[SG 1] Ori Pack By Brolak

    [SG 1] Ori Pack By Brolak 2016-04-11

    "Glorious are the Ori, who lead us to salvation, who did fight the evil that would doom us all to mortal sin. Did they defeat the old spirits and cast them out? And now, with the strength of our will, they do call upon us to prevail against the corruption of all unbelievers."

    Very nice, i have been waiting for an up to date Ori warship. I hope you plan on making more SG-1 themed builds?
    My local is fully Stargate Build.

    With :
    Ori build theme.

    Actually i build the destiny of SG Universe : https://starmadedock.net/threads/sg-u-destiny-scale-1-1-by-brolak.3761/#post-279980

    Then i will update Goa'uld ship maybe.