SFRU Ixtlilton

    SFRU Ixtlilton 2018-08-29

    Game version
    Compact and agile repair drone that comes with it's dock (a template).

    It has a small access door in the back if it needs to be piloted manually.
    Beside the astrotech module all others systems are fairly basic.

    The dock template has on the back exposed logic that can be linked to a shipyard. It also has a wireless module that can be connected to the module inside the drone, it allows to control the drone's lights from it's home station.

    There is still a bit of free space inside for modifications


    Designed to be operable in any environnement, the Ixtlilton, while originally designed for the SFRU, is actually used on most official Solar Federation's stations and cities.

    It's Anti-gravity tech allows it to work preciselly even on planets, and it's mobility make it possible to intervene fast on any points of a big station.

    It's compact tubular design, along with it's adapted dock makes possible to install a unit on almost any base at low cost.


    Features :
    - Remote controlled lights
    - Bobby AI module

    Specs :
    - mass : 128.8
    - reactor : LV2 , 2600 e/sec
    - shields : 25000 HP
    - thrust : 324.6 (ratio : 2.5)

    Tools :
    - 8 astrotech beams (with 100% canon slave)

    Chambers :
    - Mobility : Anti-gravity LV2, Top speed LV3, Turn rate LV3




    The dock

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