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    TG Rod-Shop Expansion 1.0

    I assembled this "expansion" largely due to a perceived need to have a lot of Display Monitors inside the Standard Spawn Shop.
    (it seemed to be one of the quickest ways to get information across to players new to the server. Stuff like "what factions are what color on the map, where their home-stations are located, which members of a faction actually have power, good sectors for specific resources, etc, etc")

    I went a wee bit overboard. :p
    Still, I had fun doing it, and it was amazingly simple to do.
    (except for the rail-doors, those were a colossal pain)

    On to the Nitty Gritty:
    First, this requires, requires, at least version 19549, as that version introduced Rail-docks on the Trade-Guild Rod-Shops.
    (and if your Universe was made prior to that update, you'll need to delete and re-spawn your shop to be able to use this, as the rail-docks it uses won't magically appear in an older universe.)

    Second, this will ONLY work on the "advanced" shop, which I've never seen naturally outside of sector 2,2,2.

    Third, it will only fit on the "eastern" rail-dock.
    If it won't attach to the rail you're shooting, try a different rail.
    (in testing, it would not dock to any rail other than the intended "eastern" dock, and would dock flawlessly to that rail)

    Fourth, I'm certain I've forgotten a few blocks somewhere, but I just can't seem to find 'em.

    Anyway, this here Imgur gallery contains most of the rest of the important information. Yaaaay pictures!

    Oh, and this is placed in the Stations category due to it's intended purpose being permanently docked to the spawn station, even though it is technically a ship. :)

    It is version 1, as I'm intending to build a few more sections to it before I call it done, but this was quite good enough for an inital offering.

    Have fun!
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