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    The Black Majesty 2015-06-02

    At first I was like "Oh, it's a weird looking ship?" when I spawned it. Once I righted it, then it was obvious that it was pirate ship. Nice touch on the hole in the sails. The interior cabin was nicely done, and the paint capsules for brown-wood is cool!

    I did have issues with installing it. What I had to do was remove the .zip extension so that it was the ship name.sment. Then I was able use the ship importer from the StarMade client.

    Did you use the exporter or just zip up the ship blueprint folder? I think that's what confused people on how to install it, as most of the ships are exported that way from the StarMade client before you press OK to get it started.

    The reason I did it this way with extension renaming is that I read here that the .sment files are basically like .zip files. So they have the same folder structure as a saved blueprint. Hope that helps, and cool ship!
    thanks for the input, re-uploaded it because updating the file wasn't working. if you wouldn't mind, could you repeat your review on the new version? ^_^
    Really nice design, not much of an interior but the ship looks great. (Managed to download and install ok after I changed the name)
    what was the problem with the name? i could fix the problem on my side so no one else will have to deal with it
    can't import
    you didn't have to rate 1 star, i can't help you if you don't say what the problem is >:(