is always subject to style, but the ships need to be functional. guns that cant break blocks arent effective in combat and ships that get power outtaged by ai aren't functional as ai ships; those two things need fixing, and more thrust would go a long way.