I really love this ship, but there are some problems with it. First and biggest one is turret glitch. When I load the ship debug console displays an error and ship loads with turrets unattached. Am I doing something wrong or is it not my fault? Also, runway entrance is blocked by water. Not like it's hard to remove, just strange. And last thing: extandable/retractable bridge is really cool, and I thought, it would we better, if there were a way to retract bridge via pullers from control room. Other than that and some extremely minor logic bugs, truly wonderful work! Industrial design, good layout, quality logics and all the interesting concepts! Escape pods, moving bridge, god it's cool! Undoubtebly my favorite work of yours! Just really hope you will revisit it some time and correct these irritating mistakes. Keep up magnificent work and add more new concepts into your ships.